Monthly Archives: April 2011

Italian Professor May Lose Job Because He Said Homosexuality Brought Down Roman Empire

Gay rights groups in Italy are calling for a prestigious history professor to be fired because he believes the spread of homosexuality helped cause the collapse of the Roman empire.


"Equality" Laws Require UK to Lift Ban On Gay Men Giving Blood

Experts calculate that the new rules, which permit gay men who say they have been celibate for at least ten years to donate blood, will only increase the risk that HIV enters the blood supply by 2.5 percent:

The changes were instigated by Sabto, the advisory committee on the safety of blood, tissues and organs, which had concluded that if the ban were replaced by a new rule preventing gay men from giving blood for five years after having sex with another man, the risk of HIV reaching the blood supply would go up by less than 5%.

It is estimated that this figure would halve if the “deferral” period were increased to 10 years, so ministers backed this option. (UK Telegraph)

Cyber-bully Perez Hilton to publish children's book on tolerance

Perez Hilton, who has made a career out of attacking people in childish ways, is about to publish a children's book this fall - "The Boy With Pink Hair":

In a press release for the book, Hilton comments that the "story is about every kid that's ever had a dream, felt excluded, wanted to belong, and hoped that one day they could do what they loved and make a difference." (Time Magazine's Books blog)

NOM NEWS ROUND-UP: April 11, 2011

As is always the case, much has transpired in marriage news over the past week. We've gathered those top stories in one post to make that much easier for your review.

But first, please take a minute to join the tens of thousands of marriage supporters by taking action:

1. Donate to support our ongoing efforts to defend marriage at the Federal level.
2. Sign the petition urging your congressman to stand for marriage as a co-sponsor of House Concurrent Resolution 25.
3. Share this action item with your friends via Facebook or Twitter.



Religious Liberty & Activity:

Culture & Family:

Marriage & Politics:

Marriage Resources & Debate:

International News:

Don't miss Dr. Morse's very first radio show tonight!

From the Ruth Institute:

Sure, she's been a radio guest many times, but tonight...She's running the show!

Tune in to find out: What does the Next Generation really think about marriage?

Tonight on "From the Front Lines of the Culture Wars" on Catholic Radio of San Diego (9-10PM EST - you can listen live at the link) Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse interviews two Catholic students attending non-Catholic universities to find out what the Next Generation really thinks about marriage and life.

Be sure to call in and join the program at 760-931-1604!

Dan Savage, Sex Columnist, Responds to My Critique

A few days ago, I posted a link to an essay on Dan Savage's view of ethics. I was struck by the final comments from the writer (a Lutheran minister) on Dan's advice to a young man who had a girlfriend he loved, with whom he clearly enjoyed an extraordinarily good sexual relationship, but who said he was beginning to crave some sexual variety and wondered what he should do.

Dan told him he should tell his girlfriend and accept that the relationship might end over it but that was better than being a creep and cheating on her, as he undoubtedly would.

Both the Lutheran Minister, and me, were struck by how improbable that advice is, given the supply of women who actually exist in the world: a young man looking for a woman who gives him all this woman gives him--and also won't mind some side sexual relationships--is going to be pretty lonely for a long time.

I suggested that Dan Savage's view of the world is influenced by his personal experience: he's a gay man. Finding another gay man who will accept that kind of deal may be hard, but it's not nearly as hard as finding a woman like that.

Applying gay male sexual ethics to opposite sex relationships is likely to result in some pretty bad advice--because women are different than men.

Dan responded to this mild little blog post pretty strongly. He's not known for restraint of language so don't go read it if you are easily offended.

A high point from his response:

"The possibility of taming one's sexual desire for the sake of another most definitely exists within the Savage moral imagination." [glad to hear it!]

But there's a lot more ... like this:

"Not knowing what women are like [deleted] has never stopped the Pope from offering his unsolicited advice to women—no birth control, no abortions, no oral, no anal, [deleted]—and it's hypocritical of you to suggest that I'm not qualified to advise women, since I won't **** 'em, without first telling that old *** in Rome to [shut up] already.

HRC pressures 200 top law firms to not defend DOMA in court

Apparently, law firms aren't allowed to help some clients without getting on HRC's bad side:

"The Human Rights Campaign, a leading gay-rights group, has written to 200 of the country's top law firms urging them not to take up the case on behalf of the House." (AP)

John Adams, in defending the officers charged in the Boston Massacre, accepted the case at great risk to his family and personal career because he believed "No man in a free country should be denied the right to counsel and a fair trial."

For hundreds of years the legal profession has based itself on the idea that every person is entitled to counsel.

Except those defending marriage apparently.


Please help us defend DOMA by making sure it gets the defense it deserves - the very best defense! Visit right now to find out 3 easy (and very effective) ways you can help.

How much Target cowering is enough?

Target is attempting to make peace with the gay community while also protecting its customers.

Andrea Chang surveys the situation in the Los Angeles Times, and notes the many olive branches Target has extended, including:

  • Meeting with gay activist groups
  • Coming out in public support of ENDA
  • Posting a video to its Facebook and website touting the company's diversity bona fides
  • Pledging to donate $500,000 to gay activist organizations this year

... but even that's not enough. Gay activists are demanding that Target give more of its money to gay organizations and support redefining marriage.

This all started because Target gave $150,000 to MN Forward's pro-business efforts which included supporting Republican Tom Emmer, who the gay activists groups didn't like.

Uruguay moving to legalize same-sex marriage

From the Star Observer in Australia:

Chile’s El Mercurio newspaper has reported that the Uruguayan Parliament is considering legislation legalising same-sex marriage.

The bill is being driven by the country’s ruling coalition, the Frente Amplio which has a majority in both houses – giving it an excellent chance of succeeding.

... The bill, would amend the country’s Civil Code to refer to spouses instead of husband and wife, meaning transgender and intersex people would also be covered, and would allow non-biological parents in a marriage to be given parental rights and obligations to their partners’ biological children.

North Carolina Marriage Amendment Introduced in House!

Last week in the North Carolina House two Democrats and two Republicans introduced a bill defining marriage as "the union of one man and one woman at one time." Similar language was introduced in the Senate in late February. If the Senate and House approve the language the issue will be referred to the voters of North Carolina in the 2012 November ballot.

Recent polling by the Civitas Institute found that a large majority (64 percent) of NC voters want the opportunity to vote on marriage, and that 65% favor a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman (poll conducted in December 2010).

The changes for passage of this amendment look good, as we wrote in back in early March:

In North Carolina, marriage advocates say odds look good for passing a marriage amendment.

North Carolina is the only southern state that has not added a marriage amendment to its constitution. Democratic leaders, with a lot of help from Tim Gill's money, claimed it was "unnecessary."

Santorum Wins South Carolina County Straw Poll

Via Scott Conroy at Real Clear Politics:

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum's underdog presidential run picked up some validation on Saturday as the near-certain candidate won a South Carolina straw poll at the GOP convention in the state's largest county.

Santorum's socially conservative bona fides registered with many of the 431 voters who cast ballots at the Greenville County presidential straw poll, and his frequent South Carolina visits over the past few months appeared to have paid off.

Santorum won 31 percent of the votes cast, while former House Speaker Newt Gingrich finished in second place with 14 percent. Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann and business mogul turned reality TV star Donald Trump tied for third place.

Ontario says Canadian Catholic schools must accept gay clubs where Catholic teaching is banned

From LifeSiteNews (which is based in Canada):

Ontario Catholic schools will not be permitted to use the support groups that are being mandated under the government’s controversial equity and inclusive education strategy to counsel homosexual students to “reform their sexuality.” The government revealed the unprecedented challenge to the province’s publicly-funded Catholic education system in comments to LifeSiteNews.

Some Catholics have suggested that the student-led support groups for homosexuals could be used as a means to provide authentic pastoral support based on Catholic Church teaching. But the Ministry of Education told LifeSiteNews that that won’t fly.

“Groups for LGBT students that counsel the students to reform their sexuality or try to stop them from being gay are not considered consistent with the ministry’s equity policy which is to support students,” said Mike Feenstra, press secretary for Minister of Education Leona Dombrowsky.

NOM Announces New Facebook Page!

NOM has a new Facebook Page!

Tell your friends to go "Like!" it!

As for Louis Marinelli, Brian Brown responded to his announcement he no longer favors protecting marriage this way:

"Louis Marinelli worked in a volunteer capacity as a bus driver during our summer marriage tour. Around this time, NOM began to pay him as a part-time consultant for helping us expand our internet reach. He has since chosen a different focus. We wish him well."

Video: Concerned Parent Doesn't Want Her 2nd-grader Visiting Castro District

In follow-up to our post a couple days ago (Is San Fran's Castro District Appropriate For Young Kids?), here is the local CBS 5 Eyewitness video mentioned in that post:

RI Blogger on "The Way the Marriage Battle Should Be Resolved"

Justin Katz is a local blogger in the Ocean State, and he thinks the right way forward is something along the lines of the reciprocal benefits proposal floated earlier this week:

The relationship formed in homosexual couples is different in substantive ways from the relationship formed between heterosexual couples, most critically in the latter's ability to create children almost casually. It is not bigotry to insist that such an ability is not frivolous, and it is eminently reasonable to suggest that civic policies should maintain room for the encouragement of cultural acknowledgment of that difference. Doing so does not "create two classes," as Marriage Equality Rhode Island spokesman Bill Fischer asserts; it accurately recognizes two categories of behavior.

... intellectually, the same-sex marriage cause is not about equal rights; it's about erasing a real distinction between two different human relationships. And it's about eliminating the right of Americans to recognize that distinction.