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Follow-Up: Top Cisco Employee Reportedly Fired for Defending Marriage, Family

LifeSiteNews picks up the Frank Turek story: The American-based multinational corporation Cisco Systems, a company that touts its “inclusion and diversity” strategies, has come under attack for the recent firing of a top employee, reputedly over his off-the-job work defending true marriage. Earlier this year, the company fired Dr. Frank Turek, Cisco’s leadership and teambuilding […]

Bruce Hausknecht on How SSM Opens the Door to More Redefinitions of Marriage

The movement to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples is not as homogeneous as it would like to appear. Bruce Hausknecht at CitizenLink points out how Stanford University Law Professor Ralph Banks argues in the New York Times for incestuous and polygamous marriages using the same logic now employed to legalize same-sex marriage: The very […]

Gov. Cuomo Affirms: NO Religious Liberty Protections for Marriage Clerks

Via LifeSiteNews: Reacting to the news that the first New York State town clerk has resigned rather than sign her name on a same-sex “marriage” license, Gov. Andrew Cuomo insisted Tuesday that “the law is the law.” “When you enforce the laws of the state, you don’t get to pick and choose which laws,” he […]

Brian Brown in NYTimes: July 24th Rallies Are "Beginning of a New Chapter in a Long Fight" to Protect Marriage

The New York Times on the next chapter in the fight to protect marriage: … on July 24, the first day that gay couples will be permitted to wed, opposition groups are planning rallies in Albany, Buffalo, New York City and Rochester to begin what they say will be a multimillion-dollar campaign to push for […]

NY DA: Refuse a Marriage License to NY Gay Couple? You Risk Jail

In response to Barbara MacEwen (a town clerk in Volney NY) saying she does not want to personally issue same-sex marriage licenses, the Nassau County DA responded as follows (PDF link): “The Marriage Equality Act provides that an application for a marriage license cannot be denied on the grounds that the applicant parties are of […]

Curt Smith to NY GOP: There's No Courage in Changing Gay-Marriage Vote

Curt Smith, author and host of WXXI radio’s “Perspectives” show goes on to list some questions the media failed to ask during the debate over marriage in New York. Here’s a couple: 1) Traditional-only marriage has been accepted by, among others, Jesus, Washington, Lincoln, FDR, Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle, Hubert Humphrey and Martin Luther […]

Video: Prof. Jeff Myers Explains Why Obama Still Pays Marriage Lip Service

This FoxNews Studio B segment is from a few days ago but features some interesting points by Prof. Jeff Myers: Watch the latest video at

Tea Party Radio Gives "Tombstone Award" to 4 GOP Sens. Who Defected on Marriage

In Tea Party Review magazine: This week’s TOMBSTONE AWARD goes to the actions of four Republican state senators in New York. Each week Doc Holliday issues a TOMBSTONE of the Week Award that goes to an action, deed or words that deserve to be placed six-feet under the ground. You can hear the award and […]

Casey Anthony, Marriage, and the Child Abuse Epidemic

The headlines have been full this week with the news of the Casey Anthony verdict. Carolyn Moynihan writes in about the increased risks to children when a marriage culture breaks down: Casey Anthony is a single mother, living with her own parents, the father of her child nowhere to be seen, although there have […]

Minnesota for Marriage Coalition Reacts to NY SSM: "This is Exactly Why We Need the Constitutional Amendment"

Via their press release: The Minnesota for Marriage Coalition, a broad-based group of community and faith leaders and organizations supporting next year’s vote to preserve the definition of marriage as only one man and one woman in Minnesota’s constitution, reacted [June 26] to the narrow vote by the Legislature in the State of New York […]

Post-Marriage Pledge, Bachmann Surges into Iowa Lead

The mainstream media did its best to hurt Bachmann for signing the Iowa Family Leader’s marriage pledge, but it doesn’t look like its working: A new poll of Iowa Republicans released Sunday night suggested that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) enjoys momentum in the race to win the state’s caucuses. Twenty-five percent of likely Republican caucusgoers […]

After SSM, What's Next for Marriage: The NYT Debate

We’ve already mentioned Stanford Law Professor Ralph Richard Banks view that now that New York has legalized same-sex marriage, incestuous and polygamous marriage equality ought to be sought, but here (briefly) are the other views represented in a New York Times panel debate: Mark Regnerus, an associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas […]

After SSM, What Next? Stanford Law Prof. Argues in NYTimes for Incestuous and Polygamous Marriage Equality

Alliance Defense Fund responds: The New York Times last Sunday published an opinion piece [as part of their reaction series] by Stanford Law Professor Ralph Richard Banks that essentially argues that American society has notachieved “marriage equality” by allowing same sex couples to marry. He argues that polygamy and incestuous marriage between adults should be legalized in […]

Michele Bachmann First to Sign Iowa Family Leader Marriage Pledge

Slate makes fun of Michele, naturally, for taking the lead on this (as we reported earlier). But women know a thing or two about how women–and children–are abused by human trafficking and the sex industry generally. Your snark won’t hurt Michele.

Let The People Vote! NOM Marriage News July 8, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, The fight to take back New York begins. Now it gets serious. Now, it’s also a fight to take back the Republican Party from the forces who wish to abandon marriage: the so-called new “pro-equality Republicans.” Four Republican senators in New York voted for gay marriage. But the entire Republican conference, under […]