Video: Thousands March for Marriage, Media Reports 'Dozens'

The Family Research Council, which co-sponsored the March for Marriage, has posted a video calling out the media for under-reporting the march and for under-estimating its numbers:

Rep. Matt Salmon: Gay Son Hasn’t Changed My Views on Gay Marriage

The Washington Post's Post Politics blog:

In an interview aired over the weekend, Rep. Matt J. Salmon (R-Ariz.) told a local news station that his son’s homosexuality has not led him to change his position on gay marriage.

“I don’t support the gay marriage,” the congressman said. But Salmon emphasized that he loved and respected his son and did not consider homosexuality a choice.

“My son is by far one of the most important people in my life. I love him more than I can say,” an emotional Salmon told 3TV. “It doesn’t mean that I don’t have respect, it doesn’t mean that I don’t sympathize with some of the issues. It just means I haven’t evolved to that stage.”

... “We respect each others’ opinions and we just know that on certain issues we have to agree to disagree,” the congressman’s son, Matt R. Salmon, told The Post. “I love my father and realize that he can have the opinions that he has, and they might differ from mine, but that doesn’t change the way I feel about him.”

... Salmon also expressed disappointment in those who have reacted to the interview by leaving “hate speech” on his father’s Facebook page. “If he’s going to change his mind it’s going to come from a place of love,” Salmon said. “All they’re doing is fighting intolerance with intolerance.”

March On!

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

2013 March for MarriageThe March for Marriage on TwitterThe March for Marriage on FacebookNational Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

This week, we started something BIG… but we're only getting started!

Click here right away to sign NOM's Marriage Petition to the Supreme Court!

On Tuesday, thousands of people rallied in Washington DC, marching in front of the Supreme Court in support of the true definition of marriage: the exclusive and faithful union of one man and one woman!

NOM brought together a coalition of over 40 groups in support of this effort and it has already made a tremendous impact! We met our opponents on the street in front of the Supreme Court, but thanks to the brave individuals who came out in support of marriage on Tuesday, the UK Daily Mail was able to report that we "easily outnumber[ed] advocates for gay marriage."

See for yourself what an incredible gathering this was by clicking here:

Of course, it took an international newspaper to report these facts.

But you can see the truth for yourself here:

And even on the day of the March, new supporters came on board to voice support for our efforts: right up to the Vatican itself! In a statement from Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, the diversity of ethnicities and faith backgrounds that made up our March was both highlighted and applauded!

This is just one more sign of the incredible momentum the movement to defend marriage is generating world-wide!

Supporter, we will NOT be silenced! I'm proud that NOM can represent your voice and your values despite the efforts of a small, vocal and elite minority to silence us.

We must continue fighting for marriage. Tuesday was not a end in itself… it was just the beginning!

Please continue standing for marriage as we gather as many signatures as we can to present to the Supreme Court in advance of their rulings in the Prop 8 and DOMA cases.

Click here to sign our petition to the Supreme Court today!

May God bless you this Holy Week!

Shame on Piers Morgan and Suze Orman -- I Stand With Ryan!

Earlier this week Piers Morgan and Suze Orman conduct one of the most rude, condescending "debates" I've ever seen. I've seen dozens of debates on marriage where rudeness and incivility were directed towards those with pro-marriage views but this takes the cake.

Ryan Anderson, a fellow at Heritage and co-author of "What is Marriage?" patiently gave lucid answers to their questions, even as Piers peppered him with questions without giving him time to respond.

It wasn't a conversation, it was a trial.

They didn't even allow Ryan to sit at the same table as them. Orman went so far as to call Anderson "uneducated" on the question of marriage and insultingly called him "sweetheart".

On the "uneducated" remark, consider what Denny Burk points out:

"Ryan Anderson graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude from Princeton University and he’s a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Notre Dame. He just co-authored a book that is probably the definitive case for traditional marriage. He’s a fellow at the Heritage Foundation and an all-around brilliant guy. "

At the 12 minute mark, Orman loses control and lashes out at Anderson, pointing her finger at him, etc.

Piers did nothing to intervene or stop her, even as he continually interrupted Anderson.

Then, as if that was not enough, she called on the audience to express their disapproval of Anderson personally by booing, etc.

This is a travesty and Piers Morgan and Orman owe Anderson and pro-marriage Americans an apology.

That's why I'm proudly proclaiming I STAND WITH RYAN on Twitter and Facebook.

Watch the video and see for yourself:

UKDailyMail: "Christian Opponents Easily Outnumbering Advocates for Gay Marriage"

The UK Daily Mail on our march to the Supreme Court yesterday:

"...Both sides of the debate were out in force, with Christian opponents easily outnumbering advocates for gay marriage.

Inside, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that could determine whether the federal government or the 50 states will decide what a marriage is.

Yahoo! News reported that the cast of characters included a drag queen in a rainbow tutu and devil horns, cross-carrying Christians who knelt in prayer, and a host of other activists.

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) marchers 'were met by another small group of people that had stretched out a rainbow flag in front of them,' according to Yahoo.

Here are a couple photos of the rally and march (more to come!):

Eastman: DOMA Does Not Violate Due Process

Dr. John Eastman, NOM's Chairman, is inside the Supreme Court again today for the oral arguments in the Defense of Marriage Act cases.

Today he explains in US News & World Report why DOMA isn't mandated by the Due Process clause:

Those seeking to redefine marriage into a genderless institution must be pessimistic about their chances before the Supreme Court, because they are doing everything they can to prevent the Court from deciding whether the traditional definition marriage, as expressed in the Defense of Marriage Act, is unconstitutional. The Department of Justice refused to defend the statute, despite the fact that it was overwhelmingly passed by bipartisan majorities in Congress and signed into law by President Clinton just a decade and a half ago. It now seeks to prevent the House of Representatives from defending the statute, so that the Court would not even have jurisdiction to hear the case.

But existing precedent is pretty clear—the Department can't deprive the Supreme Court of jurisdiction merely by refusing to do its duty and defend an Act of Congress; in such circumstances, Congress itself can intervene to defend a statute it passed.

Some Early Media Coverage of the March for Marriage

Some are noting the lack of mainstream coverage of our march for marriage including one blogger who attended and posted their own photos to prove it was happening. Many outlets, however, did cover the thousands who showed up to show their strong support for marriage! Here are a few.

ABC 7 "Thousands march on mall":

Thousands marched from the National Mall to the U.S. Supreme Court to say that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

“What God has instituted man does not have the power, right or authority to alter,” says Lalita Smith of Nashville. “We need to not play with the thing God has instituted.”

The marchers came from all over the country, from pro-family and church organizations.


Opponents of same-sex marriage walked in the “March for Marriage,” organized by the National Organization of Marriage, eventually coming down to the street in front of the Supreme Court.

Catholic News Service:

Thousands of people who gathered at one end of the National Mall March 26 in support of traditional marriage took their message to the U.S. Supreme Court as they walked and held aloft placards with signs saying: "Kids do best with a mom and dad."

The court began hearing oral arguments that morning on the constitutionality of California's Proposition 8, the law banning same-sex marriage, the day before hearing oral arguments in a challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

Hours before and up to the minute the hearings began, the street in front of the court was filled with protesters on both sides of the same-sex marriage issue. Those in support of traditional marriage came to Washington with church or parish groups from nearby or had traveled alone or with one or two others from states across the country, including Massachusetts, New York, Minnesota and Florida.

When the groups dispersed, those supporting traditional marriage continued their march back to the rally point on the mall where numerous speakers echoed the message that marriage should not be redefined.

National Review Online:

Families gathered on the mall after marching to the Supreme Court to insist that the Court at the very least leave the future of marriage policymaking to the people rather than judicial fiat. Speakers from the National Organization for Marriage, the Heritage Foundation, Concerned Women for America, and others were in an encouraging mode. One got the sense that this was but a beginning of a conversation, a bit of a wake-up call.

Catholic World Report:

“Marriage is not about what adults want; it’s about what children need,” Teetsel said.

The march, which took place under clear but chilly skies, was held as the high court considered the constitutionality of California’s Prop. 8. On Wednesday, it hears oral arguments about one section of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Marchers—estimated by organizers to be about 10,000 people—walked with placards and banners past the U.S. Capitol and the U.S. Supreme Court, where same-sex “marriage” supporters listened to a rally of their own and packed the sidewalks between the court and capitol.

National Organization for Marriage Leads Massive March and Rally in Support of Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

National Organization for Marriage Leads Massive March and Rally in Support of Marriage

2013 March for MarriageThe March for Marriage on TwitterThe March for Marriage on FacebookNational Organization for Marriage

"A diverse crowd of more than 10,000 marched today to show that those who protect marriage are on the right side of history."
— Brian Brown, NOM president

Washington, D.C. — More than 10,000 pro-marriage citizens from across the country and from every walk of life marched and rallied today peacefully in our nation's capital, rallying at the National Mall and marching to the Supreme Court with two simple messages: "Respect Our Votes!" and "Kids Deserve a Mom and a Dad!"

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) led a coalition of over 45 organizations featuring over 20 speakers all united in the common purpose of defending marriage between one man one woman while demanding the Supreme Court respect the millions upon millions of Americans who have voted to enact laws protecting marriage in their state constitutions.

Brian Brown, President of NOM said, "A diverse crowd of more than 10,000 marched today to show that those who protect marriage are on the right side of history. The Supreme Court has no right to redefine marriage and roll back the efforts of Americans to protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman, the only social arrangement that gives children the mother and father they deserve."

Brown continued: "The fact that our supporters remained peaceful, kneeling in prayer and singing songs and chants even in the face of verbal attacks and intimidation by our opponents is a testament to the respectful way pro-marriage activists carry themselves, even when harassed."

Brian concluded: "Forget the media hype and confusion, our numbers today show that the American people are strongly pro-marriage and pro-marriage Americans aren't going anywhere. This is the beginning of the fight to protect marriage. Our opponents know this, which is why they are hoping the Supreme Court will cut short a debate they know they will ultimately lose if the political process and democracy are allowed to run their course. Those who believe that marriage is the unique and special union of one man and one woman are on the right side of history."

Please visit and for photos and videos from the march and rally.

Donate Today


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

VIDEO: Recap of the March for Marriage

Watch the video recap of the March for Marriage!

Update -- video now fixed:

Video: Brian Brown on FoxNews Previewing Supreme Court Showdown

Today our President Brian Brown is leading the March for Marriage on the national mall in Washington, D.C. but this weekend he was on FoxNews defending marriage in front of a national audience:

Schubert: Why Gay Marriage Is Not Conservative

Frank Schubert, NOM's National Political Director, in NRO's The Corner:

Same-sex “marriage” advocates are orchestrating a series of high-profile public events intended to influence the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court to impose same-sex marriage on an unwilling public. The announcements of several Republicans who say they now support gay marriage provide clear evidence of this. The meme is that there is a growing consensus among conservatives that same-sex marriage should be accepted.

You can’t support gay marriage and claim to be a conservative any more than you can be “pro-choice” on abortion and claim to be a conservative. Is Michael Bloomberg or Arnold Schwarzenegger a conservative? Any Republican who supports same-sex marriage is in a similar boat.

Homosexual activists are hoping that these statements by moderate or liberal elites in the GOP will appeal to Republicans who make up a majority on the Court — especially Justice Anthony Kennedy. The fact remains, though, that support for true marriage is rock-solid among Republicans in general, and conservatives in particular.

Video: Speaker Boehner Says Supreme Court Decides What's Constitutional, Not the Obama Administration

When asked about the Defense of Marriage Act, Speaker of the House John Boehner said:

"Let's not confused DOMA and the Administration's decision that it was unconstitutional. It's not their role to decide what's constitutional. DOMA was a law passed by the House, the Senate, and signed into law by President Clinton, and in our system of government the administration doesn't get to decide what's constitutional, the Supreme Court does."


Local Paper Mentions North Carolinians Coming to DC to March for Marriage

The Winston-Salem Journal:

Nearly a year after voters in North Carolina passed a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, the U.S. Supreme Court will take up the issue Tuesday and Wednesday in two different cases that could have national implications.

Winston-Salem residents who are on both sides of the issue will be watching closely. At 7 p.m. today, about 300 people will gather for the Light The Way To Justice vigil in front of U.S. District Court, at 251 North Main St., in support of equal rights for same-sex couples. And on Tuesday, opponents of same-sex marriage, including some from Winston-Salem, will board eight buses to travel from Raleigh to Washington, D.C., for a March for Marriage rally.

Legal experts say that the Supreme Court, which will issue a ruling in late June, could decide any number of ways on the two cases, which involve California’s Proposition 8 that banned same-sex marriage in that state, and the Defense of Marriage Act that bans same-sex marriage under federal law. The court could rule narrowly or issue a sweeping decision that would eventually affect North Carolina.

NOM at the 2013 March for Marriage!

We're marching for marriage today from the National Mall to the Supreme Court!

This post contains a slideshow of today's march from the morning rally to the actual march to the Supreme Court. Please check back regularly for new pictures!


National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

2013 March for MarriageThe March for Marriage on TwitterThe March for Marriage on FacebookNational Organization for Marriage

SPECIAL NOTE: If you are attending the March, please make sure you have looked over the map of the march route and the schedule!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

There are only a few hours remaining to double your donation in defense of marriage and the faith communities that sustain it!

We're only $25,000 short of our $500,000 goal — will you help us close the gap now?

This is your absolute last chance to contribute and have your contribution doubled: