Flatbush Rabbis: Don't Vote for Weprin

Matzav reports:

A group of Flatbush rabbonim have signed a letter stating that it is forbidden to vote or campaign for Democrat David Weprin in the race to replace Queens Rep. Anthony Weiner. Weprin is a New York State assemblyman and formerly a member of the New York City Council where he served as chairman of its finance committee.

Weprin, an Orthodox Jew, has sparked the ire of much of the frum community because of his vote in favor of same-gender marriage. He has defended the vote publicly.

Many are upset about Mr. Weprin’s vote earlier this year in Albany to legalize same gender marriage in New York state, and particularly that Mr. Weprin cited his Orthodox Jewish faith as a reason to vote for the bill.

Click here to view the letter on the Matzav website.


NY Daily News on NOM's $75K to Defeat Pro-SSM Weprin

Alison Gendar and Celeste Katz for the Daily Politics blog at the New York Daily News:

The National Organization for Marriage is targeting Jewish and Latino voters for their message, hitting mailboxes today, organizers said.

"This race is critical for the future of marriage," said Brian Brown, president of NOM

... One of the mailers features state Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr., one of the Senate's most outspoken foes of same-sex marriage. Another features Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who crossed party lines to endorse Turner.

... In yet another stunt in what many of the chattering class are already calling one of the silliest campaigns in recent memory, Team Weprin is sending a guy dressed up as a tea pot -- get it? -- to the debate and also to another forum in Queens tonight.

See our press release announcing our efforts to defeat Weprin here.

NYTimes on More Groups that Oppose SSM in Queens: Koreans, Turks, Greeks...

It's good to see the Times finally giving a voice to the good people of diverse backgrounds who believe in marriage as the union of husband and wife:

Larry Yang, the Korean-American owner of a hardware store next door, said he resented such a public promotion of same-sex marriage. He said many among the large number of Korean-American Christians in Queens felt similarly but feared that if they spoke out they would be demonized by a liberal majority.

... As in some other parts of the city, same-sex marriage has laid bare the clash between the social conservatism of many immigrants and the values of the often wealthier and more liberal newcomers to the neighborhood.

... In a National Herald poll late last month, about 1,000 Greek-Americans were asked, “Do you approve of gay marriage?” Eighty-six percent of the respondents said no.

“Many in the Greek community are conservative and traditional, and marriage is viewed as a sacrament of the church, not as a civil right,” Mr. Sirigos said.

In Flushing, Queens, one of New York’s most polyglot neighborhoods, with one of the largest Asian communities in the country, opponents of same-sex marriage said they had felt sidelined during the debate over it.

... “It’s a business thing, because a lot of gay people live here,” he said. “I have no problem with my gay customers. But we are Korean. We are conservative. No one says, ‘This gay marriage is a good thing.’ What is this world coming to?”

Effort to Introduce SSM Voter Initiative in CO Abandoned

Momentum continues to be on our side at the state level:

An effort to repeal Colorado's gay-marriage ban has been abandoned by college students who won state approval to petition the idea onto ballots next year.

Gay marriage proponent Mark Olmstead of Aurora confirmed reports Thursday that he will give up an attempt to get some 86,000 signatures needed to get the question on 2012 ballots. --Denver Post

Democrats to Drop Half a Million Dollars to Try to Save Weprin in NY-9

Big money coming in:

Democrats are showing the clearest sign yet of concern ahead of next Tuesday's special election in New York's 9th District - the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is going up on air with an expensive television buy in the campaign's closing days.According to buy information obtained by Hotline On Call, the DCCC has made a $483,500 TV ad buy in the district, starting tomorrow through Monday. --National Journal's Hotline On Call blog

More from The Hill's Ballot Box blog:

The buy is a bad sign for Democrats: Just weeks ago party insiders said they had no concerns about Republican candidate Bob Turner winning the race.

NY-9 Ad: NYTimes Endorses the Democrat

David Weprin is betting heavily on this TV-ad, whose theme is: the New York Times endorses Weprin.

Does the newspaper still carry that much weight in Queens or Brooklyn?

Maggie Foe, Co-Author, to Speak on "Definition of Marriage" in Oklahoma

John Frank Corvino is a philosophy professor, openly gay, who seeks to confront the definitional arguments opposing SSM.

He's worth hearing, even though we (and Maggie!) deeply disagree. If you live near Oklahoma, take note.

Weekly Standard Video: "Weprin Shakes What His Mama Gave Him"

Friday off-beat ... we'll have more serious updates on the NY-9 special election soon:

National Organization for Marriage Launches $75,000 Independent Expenditure Campaign in Race to Replace Anthony Weiner

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 8, 2011
Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray at 703-683-5004

NOM Launches Indpendent Expenditure Campaign

Weprin Vote for Same-Sex Marriage Could Cost Him Election to Safe Democratic US House Seat

NEW YORK – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has launched a $75,000 independent expenditure campaign—the largest independent expenditure to-date—in the race to replace Anthony Weiner in New York's Congressional District 9. NOM aims to defeat Democrat David Weprin because Weprin voted to impose same-sex marriage in New York. NOM paid for separate mailers to Jewish voters, Latino voters and other likely voters. The mailers began hitting mailboxes today.

“This race is critical for the future of marriage,” said Brian Brown, president of NOM. “Why? Because not only did David Weprin, the Democrat running to replace Weiner, vote for same-sex marriage, he tried to use his Jewish faith as a justification for voting to redefine marriage. This has many in this strongly Democratic, but socially conservative district, up in arms and we intend to make sure people know about Weprin’s betrayal. In fact, we have more activities up our sleeves.”

Bob Turner, the Republican in the race has made it clear that he supports marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

Proponents of same-sex marriage continue to tell legislators that no one has lost their seat over support for same-sex marriage.

“We know that it is a lie,” Brown said, “because we've defeated hundreds of candidates in states across America over their support for same sex marriage.” Brown said NOM was a leading player in the defeat of Republican Dede Scozzafava in the 2009 special election in New York’s 23rd Congressional district. Scozzafava was forced to withdraw from the race. NOM also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to defeat US Senate candidates Bill Binnie (New Hampshire) and Tom Campbell (California), as well as unseat over 100 pro-same-sex marriage legislators in New Hampshire, Iowa, Maine, and Minnesota.

“We don’t care whether a Republican or a Democrat is elected to office,” Brown said. “We only care that a person who is committed to preserving marriage is elected. And make no mistake about it - there's only one reason David Weprin is in trouble in this race for a very safe Democratic seat: his support for same-sex marriage. We are committed to making sure that he never reaches the halls of Congress to do even more damage than he did in Albany.”

Brown said that NOM has been working hand-in-hand with the Orthodox Jewish and Latino communities to hold Weprin accountable for this his vote to redefine marriage. The group’s mailers will reach nearly 100,000 homes, and will be followed up by tens of thousands of phone calls.

“Our independent effort could make all the difference in this race,” Brown said. “But win or lose, there is no question that we are serving notice on every politician in New York who voted to redefine marriage: We’re going to hold you accountable. No amount of money from Wall Street billionaires and no amount of political cover from Michael Bloomberg and Andrew Cuomo will spare you the price of answering for voting to redefine the fundamental institution of society. We’re coming for you.”

The special election in the 9th congressional district is expected to have low voter turnout. The last poll by Magellan Strategies showed Bob Turner leading Weprin by four points.

“Here’s a question for the Human Rights Campaign and their allies in the mainstream media: if same-sex marriage is as ‘popular’ as is claimed, why isn’t David Weprin proudly touting his vote for this legislation?” Brown asked. “The reason is because when it gets down to it – when media bias and political spin no longer matter and it comes down to actually winning elections -- David Weprin knows darn well that supporting same-sex marriage is a terribly unpopular position for any politician to take. It may very well spell the end of Weprin’s career, and NOM is doing what we can to make sure that is the case.”

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of NOM, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins, [email protected], x.105 or Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], at 703-683-5004 ext. 130.


Urgent Action Needed: Vote on NC Marriage Amendment Expected Next Week!


Dear Marriage Supporter,

After years of tireless work by marriage advocates across the state, the North Carolina General Assembly is poised to vote next week on a constitutional amendment protecting marriage as the union of a husband and wife.

Already, the rhetoric is heating up in advance of the vote. Just yesterday, Democrat House Minority Leader Joe Hackney denounced the amendment, calling it "a form of hate speech." If approved, the measure would go to voters in November 2012.

Thirty states, including neighboring Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia and South Carolina, have already adopted similar measures.

Help make the North Carolina Marriage Amendment a reality by taking action today! The phone calls and emails legislators receive over the next 7 days may well determine the outcome of next week's vote.

FRC Action has just launched a statewide radio ad campaign to help spread the word in key districts, urging voters to contact their elected officials. You can make sure your own friends and family are active in this important moment. Together, we will make sure North Carolina legislators get the message: it's time to let the people vote to protect marriage.

  1. Click here to send an email to your state senator and state representative today! In 5 minutes or less, you can customize a letter and let your elected officials you expect them to support marriage.

    Take Action Now

  2. Tell your friends and family! With your help, we can flood the State Capitol with hundreds, or even thousands of phone calls and emails in support of the marriage amendment. Use the buttons below to share this message with friends and family by email, Facebook, or Twitter!
    Facebook ThisTweet ThisEmail This

We have just a few days to protect marriage in North Carolina. Please take a few moments to let your legislators hear from you today!


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage


NYTimes: NOM Invests $75K to Defeat Pro-SSM Weprin

UPDATE - read our official press release here.

Thomas Kaplan at the New York Times City Room blog got the scoop:

After the New York State Legislature voted in June to allow gay couples to wed, opposition groups vowed that they would make trouble for lawmakers who supported the marriage bill the next time they had to face the voters.

On Wednesday, the National Organization for Marriage said it would spend $75,000 to help defeat Assemblyman David I. Weprin, the Democratic candidate in the special election to replace former Representative Anthony D. Weiner.

... Brian S. Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, said in a telephone interview that the group planned to spend more money, about $30,000, on automated phone calls, additional mailings and get-out-the-vote efforts before the election, scheduled for Tuesday.

“David Weprin made a terrible mistake when he voted for same-sex marriage,” Mr. Brown said, “and I think his community is going to hold him accountable.”

... according to campaign finance filings, and the group’s [NOM's] $45,000 outlay is the largest so-called independent expenditure in the race to date.

In recent weeks, Mr. Weprin has faced unease among some Orthodox Jews in the district who are uncomfortable with his vote on same-sex marriage. On Wednesday, Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a leader in the Orthodox community and a Democrat, endorsed Mr. Turner; last month, Mr. Hikind cited Mr. Weprin’s support of same-sex marriage when he ruled out supporting him in the special election.

NC Debate: Should the People Be Allowed to Vote?

An ABC news video on the North Carolina debate. The black church is taking a leading role, to Democrats dismay:

Weprin Struggling in NY-9 a "Humiliation for the Democrat Party"

That's what happens when you cross the people who you need to vote for you:

Democratic congressional candidate David Weprin is ploughing at least $260,000 into TV ads during the final stretch of the campaign to fight off a strong challenge from GOP rival Bob Turner in Tuesday’s special election for disgraced ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner seat, sources said.

“The idea that this race is so close is a humiliation for the Democratic Party,’’ a New York Democratic official griped. --NY Post

FRC Radio Ad Campaign Urges North Carolina Legislature to Support Marriage

FRC's Cloakroom blog:

Family Research Council Action (FRCAction), the legislative advocacy arm of the Family Research Council, launched a radio ad campaign today that will run on 20 stations across North Carolina.

The ads, which will run from today through Monday, ask voters to call their state legislators and urge them to vote for adding a marriage amendment to the ballot next year. The ad also encourages listeners to attend a rally at 11 a.m. Eastern on Monday, September 12 outside of the statehouse.

Of the ad campaign, FRC Action President Tony Perkins said:

“Marriage is the fundamental building block of our society. Children grow up with the greatest emotional stability in households with a loving and committed mother and father. Married couples rely less on government programs, and contribute to society rather than depending on the welfare state.

“North Carolina invests in itself when it allows its citizens to vote on protecting and defending marriage. We urge the legislature to take this important step for their state, and join the majority of states nationwide in approving a ballot vote on marriage.”

Democrat Del. Burns Rallies Black Churches Against SSM in Maryland

The Carroll County Times:

To a crowd of about 50 church and community supporters, Del. Emmett C. Burns (D-10th) announced last week his formal opposition to Gov. Martin O’Malley’s decision to sponsor same-sex marriage legislation in 2012.

... Burns wanted to make it clear that “Maryland is not New York,” adding that O’Malley has been “gullible.”

In order to ensure that same-sex marriage does not regain its initial steam and become legal in Maryland, Burns advised his supporters and other community members to contact their local senators and delegates as well as to get minority churches involved.

“Ask members of churches to support their pastors in this opposition,” he said.