Two MN News Outlets Confuse Amendment Supporters with Opponents

Media bias ...or incompetence?

Tom Hauser published this article a couple weeks ago with the headline:

"Gay Marriage Supporters Influence Fairgoers Outside State Fairgrounds".

Problem is, the story is actually about the "Minnesota for Marriage" group, which supports one-man, one-woman marriage!

Then today, Tim Nelson published this article on Minnesota Public Radio with the headline:

"Same-sex marriage supporters find exhibit space on fairgrounds."

But once again, the story is actually about the "Minnesota for Marriage" coalition, which supports the Minnesota amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman.

Maybe Minnesota is suffering from a crisis of copy editors?

Democrat Dov Hikind Endorses Bob Turner in NY-9

The earth moves in NY 9. Wow:

Running in a Brooklyn/Queens district that is heavily Democratic and heavily Jewish, Republican congressional candidate Bob Turner got a two-for on Wednesday — the cross-party lines endorsement of Democratic Assemblyman Dov Hikind.

“Bob Turner, getting to know him over the months, is just what we call a real ‘mensch,’” Hikind said, referring to a Yiddish term that loosely translated means “a person of integrity and honor.” -- CBS New York

California Professor Files Suit to Correct His Record

From the Pacific Justice Institute:

Professor Brad Lopez filed suit in federal court in Fresno seeking to correct his employment record at Fresno City College. The College took action against the college instructor after a student and her friends made complaints about his class. The ACLU spearheaded a campaign so the College would censure Dr. Lopez for comments they characterized as anti-homosexual and promoting a Christian belief system.

After a one-sided investigation by the College, not considering either Professor Lopez’s right to academic freedom as well as his own First Amendment privileges, the College decided to place a negative recommendation in Dr. Lopez’s work history file. Pacific Justice Institute’s Associate Attorney Charles Magill, of Magill & Guzman Magill Attorneys, will represent Professor Lopez in the civil rights action aimed at clearing his unblemished work history.

Australia Op-Ed: Polls No Indicator for SSM Attitudes

Jim Wallace is the managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby:

Despite the grandstanding, the Greens' attempt to demonstrate that there is majority support for gay marriage in the suburbs and regional Australia has failed, in fact backfired.

... Firstly in 18 of the 30 electorates on which MPs reported back as required by Adam Bandt, the feeling in the electorate was reported as overwhelmingly for retaining the definition of marriage; well over 90 per cent in a good number of them, with figures like 595 to 14 (Hinkler) and 1,015 to 65 (Deakin). Only six of the 30 reported their electorates in favour of gay marriage, and only three of those produced statistical proof from their consultation and not surprisingly they were from the inner-city seats of Wentworth, Moreton and Melbourne.

Secondly, the great majority of those who support marriage are not going to bother publicly proclaiming it when they are continually subjected to vicious language and abuse whenever they raise their heads. The charges of homophobe and bigot may have neutralised public debate until now, but they will not affect people in the privacy of the polling booth.

... 15 per cent of [Australians] hold marriage so deeply for cultural or faith reasons that it is for them a vote-changer. They simply will not support a party which fails to protect the definition of marriage. They also don't want to see it weakly make marriage a conscience issue, as Labor is now considering, but to show that it stands for this foundational relationship as a matter of principle.

Jim Garlow Honors Sen. Diaz for Standing "Like a Rock" for Marriage

Jim Garlow, pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego writes:

Who is the most courageous pastor in America? There are likely many candidates for this title, but I would nominate Pastor Ruben Diaz of New York City. After you hear what he stands for and what he has endured, you might want to nominate him, too.

... Pastor Diaz has fought hard for traditional, natural marriage, the only Democrat to stand for one man-one woman marriage in bitterly fought legislative battles year after year.

But Pastor Diaz stood – like a rock. And he has paid dearly.

Bottom line: he may well be the most courageous pastor in America.

"Outraged Parents Oust Gay Sex books from New Jersey Grade School Reading List"

An update from a story we covered earlier:

Two books, one containing an explicit depiction of statutory lesbian rape, and the other a homosexual orgy, have been ousted from a local high school by outraged New Jersey parents.

... The books, school officials say, were included on the list by a group of teachers, librarians, and administrators, and approved by the board of education. Chuck Earling, superintendent of Monroe Township Schools in Williamstown, N.J., told Fox News that the committee “didn’t feel it was inappropriate based on the language that’s used, common language used on the street.”

However, after outrage from local parents, the district yanked the books, and Earling apologized. “We were not trying to create controversy. We were just trying to get students to read,” he said. --LifeNews

The New Jersey Family Policy Council added this warning to parents:

The tragedy of this story is not just that the books were assigned, but that they were pulled from the list so late. We have only a few more days before the start of school. Parents, pay attention to your children’s curricula, and do so early. It is you who knows best for your child, not the district, and it is you who must watch your child grow. Your children will come on their own to a point where they can deal with postmodern literature. Its pro-homosexual message does not need to be shoveled down their throats before they can understand its assumptions and its meaning. Be their advocate until then.

Puerto Ricans Honor Sen. Diaz for Defending Marriage

From the official press release:

Senator Reverend Diaz stated: “I am deeply humbled to be recognized at the 2011 Clamor a Dios for my efforts to defend marriage. This recognition will invigorate my efforts to keep the marriage issue alive and ultimately let it be decided by New York’s voters.”

Clamor a Dios is an annual event that has been held for decades by Reverend Jorge Raschke, one of Puerto Rico’s most ardent supporters of traditional marriage.

This event draws VIP’s and dignitaries from Puerto Rico’s government along with thousands of Christians from all over the island.

Australian Op-Ed: "Marriage is About Rights of the Children"

Nicholas Tonti-Filippini writes in the Sydney Morning Herald:

In an extraordinary show of unity, more than 50 national leaders of Christian churches have endorsed a document on marriage as a legal institution that promotes and protects the identity of children and their internationally recognised right to know, to have access to and to be nurtured by both their mother and father.

... A child's relationship to both mother and father is inherent to marriage. Children conceived by other means may find themselves with people in parental roles who are in a same-sex relationship, but such relationships are not the origin of the child. It is likely for children to be loved and nurtured in such a household, but however good that nurturing, it will not provide the biological link and security of identity and relationship that marriage naturally demands and confirms.

If marriage were redefined, the law would teach that marriage is fundamentally about adults' emotional unions, about romance only, not complementary bodily union or generating and nurturing children.

What is at stake is an ideal that seeks to ensure that a child has both a mother and a father. That the ideal sometimes breaks down or that there are exceptions to it does not make marriage any less ideal. The bodily union of mutual love that is integral to marriage helps to create stable and harmonious conditions suitable for children, and the children can look back to an origin in the love of their parents.

Freedom to Speak the Truth or The 'Gospel' of Tolerance?

Jennifer Hartline writes in Catholic Online:

Stacy Trasancos is one gutsy Catholic. Last week she wrote a little blog post about how she's getting tired of wondering "what in tarnation we're going to encounter" every time she and her kids leave the house. Two men ogling each other at the pool? Two women engaged in public displays of affection in the park? These are scenes she'd rather her young children not be exposed to every time they go out in public, but it's become impossible to avoid in her community.

For having the nerve to express her objection to immorality, she's become the object of wrath and nasty threats from homosexual activists. Those who understand how Stacy feels (count me in) also know that her real crime is that she has rejected the Gospel of Tolerance.

The Gospel of Tolerance really only has one rule: thou shalt tolerate any action, belief, lifestyle, agenda, and person except the person who believes a certain lifestyle, action or agenda is wrong and has the gall to say so out loud. The Gospel of Tolerance requires that you have no objection to that which it says must be tolerated. In fact, it requires that you not even question that which it says must be tolerated.

... The Gospel of Tolerance is a ruse; it's just a marketing ploy. The real goal here is submission. It's not enough to "get along" or tolerate quietly. You must approve. You don't dare disapprove publicly. Those who don't tow the line will be punished.

Thank You for Supporting Prop 8!

Thank You for Supporting Prop 8!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

WOW, what a great day! That's the best way to summarize my reaction to yesterday's California Supreme Court hearing on Prop 8. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, president of the Ruth Institute—a project of the NOM Education Fund, was on site for the hearing and gave us this report:

Roback Morse

I don't think the hearing could have gone better for supporters of Prop 8. None of the justices appeared to buy into Ted Olsen's argument that an initiative's proponents cannot intervene to defend said initiative, effectively arguing that it must go undefended if the governor or state's attorney general refuses to do so. If they did accept Olsen's thesis then the law would confer on the governor and attorney general a right to nullify an initiative, a right never contemplated by the California Constitution.

As Andy Pugno, General Counsel of the Proposition 8 Legal Defense Fund, said, the hearing "was nothing less than fantastic!"

The justices are expected to give their final decision within 90 days, and while no one can predict for certain what they will decide, we are very optimistic. Even the mainstream news is reporting that the Supreme Court "appeared ready to give sponsors of Proposition 8 the legal right to defend the state's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage."

Video Placeholder

If you missed the hearing, you can watch it here.

Kudos to the Prop 8 legal team for all their great work! And thanks to each of you who have already given to support this effort. Truly, this victory could not have happened without you. With your support, NOM has made major financial contributions to the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund - but there is a long way yet to go before this case reaches the U.S. Supreme Court.

Help us continue protecting marriage and the rights of California voters as this litigation is now poised to head back to the Ninth Circuit federal appeals court. Please continue to support this all important effort by sharing this email with your friends, and please consider making a donation today of $10, $50 or $500 to ensure that NOM can continue to defend marriage as one man and one woman.

Thank you.

Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage


Video: Top GOP Candidates On Marriage & Religious Liberty at Palmetto Freedom Forum

Here are some highlights from top GOP presidential candidates' responses at the Palmetto Freedom Forum which took place in South Carolina this Monday, co-moderated by NOM Founding Chairman Dr. Robert George.

Michele Bachmann:

Mitt Romney:

Newt Gingrich:

Hermain Cain:

We'll have more video highlights soon -- so stay tuned!

Maggie Gallagher on A New Kind of Presidential Debate

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher writes in the Public Discourse that Monday's Presidential Forum broke new ground:

The goal of the American Principles Project Palmetto Freedom Forum on Monday in Columbia, S.C., was a different kind of debate that would break new ground.

Boy, did it succeed.

Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, Congressman Steve King of Iowa, and the founder of the American Principles Project, Princeton Professor Robert George, asked the questions. (Full disclosure: Professor George is also the founding chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, which I co-founded).

Five major GOP candidates stood nakedly on the stage, taking deep questions about constitutional principles—without a podium or a reporter in sight—for 20 minutes. [Continue reading]

NC Black Ministers to Dems: "You are Disrespecting the Foot Soldiers of the Civil Rights Movement."

The minority leader of the North Carolina House called the marriage amendment "hate speech."  The Democrat caucus also announced that somehow codifying current law into the constitution would be bad for business (we're hoping the Democrats in NC have a better business plan than gay marriage!).

Meanwhile a group of black ministers called out those who equate support for gay marriage with the civil rights movement:

Supporters of the amendment counter that states that already have prohibitions of same-sex marriage in their constitutions aren't seeing businesses leave for other states because of that issue.

Several black ministers who spoke at a later news conference said it's contrary to the Christian faith and the Bible for same-sex couples to marry. They called on the Legislature to let the public vote on adding the prohibition to the constitution to protect the institution of marriage. The Rev .Johnny Hunter of Cliffdale Community Church in Fayetteville said gay rights activists have offended black people by equating the efforts to support gay marriage with civil rights activities in the 1960s to remove racism from the law books.

"Blacks know what real discrimination is all about," said Hunter, referring to slavery and Jim Crow-era laws that preventing blacks from voting. "They're disrespecting ... the foot soldiers of the civil rights movement." --Associated Press

NC Minority Leader Hackney: "Marriage Amendment a Form of Hate Speech"

In an official statement by North Carolina Democrat Minority Leader Joe Hackney:

"This proposed constitutional amendment runs against the tide of history, and has become a form of hate speech."

New Poll Shows Turner UP by 4 Points in NY-9 Special Election!

Polls vary because predicting turnout in special elections is tough -- but Turner is close and Weprin is in trouble!

The survey finds Republican Bob Turner leading Democrat David Weprin by 4 points (Turner 44.6%/Weprin 40.4%/Hoeppner 3.2%/undecided 11.8%). Ballot intensity benefits Turner with 35.8% of the respondents definitely voting for Turner while only 28.3% of respondents definitely voting for Weprin.

Both candidates have comparable name recognition (Turner 89% name recognition/Weprin 88% name recognition).   However, Turner’s image is 37% favorable to 23.8% unfavorable, while Weprin’s image is 29.8% favorable to 34.5% unfavorable.-- Magellan