Brian Brown: Delaware Gay Marriage Vote Will Be Campaign Issue Next Election

Brian Brown spoke with the Associated Press about the fact that gay marriage will be a political issue in the next elections in states where legislators -- especially Republican legislators -- voted to redefine marriage:

Delaware State Capitol"...opponents of gay marriage say Delaware lawmakers will face consequences for supporting the measure, which cleared the Senate on a 12-9 vote and was signed into law by Democratic Gov. Jack Markell barely half an hour later.

“I think there will be some people that will be replaced,” said Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, a conservative group opposed to same-sex marriage.

Brown said he thinks both Cloutier and Rep. Michael Ramone of Newark, the only other Republican lawmaker to vote for gay marriage, will be defeated if they seek re-election.

“Either in a primary or in a general election, we don’t really care,” Brown said, adding that plenty of Democrats oppose gay marriage.

“The reality is that these were very close votes, even with a supermajority of Democrats in Delaware,” he noted. “They needed 11, they got 12.”

While gay marriage is now the law of Delaware, Brown said his group would work to overturn it.

“It may take a long time ... but we’ll continue to fight and continue to support candidates who support traditional marriage,” he said."

Roll Call's Hawkings: Gay Marriage is a Tough Sell Politically

86804435Roll Call's David Hawkings pours cold water on the notion that gay marriage is a political no-brainer -- the reality is gay marriage is very politically risky (because the American people support marriage) and smart politicians sense that:

"...[Sen.] Portman’s open wavering [on ENDA] suggests that, one year after President Barack Obama announced his own election-year conversion to supporting gay marriage, the political momentum is neither as intense nor as one-directional as it might appear. Of the 166 sponsors of ENDA in the House, for example, only three are Republicans: Florida’s Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Pennsylvania’s Charlie Dent and New York’s Richard Hanna."

A Truth That Will Not Change, NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

This has been another big week in the fight to defend marriage, so I'll get right to it!

Movement For, and Against, Marriage

In France, young people are gathering regularly to sing and pray for marriage. In Nantes, they gather at the foot of the Cross of Charette, where a famous French hero was executed in 1796.

In Great Britain, David Cameron's push for gay marriage has left his Conservative party in electoral tatters, as local elections this week proved. (From the Iron Lady to the Rubber Man in just two decades!)

Here in the United States, Delaware and Minnesota both redefined marriage, making a mockery in the latter state of the voters who were told there was no need to pass a marriage amendment because there was no threat to marriage.

Hard losses, yes, but the fight goes on—and not just in Illinois and the vast majority of other states that still protect marriage.

Bishop Thomas Tobin of Rhode Island has just published a letter to faithful Rhode Island Catholics, inviting them (and I think all of us) "to a moment of prayer and reflection as we respond to this new challenge of the post-Christian era into which, clearly, we have now entered":

"First, like many others, I am profoundly disappointed that Rhode Island has approved legislation that seeks to legitimize "same-sex marriage." The Catholic Church has fought very hard to oppose this immoral and unnecessary proposition, and we are most grateful to all those who have courageously joined us in this effort. When all is said and done, however, we know that God will be the final judge of our actions."

He asks God's blessing on our brothers and sisters who have same-sex attraction, "that they will enjoy much health, happiness and peace."

But, Bishop Tobin says, "Our respect and pastoral care, however, does not mean that we are free to endorse or ignore immoral or destructive behavior, whenever or however it occurs. Indeed, as St. Paul urges us, we are required to ‘speak the truth in love.'" (Eph 4:15)."

Speak the truth, but speak it in love.

You and I know how hard that can be and yet how necessary. We cannot simply stand bye and do nothing when the government is taking over the very meaning of marriage.

The Government-Sponsored Tyranny of Gay Marriage

British professor John Milbank suggests that in his country this drive for state control over the meaning of marriage and parenthood was the very point:

"There was no demand for "gay marriage" and this has nothing to do with gay rights. Instead, it is a strategic move in the modern state's drive to assume direct control over the reproduction of the population, bypassing our interpersonal encounters. This is not about natural justice, but the desire on the part of biopolitical tyranny to destroy marriage and the family as the most fundamental mediating social institution.

Heterosexual exchange and reproduction has always been the very "grammar" of social relating as such. The abandonment of this grammar would thus imply a society no longer primarily constituted by extended kinship, but rather by state control and merely monetary exchange and reproduction."

A biopolitical tyranny where marriage and parenthood are up for legal grabs. The replacement of the idea of the natural family with a set of legal fictions.

This is not the America I want for my children or yours.

This is certainly a time of great challenge, as Bishop Tobin told his flock, but he also points out an opportunity "to be steadfast and courageous, and to renew our commitment to Christ and His Church. As our Lord Jesus Christ told us, "In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world." (Jn 16:33)

The fight for marriage brings together an amazing coalition of people of diverse faiths, different races, and backgrounds; I cherish working with and for each one of you. We will never quit, because marriage is a fight for something fundamental, a truth that will not change, however much government attempts to make it so.

Also, some exciting news to conclude with: The USCCB has issued a church bulletin insert for Catholic churches across the country which calls the Supreme Court case the Roe v. Wade for marriage, depending on the outcome. You can read and download it here.

Only seven weeks until the Supreme Court decides on your right to vote for marriage. Keep up the good fight!

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for marriage.

National Organization for Marriage Condemns the Redefinition of Marriage in Minnesota, Says Citizens Were Warned

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"Minnesota voters should be outraged that they were sold a bill of goods by gay marriage activists last November." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — Only six months after gay marriage activists promised Minnesotans that there was no threat to marriage in Minnesota, today's passage of a bill to redefine marriage reveals that proponents of last November's failed Marriage Protection Amendment were telling the truth all along.

"Minnesota voters should be outraged that they were sold a bill of goods by gay marriage activists last November," Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, commented. "Our opponents filled the airwaves and spent millions claiming marriage was under no threat in Minnesota. And yet they lost no time in pushing for the redefinition of marriage as soon as our marriage protection amendment failed, despite new polling that shows a majority of Minnesotans oppose redefining marriage. We have long argued there is a very grave threat to marriage and today we witnessed our predictions sadly confirmed."

Brown continued: "The recent actions in Minnesota should serve as a wakeup call to other states that have not yet passed Marriage Protection Amendments: if you do not protect marriage proactively in your constitution, the powerful and wealthy gay marriage lobby will target your state for their next campaign to change your laws."

Brown added: "The new legislation in Minnesota will expose pro-marriage Minnesotans to additional legal action and harassment, as we have seen happen time and time again in other states that have redefined marriage."

Brown concluded: "The National Organization for Marriage commends all of the individuals and groups in Minnesota who have worked so hard for so long to protect marriage. This fight is not over. Minnesota will someday, once again, reflect the truth about marriage in its laws, of that we are confident."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Calls Pouring into MN Speaker Thiessen's Office - VOTE NO

Pro-marriage forces are holding an all-day rally and lobbying day in Minnesota to urge their lawmakers to vote no. And they are hitting the phones as well:

"...Opponents remain hopeful that their last-minute push can persuade a crucial few legislators to reject the change, pressing their belief that the DFL-controlled Legislature is going against the wishes of a majority of Minnesotans. They have spent months trying to convince lawmakers that marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman ordained by God, not any state or even federal law.

“Traditional marriage supporters around the state are extremely upset that the DFL leadership, with same-sex marriage proponents, seem intent on forcing same-sex marriage on Minnesotans who don't want it,” said Autumn Leva, a spokeswoman for Minnesota for Marriage, which is trying to defeat the measure. “They feel betrayed by their legislators.”

In the closing days, same-sex opponents have pounded House Speaker Paul Thissen’s office with calls, at the rate of one a minute. The Minneapolis Democrat said he would not bring up the measure for a vote unless he was certain it would pass.

The debate (which will be livestreamed here) stands to be the most divisive, dramatic and unpredictable at the Capitol this year. Advocates from both sides are expected to jam the Capitol in coming days to let their opinion be known and make sure legislators know they are watching." (Star Tribune)

Have you made your voice heard?

The Week: Brady's Resignation Means GOP is Doubling-Down on Marriage

Harold Mass of The Week acknowledges that the GOP is firmly pro-marriage and Brady's ouster is a sign of that fact:

BradyIn a widely expected move, embattled Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady resigned on Tuesday. Brady said he wanted to spend more time with his family as his wife fights cancer, but social conservatives have been calling for Brady's head for months. They're angry over his support for a gay marriage bill floated in the state legislature this year — the latest in a series of similar measures taken up across the country.

...No matter how Brady's departure is spun, the takeaway is that the Illinois GOP is doubling down on its opposition to gay marriage. Though "it's pretty clear that support for marriage equality is what forced [Brady] out of office," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. After he came out for the marriage bill, 50 conservatives called for his resignation at a meeting in April.

Minnesota Budget Office: Gay Marriage Will Hurt Minnesota Taxpayers

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"Gay marriage activists continually try to push the lie that redefining marriage is an economic stimulus, but this report shows the opposite is true — redefining marriage hurts the economy." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — Earlier this week, Minnesota Management and Budget predicted that redefining marriage would cost the state over $675,000 a year. This would not be offset by same-sex couples paying for marriage licenses and related expenses. The same report noted that the number of same-sex couples seeking marriage licenses would also dramatically drop off after the first year.

Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage (, reacting to this report said: "On top of the incredible social damage caused by redefining marriage, gay marriage will place a significant economic burden on struggling states. Gay marriage activists continually try to push the lie that redefining marriage is an economic stimulus, but this report shows the opposite is true — redefining marriage hurts the economy."

Previous estimates of the number of same-sex couples who will seek marriage licenses have been exaggerated, and the positive economic impact of redefining marriage has been hugely overstated by agenda-driven think tanks such as the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law. Meanwhile, most of the top 10 states for business have marriage protection amendments (such as North Carolina) while most of the worst top 10 states for business have redefined marriage (such as New York) or are seeking to do so.

Brown continued: "Common sense tells us that strong economies are built on strong families, and marriage protects families and our future by giving children the mother and father they deserve and with whom they do best in life. Lawmakers in Minnesota ought to protect marriage, not redefine it."

Brown concluded: "For the good of children, of spouses, and for the benefit of Minnesota taxpayers, lawmakers should not vote to redefine marriage."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

National Organization for Marriage Condemns Redefinition of Marriage in Delaware

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"Lawmakers in Delaware chose to abandon and discard society's most important institution and put their pro-marriage constituents on a collision course with the law." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage today condemned passage of same-sex ‘marriage' in the Delaware state Senate Tuesday and pledged to make sure that voters know if their lawmakers voted to redefine marriage. The Delaware Senate passed the bill by a vote of 12-9. Two weeks ago the House passed it 23-18. Even in this deep blue state, the final vote was close.

"Lawmakers in Delaware chose to abandon and discard society's most important institution and put their pro-marriage constituents on a collision course with the law." said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "The Senators and Representatives who voted for this bill have endangered people of faith who believe marriage is the union of one man and one woman. In Delaware, as in other states that have redefined marriage, it will not be long before these good men and women feel the repercussions of this new law."

This legislation does not create a new category of marriage for same-sex couples. Rather, it completely redefines marriage for all people in Delaware. While it purports to include so-called religious liberty protections, it contains no protections for many faith-based organizations, small businesses and individuals who are frequently targeted for legal punishment over their refusal to countenance genderless marriage.

In Vermont, it was Christian innkeepers. It was Christian florists in Washington State. Elsewhere photographers, bakers, event venue operators, notary publics, justices of the peace and town clerks have all been targeted for punishment if they do not agree to go along with gay ‘marriage' in violation of their deeply held beliefs.

And the biggest losers in the redefinition of marriage will be children.

"For the first time, the state of Delaware is saying to its children they do not deserve both a mother and a father, and are backing a law that is designed to intentionally deprive some kids of either a mom or a dad," Brown said. "It's bad enough when families break down through divorce or death, but it's unconscionable when a state encourages this through policies that deprive children of the love of both a mother and a father. This is a very sad day for Delaware."

"This is not the end of the debate. We intend to make sure that every citizen in Delaware knows how their policymakers voted on this critical issue. We will hold the politicians accountable for their votes. Republicans like Catherine Cloutier, especially, will have to answer for abandoning marriage — a core position of the GOP platform — and many may face primary challengers, as they should."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Minnesota Rep. Stands Strong for Marriage

The vote on gay marriage is today in Minnesota. Lawmakers are under huge pressure from gay marriage activists. This state representative is standing strong:

Denny McNamara"Rep. Denny McNamara, R-Hastings, whose district saw 53 percent of voters reject the constitutional amendment, hasn't changed his mind: He'll vote "no" on Thursday.

"Marriage is marriage," McNamara, who supports civil unions for same-sex couples, said Tuesday. "I've thought about it over and over, and ultimately I'm confident with my decision." (Pioneer Press)

You can send him a note of encouragement here and contact your lawmakers here.

The Lies Of Same-Sex Marriage...

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

You and I know that fundamentally, same-sex "marriage" is a lie... because we know that by definition marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

But that definition is coming under attack from all quarters, by people who want to redefine marriage while simultaneously promising that nothing will change.

And that's the biggest lie of all.

Please help NOM expose these pernicious lies and stand up for the truth about marriage by making a generous donation of $35, $50, $100, $500 or even $1,000 today!

Remember, your donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar by a generous supporter!

It is a terrible lie that the push to redefine marriage is simply about couples who just want to love each other, receive civil protections and leave everyone else alone.

More and more evidence is coming to light in recent days exposing this lie.

Last week, none other than the President of the United States exposed this lie with his words, when he said in a press conference that "one of the extraordinary measures of progress that we've seen in this country has been the recognition that the LGBT community deserves full equality, not just partial equality, not just tolerance but a recognition that they're wholly a part of the American family."

Read that again: "not just tolerance, but a recognition…"

What a perfect way to sum up what happens when marriage is redefined.

People of faith and all people who believe marriage is between a man and a woman suddenly find themselves in the cross-hairs of a legal system that now treats their common sense belief as something shameful and contrary to the law of the land.

Business owners are told that they have to change their beliefs or or expose their businesses to fines or closure. Christian social service organizations — many of whom have provided incredibly valuable services to society for decades — are suddenly told they must change their doctrines or close their doors. And parents are told that they don't even have a right to approve or be notified about what the school system is teaching their children!

Supporter, you and I MUST put a stop to this!

Please join NOM's efforts to expose these lies and promote the beautiful truth about God's great design for marriage by making a generous contribution of $35, $50, $100, $500 or even $1,000 right away!

Our generous supporter matching your gift will ensure that your contribution will have TWICE the impact!

It's also a lie that marriage as we know it will be unaffected by redefining its nature and purpose. The fact is that ending marriage as we know it is a stated objective of the people pushing this agenda!

A year ago, journalist and same-sex marriage activist Marsha Gessen openly admitted, that "(F)ighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie."

NYU professor and expert witness in many legal cases pertaining to same-sex marriage, Professor Judith Stacey, recently asked in a debate "why should there be marriage at all?" She went on to ask, "what should limit it to two, and why should it be monogamous?" And she answers, "nothing, in my view, gives the state that particular interest."

Even The Economist and Slate Magazine are now brazenly advocating for polygamy!

Same-sex marriage isn't about simply letting two individuals live however they choose... it's about fundamentally altering the institution of marriage, the foundation of society, and thereby reshaping society itself.

Supporter, this radical agenda must be exposed. It must be stopped. And I need your help to do it.

Won't you please step up and make a donation today to help NOM educate people all across the country about the importance of marriage and the drastic effects of redefining it?

Abp. Cordileone: SSM is "Serious Injustice"


Archbishop CordileoneArchbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco decried same-sex marriage as a “serious injustice” after Rhode Island became the tenth state to legalize the practice.

“The meaning of marriage cannot be redefined, because its meaning lies in our very nature,” said the prelate, who serves as chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage. “Therefore, regardless of what law is enacted, marriage remains the union of one man and one woman – by the very design of nature, it cannot be otherwise.”

“We cannot claim to have a just society if we do not look out for the most vulnerable among us: children,” he added. “That means preserving in the law the principle that every child deserves a mother and father united in marriage.”

Victory: Pro-Marriage GOP Grassroots Oust Chairman Brady


Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"This is yet another powerful example that the GOP grassroots is firmly pro-marriage" — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — Reacting to news today that Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady has resigned after immense pressure was put against him in the wake of his abandonment of the GOP platform on marriage, Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, said: "This is yet another powerful example that the GOP grassroots is firmly pro-marriage."

Pat Brady told CNN today "… obviously I had lost the support of the state Central Committee because of my position on gay marriage." Brown continued: "Brady fell into the lie that Republicans do not care about marriage and won't take vigorous action against those in their party who abandon marriage. Brady has quickly learned his lesson. Other Republicans who are tempted to abandon the party platform on marriage should take note or they will also risk their political careers."

Brown concluded: "The pro-marriage GOP grassroots in Illinois and around the country ought to be commended for this victory. Their persistence and commitment to conservative principles — including the critical institution of marriage — is what led to this victory. May this inspire other GOP activists across the country to continue fighting to protect marriage and preserve winning conservative principles."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Minnesota House to Vote on Marriage this Thursday!

We've just found out the Minnesota House will be voting this Thursday on a bill to redefine marriage:

Married couple holding handsThe Minnesota House will hold a final floor vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage Thursday.

...The Senate is expected to take up the measure soon after. DFL Gov. Mark Dayton is a supporter of same-sex marriage and said he will sign the proposal into law.

The vote will come after months of intense lobbying at the Capitol by both sides of the issue. (Star Tribune)

We know that a majority of Minnesotans do not support redefining marriage. If you have not yet contacted your Representative please do so now.


Grassroots Initiate Recall Against Politician Set to Vote Against His Pro-Marriage Constituents

Pro-marriage activists in Minnesota are wasting no time responding to a Minnesota lawmaker who says he plans to vote for SSM, despite the fact that over 60% of his district voted to protect marriage last November:

PoliticianDoug Kern, deputy chair of the Crow Wing County Republican Party, said Monday he is starting a recall petition against Rep. Joe Radinovich, DFL-Crosby, in the wake of the lawmaker’s announcement that he will support gay marriage legislation.

Kern said he started the effort because of Radinovich’s stand on the issue despite last fall’s vote totals on a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Even though the measure was defeated statewide, House District 10B voters favored the proposed constitutional amendment, garnering 62.5 percent of the vote.

“He’s supposed to represent the people,” Kern said.

Kern said the vote to legalize gay marriage would threaten religious freedom. He said while legislation has language to protect pastors it doesn’t protect Sunday school teachers and Bible study leaders. (Brainer Dispatch)

Please continue to contact him and other Minnesota lawmakers.

Marriage Proponents: Religious Protections a "Big Lie"

The coalition to protect marriage in Minnesota is making the point that the religious protections being offered are not enough -- redefining marriage always threatens religious freedom:

Jefferson MemorialSame-sex marriage opponents warned Minnesotans that religious liberty will not be protected if the Legislators legalize gay marriage this year.

“In New York, we were promised that the religious freedom amendment to our same-sex marriage legislation would do the job,” said the Rev. Jason McGuire, president of New Yorker’s Family Research Foundation. “Our legislators bought the lie and today every New Yorker is living the lie.”

Minnesota for Marriage brought several town officials from New York, where same-sex marriage is legal, who argue they had to resign rather than be forced to process marriage licenses for gay and lesbian couples even though it was against their religious beliefs. The group says the religious protections in the Minnesota proposal are completely inadequate, leaving business owners and religious groups wide open to lawsuits if they fail to embrace same-sex marriage.

Minnesota for Marriage held the news conference as legislators are weighing a proposal to legalize same-sex marriage this year. Dozens of supporters stuffed into the small conference room, many holding signs that read: “Don’t erase moms and dads from MN public policy.” (Star Tribune)

Please continue to contact your lawmakers.