Monthly Archives: November 2012

Archbishop of Canterbury Admits: Most Anglicans Don’t Support SSM


Despite apparent support for same-sex “marriage” from leadership in the Anglican Church, Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury admitted recently at a youth forum in New Zealand that most of those who fill the pews of Anglican Churches around the world favor a traditional definition of marriage.

According to a Taonga News report, the comment came during a question-and-answer session in which one of the participants asked, “New Zealand is debating a bill to authorize same sex marriage. What do Anglicans have to say about same sex marriage?”

“The Anglican Church has quite a lot to say about this issue – but it’s not always the same thing that people are saying,” Williams responded. “I’d say that for the vast majority of Anglicans in the world, the idea of same-sex marriage is not something they can come to terms with.”

Cardinal Dolan Promises President Obama: Catholic Church Will Continue to Fight For Marriage

The US Bishops:

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, congratulated President Barack Obama, November 7, the day after his re-election as President of the United States.

Cardinal Dolan promised the prayers of the bishops saying that "The Catholic Bishops of the United States offer our prayers that God will give you strength and wisdom to meet the difficult challenges that face America."

He added that "In particular, we pray that you will exercise your office to pursue the common good, especially in care of the most vulnerable among us, including the unborn, the poor, and the immigrant. We will continue to stand in defense of life, marriage, and our first, most cherished liberty, religious freedom. We pray, too, that you will help restore a sense of civility to the public order, so our public conversations may be imbued with respect and charity toward everyone."

Maryland Archbishop: We Must "Redouble Our Efforts to Defend Marriage"

Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, MD:

"The election results on same-sex marriage should serve as a “wake up call” for Catholics, Archbishop Lori said, demonstrating “our need to redouble our efforts to defend marriage, to preach about what marriage is, and to help people understand it as a unique relationship that does not discriminate against anyone, but is for the good of children and for the good of our society.”

Catholics can continue to work to uphold traditional marriage by strengthening their own marriages and family life, he added.

... A strong advocate of traditional marriage, Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori was among the campaign’s most vocal leaders. He was disappointed to see voters approve same-sex marriage, he said.

“I think that vote will prove not to have been for the common good of our state,” Archbishop Lori said.

The Maryland Catholic Conference, which advocates for public policy on behalf of the state’s bishops, joined the Maryland Marriage Alliance in efforts to overturn the law. Archbishop Lori praised the advocates’ work over the past year.

“So much hard work went into this, and I’m very, very grateful to everyone who worked so hard,” he said. “We will continue to witness to the values of marriage as understood as the union of one man and one woman, as the most sound, secure and loving way to bring children into the world.”

Disappointed but not Defeated

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

Obviously last night did not go the way that we had hoped, prayed and worked so hard to accomplish. Our endorsed candidate for president, Mitt Romney, came close but did not cross the finish line. We are very disappointed in losing four tough election battles on marriage by narrow margins. Even though marriage significantly out-performed the GOP ticket in each of these very liberal, very Democratic states, we also came up just short of the finish line.

But make no mistake: we are disappointed, but we are not defeated! We are fighting for a true and just cause—God's institution of marriage. This is a social compact that is not only ordained by the Almighty, it has served society very well. It's a cause worth fighting and with your support we will continue to do just that.

We knew long ago that we faced a difficult political landscape with the four marriage battles occurring in four of the deepest-blue states in America. As our opponents built a huge financial advantage, the odds became even steeper. We ran strong campaigns and nearly prevailed in a very difficult environment, significantly out-performing the GOP ticket in every state.

Despite the fact that NOM was able to contribute a record amount to the campaigns (over $5.5 million), we were still heavily outspent, by a margin of at least four-to-one. We were fighting the entirety of the political establishment in most of the states, including sitting governors in three of the states who campaigned heavily for gay marriage.

Our opponents and some in the media will attempt to portray the election results as a changing point in how Americans view gay marriage, but that is not the case. Americans remain strongly in favor of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The election results reflect the political and funding advantages our opponents enjoyed in these very liberal states. And they don't change the fact that in most states, marriage is protected from being redefined by state judges and politicians because voters have already adopted state
constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Though we are disappointed over these losses, we remain faithful to our mission and committed to the cause of preserving marriage as God designed it. Marriage is a true and just cause, and we will never abandon the field of battle just because we experienced a setback. There is much work to do. With your continued support and with faith in God, we begin that process now.

Maine Bishop Thanks Catholics Who Fought to Defend Marriage

Bishop Richard Malone of Maine:

“I am deeply disappointed that a majority of Maine voters have redefined marriage from what we have understood it to be for millennia by civilizations and religions around the world. I am thankful for those who engaged in sincere and civil discourse on this matter of such serious consequence to our society. I am grateful to those who supported and recognize the value of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. I especially want to thank the Catholic faithful who did not abandon Catholic teachings on the nature of marriage.

These past few months have served as a teaching opportunity to explain to parishioners and the wider community about how and why the Church views and values marriage as the union of one man and one woman open to new life.

It has also been an opportunity for learning. I trust that those who voted for such a radical change did so out of concern for our brothers and sisters who struggle with same-sex attraction. Respect and acceptance of all people regardless of sexual orientation is not a point of controversy. It is a teaching of the Church, but so is the authentic meaning and definition of marriage. That is why the Catholic Church will continue its commitment to work for the basic human rights to which all people are entitled, while remaining devoted to preserving and strengthening the precious gift of marriage.”

National Organization for Marriage: We Are Not Defeated in Our Fight for Traditional Marriage


Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"Americans remain strongly in favor of marriage as the union of one man and one woman." —Brian Brown, NOM president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), released the following statement today:

"Obviously we are very disappointed in losing four tough election battles by narrow margins. We knew long ago that we faced a difficult political landscape with the four marriage battles occurring in four of the deepest-blue states in America. As our opponents built a huge financial advantage, the odds became even steeper. We ran strong campaigns and nearly prevailed in a very difficult environment, significantly out-performing the GOP ticket in every state.

Despite the fact that NOM was able to contribute a record amount to the campaigns (over $5.5 million), we were still heavily outspent, by a margin of at least four-to-one. We were fighting the entirety of the political establishment in most of the states, including sitting governors in three of the states who campaigned heavily for gay marriage. Our opponents and some in the media will attempt to portray the election results as a changing point in how Americans view gay marriage, but that is not the case. Americans remain strongly in favor of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The election results reflect the political and funding advantages our opponents enjoyed in these very liberal states.

Though we are disappointed over these losses, we remain faithful to our mission and committed to the cause of preserving marriage as God designed it. Marriage is a true and just cause, and we will never abandon the field of battle just because we experienced a setback. There is much work to do, and we begin that process now."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected] , or Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected] , at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

GOP Majority in New York in Jeopardy As Pro-SSM Saland Goes Down

More from us soon, friends, about the results of last night's elections.

In the meantime we wanted to point out a silver lining outcome from last night:

"The fight for control of New York's state Senate was too close to call hours after the polls closed.

With most precincts reporting in unofficial results, it appeared two Republican seats would switch to Democrats leaving the chamber tied 31-31. A new seat was too close to call.

It appeared Stephen Saland, a Republican from Poughkeepsie who voted to support gay marriage, would lose. And in Rochester, Democrat Ted O'Brien appeared to have defeated Sean Hanna. That seat had been held by another Republican who had voted for same-sex marriage..." -- AP

Reuters: "French Conservatives Gear Up Against Gay Marriage"


Roman Catholic bishops and conservative politicians are stepping their campaign against French President Francois Hollande's plan to legalize gay marriage days before his government presents its draft law in cabinet.

Paris Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois is expected to call for a broad mobilization against the law when Catholic bishops meet in the southwestern pilgrimage town of Lourdes for their annual plenary on Saturday.

Far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen and Jean-Francois Cope, who is campaigning to lead the main opposition UMP party, both backed proposals this week for a large national protest march in defense of traditional marriage.

Protesters took to the streets of 75 cities and towns across France last week and lay Catholic leaders have called for another round of demonstrations in mid-November. Sample letters against the law have been posted on websites sent to elected officials.

"In a rare turn for France, the Catholic Church finds itself setting the tone for the political opposition," wrote the Catholic newspaper La Croix. "The bishops have been raising their voices in a crescendo."

SHOCKING: Church Vandalized for Support of Traditional Marriage

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

Take a deep breath and then take a look at these pictures. Overnight, vandals attacked a small, 150-year old church with graffiti, leaving spray-painted swastikas to greet Pastor Steve DeGroft as he arrived this morning.

Why? Because this church in Maine took a stand for marriage.

Now ask yourself this question: Have you voted today? Have you done everything in your power to make sure that in Maine, Minnesota, Maryland, Washington, and Iowa that you or your friends and family have voted to protect marriage.

Some states require a yes vote to protect marriage; some a vote no, against, or to reject same-sex marriage.

To protect marriage:

  • In Maine Vote NO on Question 1

  • In Maryland Vote AGAINST Question 6

  • In Washington vote to REJECT Referendum-74

  • In Minnesota vote YES on Question 1 (the Marriage Protection Amendment)

  • In Iowa, vote NO on retaining pro-gay marriage Judge David Wiggins

Each of these races—in Maine, Washington, Maryland, Minnesota, and Iowa—is extremely close. And our opponents know it.

Take another look at that vandalized church. If you have not done everything in your power to get out the vote in these key states—or if you have not voted yourself—you are allowing this to occur, not just in Maine, but throughout the country.

Same-sex marriage undermines religious liberty. Many of those who wish to redefine marriage believe that churches and individuals who stand up for traditional marriage deserve to be intimidated and punished.

Will we let them?

We can't let hostility and intimidation carry the day. If you live in one of these four states, please call your friends and family right now to make sure they join you at the polls today. Perhaps you know someone in your church who might need a ride.

Whatever you can do, do it now. Stand up for marriage, religious liberty, and common decency with your vote today!

Iowans for Freedom: 4 Reasons to Fire Wiggins

Iowans For Freedom:

1) Wiggins made and executed law from the bench. Judges can’t do that. Article 12.Section 1 of the Iowa Constitutions says, “The general assembly shall pass ALL laws…”

2) Wiggins is the worst rated Supreme Court Judge in 50-year retention history. He received only a 63% retention recommendation from his own peers.

3) Wiggins broke the Iowa Judicial Code of Conduct. He violated Iowa Code when he did his own research. Iowa Code Chapter 51:2.9 says “A judge shall not investigate facts in a matter independently” but on pg. 54 of the Varnum opinion, they noted the evidence was “confirmed by our own independent research.”

4) It’s “We the People”, not we the courts.

A Libertarian Vote Against Gay Marriage

Popular conservative blogger Ed Morrissey of HotAir explains his vote:

"...Before I left Minnesota to spend the election in California, I cast my ballot in support of both measures, and I’ll explain why — and urge my fellow Minnesotans to join me.

First, contrary to what the measure’s opponents have written, it doesn’t change the definition of marriage in the state.  Marriage in Minnesota is restricted by statute to one man and one woman.  The measure would amend the state constitution to define it more foundationally.  That puts the issue outside the reach of the judiciary, which in other states changed the definition of marriage without voters having any say in this government policy.  If at some point in the future Minnesota voters want to change the definition of marriage to something else, they can amend the state constitution to do so — and only need a simple majority of all ballots cast, as is the case today.  Citizens who believe that representative government and direct democracy are better forms of self-government than judicial fiat should support this process."

A Maine Surprise: Could Marriage Supporters Score an Electoral College Vote for Romney?

A statewide poll of Maine by critical insights shows Obama under 50% support, leading Romney by only 7 points.

Maine apportions its electoral votes by congressional district, and in Maine's 2nd district dem-leaning PPP has Romney only down by 5 points.

Republicans have sent a mailer into this area informing voters that "only one candidate supports traditional marriage: Mitt Romney."

Pundits are already pointing out the advantage Romney is gaining from pro-Amendment 1 supporters in Minnesota.

Could the wave of voters showing up to vote no on Question 1 (gay marriage) tomorrow also carry Romney to a win in Maine's 2nd district?

We don't know but it will be fascinating to find out tomorrow.

Time to Vote YES on Marriage in Minnesota!

Minnesota for Marriage reminds us:

"VOTE YES NOVEMBER 6TH! Leaving the ballot blank counts as a "no" vote!"

Make it Happen! Cast Your Vote Today!

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

You've heard it from many places. As often as it is repeated, it is nevertheless true: today's election is critical to the future of our nation.

Marriage...Family...Religious liberty...All hang in the balance.

Go vote for Mitt Romney. Don't be deterred by long lines or bad weather. Marriage may not survive another four years of President Obama's continual attacks on DOMA and his efforts to stack the Supreme Court with anti-marriage radicals. But with Mitt Romney, we are on the verge of electing a NOM Marriage Pledge signer to the nation's highest office, putting a marriage champion in the White House.

If you live in one of the four states voting on marriage today, vote for marriage—and take a couple of friends with you. We need every vote.

And if you don't, contact anyone you know who does with this urgent request. This election is too important for any marriage supporters to stay home.

  • In Minnesota, vote YES on the Marriage Protection Amendment.

  • In Washington, vote to REJECT same-sex marriage.

  • In Maine and Maryland, vote NO on same-sex marriage.

These are all critical and close, close races. In many cases, a few votes here or there could make the difference between victory and defeat.

Today represents an incredible opportunity to win a tremendous victory for marriage and religious liberty in this great nation. But we need you to play your part in it.

Victory is at hand—Be a part of it right now. Go vote...and help us save marriage!

NOM's Peters: "Turnout" Key to Defending Marriage

Charlie Butts at OneNewsNow:

Maryland, Maine, Minnesota and Washington state are voting to protect marriage or to redefine it to be a genderless institution. As Thomas Peters of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) notes, the campaign is in the final hours.

"This is all about getting out the vote and turning out people," he contends. "There's been a lot of focus on polling in all these four states, but the line I keep using -- and it's the truth -- is that the polls don't matter. Hard work and who votes matter. Those are who win elections."

... Peters submits there are three keys to gaining success in all four states Tuesday: "turnout, turnout, turnout."