NOM Calls on Maryland Senate to Reject Legislation Redefining Marriage; Vows To Join With Allies To Refer Redefinition of Marriage to Maryland Voters If Necessary

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 17, 2012
Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

“The people of Maryland will decide this issue if they have to, just as voters
in 31 other states have done.”—Brian Brown, NOM President

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, DC—The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today called on the Maryland Senate to reject legislation passed by the Assembly to redefine marriage and pledged to work with allies in Maryland to qualify a referendum to the ballot giving voters the right to overturn redefining marriage if necessary.

“The people of Maryland do not support same-sex marriage,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president. “We call on the Maryland Senate to reject this legislation. Failing that, we are committed to work with allies to ensure that the people of Maryland will decide this issue just as voters in 31 other states have done, which is to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”

Voters in 31 states have already voted on the definition of marriage, and in every state they have decided to preserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman. This includes deep blue states like California, Wisconsin and Maine.

“Legislators who vote to redefine marriage will be held accountable to their constituents,” Brown pledged. “Those Republicans in the Assembly who abandoned principle and traded their votes will be held to account. Upwards of 80% of Republican voters oppose same-sex marriage. Democrats, too, will have to answer to their constituents, including the upwards of 70% of African Americans who oppose redefining marriage.”

NOM and allies will continue to oppose the legislation as it heads to the Senate. Should legislation redefining marriage be signed, supporters of traditional marriage would need to collect approximately 56,000 signatures of registered voters to prevent it from taking effect until voters decide the issue at the November 2012 statewide election.


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann,[email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, President. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Victory! Gov. Christie Vetoes Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Gov. Christie fulfills his promise to the people of New Jersey:

Gov. Chris Christie has backed up his promise to reject a bill allowing same-sex marriages in New Jersey.

His veto came Friday, a day after the state Assembly passed the bill. The Senate approved it Monday.

... Lawmakers have until the end of the January 2014 legislative session to override the veto.

They would need to get two-thirds of the lawmakers in the Assembly and Senate to agree. Both votes to pass it fell short of that mark.

The Democratic-controlled Legislature has been unsuccessful in every previous attempt to override Christie. -- The Associated Press

Brian Brown says if Democratic Party Endorses SSM "Democrats Will Lose Seats"

The Hill interviewed our President Brian Brown on the proposal recently endorsed by Nancy Pelosi to include same-sex marriage in the Democratic Party platform:

...“It’s an unmitigated disaster for the Democratic Party,” said Brian Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes gay marriage. “This may play well in San Francisco, but folks across the country oppose same-sex marriage, including in key swing states.”

Brown said if the Democrats do put gay marriage into the platform, his group would be involved in races across the country pointing out what direction Democrats have chosen to pursue.

“You’ll see Democrats lose seats over it,” he said.

As we've seen in blue state after blue state, many Democrats oppose redefining marriage.

URGENT ALERT! Call your Delegate—SSM Vote Could Come Today

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Dear Maryland Marriage Supporter,

Time is of the essence, so I will be brief.

We need you to stop what you are doing, take 5 minutes, call your State Delegate in Annapolis now, and urge them to vote NO on the legislation to redefine marriage and legalize homosexual marriage in Maryland.

As I write, Delegates are debating Governor O'Malley's proposal to radically redefine marriage in the state. The vote is expected to happen later today, so we need you to call right now. Our team working the halls of the Capitol is telling us that the vote is neck-and-neck, and could go either way.

Bottom line, your call will very likely make the difference in whether the Divinely-inspired, time-honored definition of marriage stands or falls in Maryland.

It's that simple.

Go to the website of our local partner, the Maryland Marriage Alliance, and click on the take action button. Input your address and it will supply you with the contact info for your delegates.

Please make those calls and send those emails!

Take Action Now

It is crucial that we win over some swing delegates, because if the vote is close, we know our opponents will stop at nothing to steal victory. In their zeal to win at all costs, they will let nothing stand in their way. Not common sense, not millennia of human history, and certainly not their own legislative rules.

Earlier this week, they threw aside tradition that legislation related to marriage be heard only in the Judiciary Committee, and had the bill heard jointly in the Health and Government Operations Committee instead. You'll probably not be surprised to know that the HGO committee is stacked with gay marriage supporters.

With them stretching the rules and stopping at nothing, don't be surprised for more shenanigans tonight and tomorrow.

Finally, before I let you go to make those calls, I have to thank the leadership of the Maryland Marriage Alliance, the Maryland Catholic Conference, and dozens of African-American and Hispanic Pastors who have led this fight on behalf of marriage. Defying all pressure from the so-called leaders in Annapolis, these men of faith have stood up for conviction and defended Biblical truths about the nature of marriage.

Don't let these leaders and allies fight alone. Please provide them support by praying for them and providing them with backing by dialing your delegates tonight. Rise up with one powerful voice to make sure they hear in the halls in the Capitol that Maryland supports Marriage!

Is Dick Cheney Lobbying for SSM in Maryland?

Buried in a Baltimore Sun report on efforts to flip Republican Assembly members in Maryland:

...[Rep. Kach] also became the target of a last-minute lobby effort, and said his voice mail was full of messages from important people, including Mehlman, Bloomberg and an offer to talk with former Vice President Dick Cheney, whom Kach regards as a "great man." All three are recognized for their support of gay rights issues.

Hat/tip: Gay Americablog

Monmouth Pollster on NJ Result: "Social Conservatives Will Tout This as a Victory"

It's never a victory when a legislature votes to redefine marriage but it is a victory for marriage when their efforts ultimately fail:

With the state Legislature pushing through same-sex marriage legislation here, gay-rights advocates will now have a long and difficult road to override Gov. Chris Christie's promised veto.

Mr. Christie, a Republican who wields enormous sway over legislators from his party, has said he will swiftly veto the legislation once it is delivered to his desk by the end of the day Friday. And the Assembly barely got the bill through Thursday, passing it 42-33 in the 80-member body without any Republican support and four Democrats voting against it.

... Gay-marriage opponent Len Deo, president of the New Jersey Family Policy Council, said Democrats "couldn't get their whole delegation. From our perspective, that was good sign."

Mr. Deo and other opponents said they would pressure lawmakers to not change their vote.

If the veto stands, it would be the second time in New Jersey that gay marriage failed, marring a string of victories for same-sex nuptials across the country in the past year.

"My sense right now is that there will not be an override vote," said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute. "New Jersey is viewed as one of the more progressive states, and social conservatives will tout this as a victory." -- Wall Street Journal

Report: Prediction of New York Same-Sex Numbers Was Exaggerated By Over 1000%!

We've seen this before -- gay marriage activists vastly overselling the need and desire for same-sex ceremonies:

About 2,400 same-sex couples were married outside New York City since the state's same-sex marriage law took effect in July, about 7 percent of the total number of weddings, the state Health Department said Wednesday.

... There were nearly 1,400 lesbian couples and 1,000 male gay couples who were wed. Ross Levi, executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda, said allowing same-sex couples to wed isn't about numbers.

... Jason McGuire, executive director of the conservative New Yorkers For Constitutional Freedoms, said the numbers showed a lack of enthusiasm for same-sex marriage.

"About the only area that gay nuptials has benefited is campaign accounts," he said in a statement, referring to the contributions received by lawmakers who supported the legislation.

A report last May from the Senate Independent Democratic Conference estimated that the legalization of same-sex marriage in New York would generate $391 million in increased economic activity over three years.

The conference estimated that 21,309 gay and lesbian couples from New York would marry and 3,308 couples from nearby states. It also estimated that 41,907 non-New York gay and lesbian couples who would have "destination weddings" in New York. -- Press Connects

THANK YOU!!! Prop 8 Drive a Huge Success!

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

Looking back at the past week, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of Americans like you who are willing to stand up in defense of marriage. I can't thank you enough for your generous support. We successfully raised over $100,000 in just 7 days to help fund the appeal of last week's ruling striking down California's Proposition 8.

As of Monday morning, we had raised just over $40,000. But I was confident that we would hit our $100,000 goal because every time we have needed the means to defend marriage, God has provided and our supporters have stepped up.

Your response in the final 48 hours of our Prop 8 drive was simply overwhelming—almost 1,000 of you responded, donating over $60,000 in just 2 days, including someone who generously made a major gift to put us well past our goal!

Thank you.

Your support has helped to ensure that arch-liberal Judge Stephen Reinhardt—one of the nation's most overturned judges—does not have the final word on marriage. His ruling will be appealed to the United States Supreme Court and I'm convinced the Supreme Court will right this wrong and affirm the good judgment of the people of California.

There is a long road yet ahead of us in this litigation—but today we are celebrating!

We are moving forward together, toward an ultimate game-changing victory for marriage and Prop 8.

Thank you again, and God Bless you!

PoltickerNY: The Brooklyn GOP’s Strategy For a Storobin Victory

A glimpse inside the campaign:

With the Democratic dominance politics in the five boroughs, a decade in the City Council, the support of Brooklyn’s powerful Thomas Jefferson Democratic Club and ahuge fundraising advantage, conventional wisdom is that Lew Fidler is the “overwhelming favorite” against David Storobin in the special election to fill convicted former State Senator Carl Kruger’s seat in Brooklyn’s 27th District, but members of the Brooklyn GOP, who describe themselves as the “boots on the ground” in Mr. Storobin’s campaign think their man has a chance to win.

... “The dynamics of the community that the 27th District includes, you have the Orthodox Jews, a large Russian community. You have to think about these things,” Brooklyn Young Republicans Vice President Eugene Pevzner said. “You can’t just write that off.”

... [The Kings County Republicans] also expect [Storobin's] conservative positions on issues like gay marriage, business regulation and taxes to connect with Russian and orthodox Jewish voters.

“His values are the values of that community,” Mr. Gallo said. “That community is very conservative. Lew Fidler, on the other hand, he has some very liberal positions and, as that area gets to know Lew Fidler, they will be going to David Storobin in droves.” -- PolitickerNY

MARRI Releases "162 Reasons to Marry"

The Marriage and Religion Research Institute has published a list of 162 Reasons to Marry. The reasons, obviously, are too many to list, but here are a few:

The findings herein demonstrate that in marriage are contained all the five basic institutions, all the basic tasks, of society: family, church, school, marketplace and government. These fundamental tasks, well done, in unity between father and mother, make for a very good marriage. Within a family built on such a marriage, the child gradually learns to value and perform these five fundamental tasks of every competent adult and of every functional society. Gradually he is mentored in them, often unconsciously. Gradually she learns that she is expected to act similarly. Eventually, he and she become more and more expert in performing all five tasks. In other words, they gradually grow in competence and are ready to strike out into society and, eventually, to build their own family. How they do that will depend much on what they experienced in growing up in their families of origin.

Spousal Relationships
1. Married couples enjoy more relationship quality and happiness than cohabiters.[10]
2. Those who marry experience increased commitment and stability.[11]
3. Men raised in married families have more open, affectionate, and cooperative relationships with the women to whom they are attracted than do those from divorced families.[12]
4. Married mothers report more love and intimacy in their romantic/spousal relationships than cohabiting or single mothers.[13]

1. The married family is less likely to be poor than any other family structure.[71]
2. Marriage between the biological single parents of impoverished children would move 70 percent of them immediately above the poverty line.[72]
3. Marriage decreases a child's chances of living in a low-income condition.[73]
4. Marriage among the poor nearly doubles their probability of moving from a poor neighborhood to a non-poor neighborhood.[74]
5. Children from married families are less likely to experience poverty than children from any other family structure.[75]
6. The children of married mothers experience more upward economic mobility than children of divorced mothers.[76]
7. Married couples are less likely to receive welfare.[77]
8. Five percent of children from married families receive public assistance, compared to 25 percent of children from cohabiting families.[78]
9. Intact married families are less likely to have participated in the Food Stamp Program (now SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).[79]

Taranto in WSJ: Breakdown of Marriage Has Increased Inequality of the Sexes

Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto responds to Paul Krugman's claim that "the sharp decline in marriage rates among less-affluent white Americans, documented by Charles Murray in his new book, Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 is 'mainly about money' as opposed to 'morals.'"

Taranto responds:

Krugman concludes by complaining that conservatives are engaged in an "attempt to divert the national conversation away from soaring inequality." But the decline in low-skilled men's wages and marital prospects isn't the result of big Wall Street bonuses or lavish pay for Ivy League professors. It is a problem not of inequality but of equality--equality between the sexes.

... In 1960, according to the Pew Research Center, 72% of adults without a college education were married. In 2010, that proportion had declined to 47%. Many things changed over that half-century, but one of them is that marriage became a very different economic proposition for women.

Fifty years ago, a two-income household was unusual. In most cases when a woman married, she could expect to be supported financially by her husband. The 21st-century wife is expected to pull her own weight financially even if her husband's earning power hasn't diminished. This is called liberation.

... it is a fiction of economics to suggest that increased female labor-force participation was a new source of production. It was, instead, a reallocation of productive resources from homes to offices. No doubt on balance that has been a tonic for the commercial economy. But it has imposed significant social costs.

National Organization for Marriage Condemns Legislative Passage of Same-Sex Marriage In New Jersey

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 16, 2012

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

"We are grateful to have a principled Governor in Chris Christie who has pledged to veto this legislation."—Brian Brown, President—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C.—The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today condemned the New Jersey Assembly for narrowly passing legislation to redefine marriage and praised Governor Chris Christie for his commitment to veto the legislation.

"Democrats in the New Jersey Assembly today walked off a cliff when they decided to redefine marriage to accommodate the political demands of same-sex couples," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "They have ensured themselves of the united opposition of people of faith when they next face voters. We are grateful to have a principled Governor in Chris Christie who has pledged to veto this legislation."

The New Jersey state Assembly passed legislation to redefine marriage by the narrowest of margins, 41-33. It would take 54 votes to override Governor Christie's promised veto.

NOM has spent significant funds on New Jersey elections in prior years and pledged to oppose legislators who supported redefining marriage.

"Redefining marriage is not going to happen in New Jersey," Brown said. "NOM will join with the community of faith and all conservatives to ensure that every legislator who voted to kick God's definition of marriage to the curb pays the ultimate political price when they face voters. We will not forget this betrayal of marriage."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann,[email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Behold the Marriage Victories the Media is Trying to Hide!, NOM Marriage News, February 16, 2012

NOM National Newsletter

My Dear Friends,

I smell victory in the air, and I am pretty sure you haven't heard the good news. (Thanks, mainstream media!)

February, the month of love, will be the month we score some major, unexpected victories for marriage.

Victory number one: taking marriage to the people of Washington. After the out-of-touch state legislature rammed through a gay marriage bill in Washington state, a citizen's coalition (with NOM's help!) called Preserve Marriage Washington immediately filed the paperwork to take marriage to the people!

Joseph Backholm is leading the effort at Preserve Marriage Washington (with your help!), as this New American piece makes clear:

Among the leaders in the fight to preserve marriage in Washington is Joseph Backholm, head of the state's Family Policy Institute, who said his group is working to give voters the final say on the issue. "Marriage is the union of one man and one woman for good reason," Backholm said following passage of the homosexual marriage bill. "Marriage is society's way of bringing men and women together so that children can be raised by, and cared for by, their mother and father--the people responsible for bringing them into the world. It is the most-important, child-focused institution of society and we will fight to preserve it. Voters will have the opportunity to define marriage in our state."

Among the state and national groups that are combining forces to get the referendum on the ballot are the Family Policy Institute, Stand for Marriage Washington, Concerned Women for America, and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). In addition, organizers said they expect hundreds of churches and individuals to pitch in to gather the needed signatures.

Here's our own Chris Plante predicting success:


Starbucks and other humongous Seattle corporations may now believe that gay marriage is the future, but their customers in the state of Washington will get the chance to fight back!

Victory number two: Gay marriage loses again! In New Jersey?!

In New Jersey, after losing massively in 2009, the wealthy base of gay-marriage donors decided once again this year to take up the time and energy of legislatures in pushing through a gay marriage bill. But in the vote this week in NJ, they failed to get enough votes to override Gov. Christie's announced plans to veto, leading Christie to call the effort political "theater."


The Governor also added: "Democrats assume that the Republicans who voted no [on same-sex marriage] didn't vote their conscience. I assume the Democrats who voted no last time [same-sex marriage was up for a vote] ... and voted yes this time I guess had a change of conscience
or maybe their arms got twisted a little bit harder...."

Today, I'll be linking arms again with my personal hero, Sen. Rev. Rubén Díaz, who was invited by fellow Pentecostal ministers to join the fight in New Jersey to protect God's truth about marriage.

Senator Rev. Díaz stated: "I am honored that Rev. Jose C. Lopez, the President of the Evangelical Pastors Association of Hudson County, has invited me and my ministers to join him along with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, to once again unite in prayer for the protection of the traditional family." For a guy from suburban Orange County, California, let me tell you, this is a real honor--and a real trip!

Victory number three: The black church in Maryland stands up for marriage!

African-American Democrats were the key to the legislature's decision to reject gay marriage in Maryland last year. The Governor's wife called them and others "cowards" for refusing to accept gay marriage's inevitability.

But marriage is a cause which brings together people of every race, creed and color, as my friend and hero Sen. Díaz can tell you. And in Maryland, a key delegate in the Maryland House just announced he's still a "no" vote on gay marriage:

"While I do believe that the law should afford the same protections to all couples in Maryland, I do not believe we need to use the word marriage to do that," Delegate Patrick Hogan said in a statement.

Meanwhile, a really notable thing happened at the hearings on the Senate side. You didn't hear about it in the mainstream media, but one brave gay man actually showed up to testify against same-sex marriage:

The Maryland Gazette reports:

...[A] gay man from Potomac asked the committee to defeat the bill, saying the proposal by Gov. Martin O'Malley would undermine one of society's most basic principles, that marriage is between a man and a woman.

"I'm gay and I'm opposed to this legislation," said Doug Mainwaring, a divorced father of two who works for the National Capital Tea Party Patriots.

"I totally believe in civil unions, but I would like to see marriage preserved for one man and one woman. Marriage is the building block of our civilization," he said.

Will the Democrats continue this rash effort to divert time and attention to a low-priority item in the middle of a huge economic crisis?

Stay tuned, but we're fighting hard for your values in Maryland and I smell victory!

Victory number four: Will the New Hampshire legislature repeal gay marriage?

In New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Journal's online survey may be a harbinger of yet another unsung, hard-fought victory. It's not a scientific poll, but it's a measure of intensity that over 1100 New Hampshireans recorded their vote and more than 70 percent said they applauded the legislators' efforts to repeal gay marriage.

We expect a vote to repeal gay marriage in New Hampshire could happen soon. Don't miss another chance for celebrating unexpected victory!

Meanwhile Republican state Rep. David Bates, the author of the repeal bill, led a recent rally on the Statehouse steps.

"I think it's time to move back, back to the true meaning of marriage," Bates said.


Victory number five: A new marriage amendment in May for North Carolina?

Meanwhile the next state to vote for a marriage amendment will be North Carolina in May. A new Civitas poll (yes, this is a scientifically-valid one!) released this week shows massive support for protecting marriage as one man and one woman: 62 percent yes to 30 percent no. When you look at the "strongly support" it's even more encouraging (if possible), as 57 percent say they "strongly support" the measure. That's going to be hard for even Tim Gill or Paul Singer's money to overcome!

These victories are possible, under the grace of God, only because you and others like you chose to put your faith in hope, not in the argument for despair, and stand up for what's right instead of supinely accepting the Left's view of history.

It was your prayers, your encouragement, your work, your votes, and your financial sacrifices which made this possible. Thank you in advance for all that you have done, against all odds, to protect God's
truth about marriage.

Meanwhile in national politics, a couple of interesting developments.

Nancy Pelosi, who is, after all, the congresswoman who represents San Francisco, just endorsed plans for a messy platform fight to put the Democratic Party on record supporting gay marriage, according to Politico.

"...The proposed plank states: 'We support the full inclusion of all families in the life of our nation, with equal respect, responsibilities, and protections under the law, including the freedom to marry.'"

Gee, will Pres. Obama have to come out of his closet and admit he's in favor of gay marriage?

We hope so, since he's done more than any voter could have imagined to undermine our right to vote for marriage in federal courts.

Meanwhile all the major Republican presidential candidates (Gingrich, Romney and Santorum) have signed NOM's Marriage Pledge, which includes a promise to fight for the Defense of Marriage Act in court and for a federal marriage amendment in Congress.

The same day that Gov. Gregoire signed a same-sex marriage bill in Washington state, Rick Santorum was in Tacoma, meeting with pro-marriage leaders and taking the fight to the people! Occupy Tacoma tried to silence him, but he stood tall. Watch:


Meanwhile, Gov. Mitt Romney is also standing up for marriage, as this press report makes clear:

Romney ran through a laundry list of accomplishments from his tenure as Massachusetts governor, including everything from balancing budgets and improving the school system--to more controversial battles like those over illegal immigration and same-sex marriage, which Massachusetts' Supreme Court legalized during Romney's term.

"I led the fight to get an amendment to our constitution to reverse that ruling," Romney said of the court's decision to allow same sex marriage, echoing his CPAC speech. "We missed by one vote. Even in a legislature that's 85 percent Democrat. But we went to make sure that we didn't have our same sex marriage go throughout the country and we were able to enforce--I think it was a 1913 law--that kept Massachusetts from becoming the Las Vegas of same sex marriage."

Both Romney and Santorum understand that marriage is an important issue--and that it is a winning issue!

Thank you for all the "impossible" victories we've already won together, by standing up for first principles and for common sense. Thank you as well for the victories we are about to win! Now is the time to stay engaged!

God bless you and your family. Please pray for all those on the front lines of this epic fight for marriage!

Audio: Christopher Plante on the Fight to Protect Marriage in Washington

Christopher Plante, Regional Director for NOM, speaks to Ross Reynolds on KUOW radio in Washington State about the fight to protect marriage.

He says: "We're confident that we will be able to get far more than enough signatures" because "we're talking about the most fundamental institution our society has. People in Washington like people across the country ... really do understand that the definition of marriage is one man and one woman."

Prof. Holloway: The Way to Judge Justice Kennedy's Vote on Prop 8

Today in Public Discourse, Carson Holloway sorts through Justice Kennedy's arguments relating to same-sex marriage:

...Kennedy's past opinions on related questions seem to indicate his openness to the constitutionalization of same-sex marriage, but the evidence is nevertheless equivocal. Kennedy authored Lawrence v. Texas, in which the Court struck down Texas's law against homosexual sodomy, and in that opinion Kennedy permitted himself to wax somewhat indignant about the supposed irrationality of moral disapproval of such conduct.

On the other hand, he also used that opinion to assure the nation, in the Court's name, that the issues in that case had nothing to do with the question of same-sex marriage. As a result, Kennedy might not be so favorably disposed to a constitutional claim for same-sex marriage, since the advance of that cause has been for the last decade linked to the work of state courts that turned Lawrence's reasoning precisely to the end that Kennedy and the Court disclaimed.