Video: Isn't Marriage Just About Loving and Committed Relationships?

Kalley Yanta for Minnesota Marriage Minute explains why marriage is about more than just encouraging adult love:

New Hampshire Journal Poll: 72% Support Effort to Restore Marriage

The New Hampshire Journal has released the results of its online survey and found overwhelming support for the legislature's efforts to restore marriage.

1. Do you support or oppose the efforts to define marriage as the union between one man and one woman?
Yes: 72% (771 votes)
No: 28% (293 votes)

Full results PDF here (the results are suggestive, not scientific).

CNA: Effort to Reverse Washington State "Gay Marriage" Law Begins


The Washington state governor has signed into law a bill that recognizes same-sex “marriage,” prompting those who support the traditional definition to file a referendum to challenge the law.

“Preserving marriage as the union of one man and one woman is worth fighting for,” Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, said Feb. 13.

“Marriage is a cornerstone of society that not only unites a couple to each other, but ensures that any children born of their union will have the best opportunity to be raised by their own mother and father. We're committed to giving Washington voters the right to decide the definition of marriage in their state, just as voters in 31 other states have been able to do,” Brown said.

In response to “gay marriage” being legalized, the group Preserve Marriage Washington filed Referendum 73 on Feb. 13. It must collect 120,577 valid voter signatures by June 6 to put the new law on hold until the referendum faces a vote in November.

"I think in the end, people are going to preserve marriage,” Joe Fulten, senior pastor at Cedar Park Church in Bothell, Wash., told the Associated Press.

The National Organization for Marriage has pledged to work with the state organization.

Civitas Poll: 62%-30% North Carolina Supports Marriage Amendment

The latest January poll commissioned by the Civitas Institute shows overwhelming support for the constitutional marriage amendment in North Carolina:

Swing GOP Vote in Maryland Says He'll Vote NO on Same-Sex Marriage

In a sign that gay marriage activists do not have the votes in the Maryland House of Delegates to redefine marriage, a "swing" GOP vote has said he will vote NO on gay marriage and debate in the Assembly has been postponed until today, as the Associated Press reports:

A Maryland Republican lawmaker considered to be a swing vote in the House of Delegates gay marriage debate will not support the legislation.

Delegate Patrick Hogan, R-Frederick, said Wednesday that he will not support the marriage bill.

“While I do believe that the law should afford the same protections to all couples in Maryland, I do not believe we need to use the word marriage to do that,” Hogan said in a statement.

Earlier Wednesday, supporters decided to layover the bill in the House, delaying floor debate until Thursday. -- Associated Press

New York Hero Sen. Ruben Diaz to Join Trenton, New Jersey Marriage Rally!

From Sen. Ruben Diaz's office:

New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) and fellow Ministers from the New York Hispanic Clergy Organization have accepted an invitation to travel to the New Jersey State Legislature in Trenton to join New Jersey ministers in support of Traditional Marriage. The Pentecostal ministers will depart from the Bronx on Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 9AM from the Christian Community Neighborhood Church located at 1437 Longfellow Avenue (between Jennings and Freeman Avenues).

Senator Rev. Diaz stated: “I am honored that Rev. Jose C. Lopez, the President of the Evangelical Pastors Association of Hudson County, has invited me and my ministers to join him along with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, to once again unite in prayer for the protection of the traditional family.”

The Press is welcome to attend both the bus departure from the Bronx at 9:00 AM and the Trenton Rally at 12:00 noon.

Is Nancy Pelosi Signalling A Messy, Major Platform Fight for Democrats Over SSM?

Alexander Burns Of Politico reports on news first published in the gay press:

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi supports a pro-gay marriage plank in the 2012 Democratic platform, her spokesman Drew Hammill confirms to POLITICO.

... The proposed plank states: "We support the full inclusion of all families in the life of our nation, with equal respect, responsibilities, and protections under the law, including the freedom to marry. Government has no business putting barriers in the path of people seeking to care for their family members, particularly in challenging economic times. We support the Respect for Marriage Act and the overturning of the federal so-called Defense of Marriage Act, and oppose discriminatory constitutional amendments and other attempts to deny the freedom to marry to loving and committed same-sex couples."

Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill tells Metro Weekly, "Leader Pelosi supports this language."

Obama currently supports much of the Freedom to Marry plank language -- outside of the marriage equality language itself. He has endorsed the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal DOMA, and opposes "divisive and discriminatory efforts to deny rights and benefits to same-sex couples." After several requests by Metro Weekly, however, the Obama campaign is yet to provide specific comment on the proposed platform language.

Burns continues:

Platform fights often fall into the sideshow category, but this one has the potential to be different; same-sex marriage is perhaps the most prominent issue on which the president's stated views and the official views of the Democratic Party are out of alignment with the party base and many of its prominent liberal officeholders.

The Democrat base supports redefining marriage? Does that include the majority of African Americans who have voted in favor of marriage in numerous states?

Video: Gov. Christie Promises to Veto NJ SSM Bill "Swiftly"; Calls it "Political Theater"

Gov. Chris Christie was asked about efforts by New Jersey democrats to redefine marriage by saying "they won't get enough votes to override my veto".

He continues: "They know it and I know it. Yesterday was a good bunch of theater. That's all it was... We'll see what happens in the Assembly on Thursday. I would assume since they made this S1 and A1 that they're going to pass it. It would be an awful embarrassment if they didn't have the votes in the Assembly after they made this A1 ... but they'll be nowhere near the votes to override in either chamber. And so hopefully we can then move on from this issue. If they pass it on Thursday and send it to my desk, believe me I will take very swift action on the bill and then we can move on to the things New Jerseyeans say are most important to them, which is creating jobs, lowering taxes, and continuing the New Jersey comeback. And that's what we should be focused on and not the past month which really is an act of theater on their part because they know it's not going to happen."

To a follow-up question he responds: "Democrats assume that the Republicans who voted no [on same-sex marriage] didn't vote their conscience. I assume the Democrats who voted no last time [same-sex marriage was up for a vote] ... and voted yes this time I guess had a change of conscience or maybe their arms got twisted a little bit harder..."

New American: Pro-Family Groups Begin Effort to Overturn “Gay Marriage” in Washington State

The New American:

On February 13 Washington Governor Chris Gregoire (left) affixed her signature to a law making her state the seventh to legalize homosexual marriage, even as pro-family forces were preparing a referendum that will challenge the measure and give voters the final say on how marriage is defined in the state.

As Gregoire signed the law, which is scheduled to take effect June 7, she declared it “a day historians will mark as a milestone for equal rights, a day when we did what was right, we did what was just, and we did what was fair.”

But on the same day, reported the Associated Press, leaders of the pro-family coalition Preserve Marriage Washington were busy filing Referendum 73 to put the law before the voters for what they hope will be a repeal. According to the Seattle Post Intelligencer, they have until June 6 to gather 120,577 signatures to put the referendum on the ballot in November, effectively blocking homosexual couples from getting married until the outcome of the state-wide vote.

Among the leaders in the fight to preserve marriage in Washington is Joseph Backholm, head of the state’s Family Policy Institute, who said his group is working to give voters the final say on the issue. “Marriage is the union of one man and one woman for good reason,” Backholm said following passage of the homosexual marriage bill. “Marriage is society’s way of bringing men and women together so that children can be raised by, and cared for by, their mother and father — the people responsible for bringing them into the world. It is the most-important, child-focused institution of society and we will fight to preserve it. Voters will have the opportunity to define marriage in our state.”

Among the state and national groups that are combining forces to get the referendum on the ballot are the Family Policy Institute, Stand for Marriage Washington, Concerned Women for America, and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). In addition, organizers said they expect hundreds of churches and individuals to pitch in to gather the needed signatures.

Santorum Stands Up for Marriage and to Occupy Protestors in Tacoma, WA

Local KIRO-7 and National MSNBC report on how Rick Santorum handled a few occupy protestors at his rally in Tacoma, Washington.

He says over the shouts of the protestors: "What these [occupiers] represent is true intolerance." Speaking about the 9th Circuit Decision on Prop 8, Santorum said: "What [the 9th Circuit] said was that anybody who disagreed with them were irrational and the only reason they could possibly disagree with them was if they were a hater or a bigot."

NPR: "New Hampshire Lawmakers Consider Rolling Back Gay Marriage"

National Public Radio:

As several states debate measures to legalize gay marriage, New Hampshire is considering a repeal of its same-sex marriage law. The repeal has the backing of some top leaders in the GOP-controlled Legislature...

Republican state Rep. David Bates, the author of the repeal bill, led a recent rally on the Statehouse steps.

"I think it's time to move back, back to the true meaning of marriage," Bates said.

Moving back will take some doing. Gov. John Lynch, a Democrat, has promised to veto the repeal. But with New Hampshire Republicans — whose party platform defines marriage as between one man and one woman — enjoying veto-proof majorities in Concord, activists on both sides of the issue are taking little for granted.

Video: Maggie Gallagher Debates Entire MSNBC Panel!

NOM co-founder Maggie Gallagher takes on all comers in this early-morning segment where she responds to everyone (and everything, including made-up facts about NOM) ... and emerges victorious!

A great reminder that if we marriage supporters stick to our arguments and the truth about marriage, and refuse to become phased when our opponents try to change the topic, we can win the day!

Only 5 out of 6,000 Minnesota GOP Precincts Give in to Log Cabin Effort to Abandon Marriage, Family on a failed effort by the "Log Cabin Republicans" to get the GOP to abandon their grassroots support for marriage and family :

Out of more than 6,000 precincts, only five passed on caucus night last week a resolution promoted by the Minnesota Log Cabin Republicans to change the definition of family in the party platform.

... The resolution asks the Minnesota Republican Party to delete the word "traditional" from its plank on "Strengthening Families and Communities." Log Cabin Republicans also want to delete the section titled "Defend the Definition of Marriage," which calls for the state and U.S. constitutions to define marriage as between one man and one woman and rejects civil unions.

The Next 6 Hours Are CRITICAL!

Email Header Image

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The deadline for our week-long Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund campaign is just six hours away. The outpouring of support has been truly amazing—since I emailed you yesterday, we have raised over $20,000 more!

But we can't stop now!

In these last few hours, we still have a ways to go to reach out goal of raising $100,000 to fund the Prop 8 appeal to the Supreme Court.

Please, Marriage Supporter, don't let the nation's most liberal court have the final say.

Donate Now

This case must be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. We simply cannot afford to let Judge Reinhardt—one of the most overturned judges in the country—have the final say on marriage and Prop 8.

Marriage Supporter, we need your help. This case will be a landmark ruling on marriage, one way or the other—either we will preserve marriage and the rights of 7 million California voters, or every marriage law in the nation will be jeopardized by an out-of-control judiciary.

We can win this case. We can win at the Supreme Court. But we have to provide the resources to mount the best legal defense possible.

If you have already given, I would ask you to consider making one more gift to the NOM Legal Defense Fund.

If you haven't given yet, please consider making a gift of any amount to stand with us in defense of marriage.

Please do what you can in these final hours. Almost all of us can give something. Maybe it's $10, or maybe it's $100. Someone reading this email may be in a position to give $10,000 to help send Prop 8 to the Supreme Court. If each of us were to step up and give just $10, we would surpass our goal many times over.

Your contributions are confidential and tax-deductible—and every penny will go directly to the legal defense of Proposition 8.

I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done to help us stand up in defense of marriage.

Damian Goddard To Defend Right to Speak for Marriage at Canadian Human Rights Commission

Patrick Craine of LifeSiteNews interviews Damian Goddard, our Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance spokesman:

Should Canada’s Christians have the right to defend their beliefs without losing their job?

Damian Goddard plans to put this question front-and-centre in May as he heads to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Goddard was fired as the host of Connected on Rogers Sportsnet in May 2011 after he defended the long-standing definition of marriage through his Twitter account.

He told LifeSiteNews on Monday that while he misses the job, he stands by the tweet now as much as ever. “I tremendously miss being a broadcaster. But I will never regret tweeting the words ‘I completely and wholeheartedly support the traditional and TRUE meaning of marriage.’ Never,” he said.

... In the fall, Goddard became a spokesman for the U.S.-based Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, a project by the National Organization for Marriage that was founded by Maggie Gallagher to support pro-family citizens who face threats for expressing their views.

Goddard said Gallagher has been a “God-send.” “We are doing amazing things in changing the culture. There are so many stories like mine. Worse stories. But we must continue the fight,” he urged.