Young Conservative LTE: SSM Denies Children a Fundamental Right

Tommy Valentine in a letter to the editor of the Washington Examiner:

There are too many fallacies in Michael Barone's same-sex marriage column to address in a letter to the editor. But I would like to hit a couple points.

The statement that in 2004 the Massachusetts Supreme Court "discovered that the state's 1780 Constitution required recognition of same-sex marriages" is utterly ridiculous. No serious person actually believes that Samuel Adams and John Adams had homosexual marriage in mind as they wrote the Massachusetts Constitution. The 2004 decision was legislating from the bench at its finest.

I do agree with Barone's point that homosexual marriage is a bipartisan issue. This is neatly summed up in the ignored story of 11-year-old Grace Evans, who testified before the Minnesota House of Representatives on the importance of every child having a mom and a dad -- a right homosexual marriage inherently and deliberately denies children.

"Which parent do I not need? My mom or my dad?" Grace asked a panel of lawmakers. They were silent. She repeated the question and again got no response, because there is no response. Every child deserves a mom and a dad, and support for that right definitely crosses party lines.

Speaker John Boehner: Marriage is "what I grew up with. It's what I believe."

Over the weekend, Speaker John Boehner was interviewed about his views on marriage -- he gives a good answer:

House Speaker John Boehner says he's unswayed by a prominent fellow Republican's flip-flop on gay marriage, and that he still opposes the same-sex unions.

Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, a Boehner ally from his home state, revealed Friday that his son is gay and that he now supports gay marriage. Asked about the shift Sunday on ABC's "This Week," Boehner didn't knock his friend, but reiterated his own position.

... "Listen, I believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman," he said. "It's what I grew up with. It's what I believe. It's what my church teaches me. And I can't imagine that position would ever change."

And with debate over the future of the Republican Party breaking into the open at last week's Conservative Political Action Conference, Boehner cast his lot with Republicans who believe better messaging -- not policy changes -- are what's needed for the party.

"The issue with our party is pretty simple," Boehner said. "There's nothing wrong with the principles of our party. But Republicans have not done as an effective job as we should in terms of talking about our principles in terms that average people can appreciate." (New York Daily News)

This is it...

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

We have one week left before the March for Marriage on March 26th. One week to bring together thousands to stand proud and tall for the truth that it takes a man and a woman to make a marriage. One week to make sure that the Supreme Court and Justice Kennedy in particular understand the diversity of our coalition. One week to change history...

But I've got to be honest with you. We are struggling to make sure that everyone has a chance to make history...

Please click here right away to make a confidential, tax-deductible donation of $35, $50, $100, $500 or more to make the March for Marriage an unequivocal success!

We've received many more bus requests from around the country than we can afford. Though Citizen Link, the Thomas More Law Center and the Manhattan Declaration have come to our aid in recent days by financially supporting our efforts to subsidize buses, we still have an enormous financial need to help struggling churches send their congregants to the March from out of town.

I need you to not only give your most generous gift, but also forward this message and urge your friends and family to do the same (you can use the buttons below to pass along this message).

Facebook ThisTweet ThisEmail This

We have an incredibly generous matching pledge of $500,000 up until the March... but we're falling short of the mark. We cannot afford to waste this opportunity! As of today, we have only raised around $300,000 toward our $500,000 goal. Now is the time to take action! Please click here to make your most generous gift in support of the Match for Marriage and help us take advantage of this incredible matching gift opportunity!

Will you help change history in this last week with both your prayer and action... and by giving whatever you can today?

Video: Newt Gingrich - Marriage is Between a Man and Woman. Politicians Will Not Change That.

Newt Gingrich, who signed NOM's Marriage Pledge when he ran for president, reiterates his support for marriage:

Reacting to Sen. Rob Portman’s sudden support of same-sex marriage, former GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said Friday that he believes marriage is between a man and a woman “no matter what politicians decide.”

“Well, my stance hasn’t evolved. I observed in December that we’re faced with realities that are different than my personal beliefs,” Gingrich, a former House Speaker, said on CNN. “I believe as the Bible teaches, marriage is between a man and woman. I actually think that marriage is between a man and a woman no matter what politicians decide. I don’t think they have the power to change what is a religiously inspired definition.” (Politico)

Senator DeMint Endorses the March for Marriage!

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Why is the National Organization for Marriage organizing a march for Marriage in just over a week?

I'll answer that question by asking you to click here and watch Senator Jim DeMint, President-elect of the Heritage Foundation, talk about the importance of marriage and our upcoming march.

Marriage is at a crossroads in American history. The Supreme Court is hearing two cases next week that could fundamentally alter the legal definition of marriage for our country.

2013 March for MarriageThe March for Marriage on TwitterThe March for Marriage on FacebookNational Organization for Marriage

Please help us show the leaders of our nation that the American people stand for marriage — watch this video today.

Also, I hope you will please consider making a generous donation today of $35, $50, $100, $500 or more to help us bring more people to the march.

And, thanks to the matching gift pledge of a very generous donor, every dollar you give to support the march will be matched dollar-for-dollar.

We have an enormous need to help out struggling churches organize buses for their congregations to attend the march... many of them from predominantly African-American and Latino communities. They want the chance to exercise their fundamental civic right to participate in the democratic process. Will you help them do that with a generous gift today?

Just because someone is not blessed with the means doesn't mean they shouldn't have a voice just like everyone else.

Marriage is at a critical juncture and it needs heroic citizens to stand up and defend it. Please help us today. Click here to watch Senator DeMint speak up for marriage and please consider making a generous, tax-deductible donation today.

Sen. DeMint: Support the March for Marriage!

Following his CPAC speech promoting the good of marriage, Jim Demint, President-Elect of the Heritage Foundation, devotes his morning bell briefing to promoting the March for Marriage:

Marriage is the fundamental building block of all human civilization. All Americans, especially conservatives, should respect this crucial institution of civil society. This is why 41 states and the federal government affirm that marriage is between a man and a woman.

But these laws are on the line. Next week, the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in cases that challenge the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition 8. The Court should uphold these laws and respect the constitutional authority of citizens and their elected officials to make marriage policy.

Next Tuesday, March 26, as the Supreme Court hears these cases, thousands will come to our nation’s capital to March for Marriage.

Please do read the full post at The Foundry Blog.

Here is the video:

The Battle for Marriage in All 50 States is ON! NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Here I am on C-Span's prestigious Washington Journal, talking about the March 26 March for Marriage, taking our case to the very steps of the Supreme Court!

On the 26th, as we are marching outside the Court, demanding justice for marriage and for democracy, inside the Justices of our highest court will hear jousting from lawyers on both sides.

Myriad Defenses for Marriage at the Court

Ryan Anderson over at the Heritage Foundation has done a good job highlighting and providing links to the more than 50 amicus briefs for marriage now before the Court.

A sampling from Ryan's roundup:

Former U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese argues that same-sex and opposite-sex relationships are not similarly situated:

Given the near-universal view, across different societies and different times, that a principal, if not the principal, purpose of marriage is the channeling of the unique procreative abilities of opposite-sex relationships into a societally beneficial institution, it is clear that same-sex and opposite-sex couples are not similarly situated with respect to that fundamental purpose.

A group of international jurists and academics points out that "same-sex marriage is not required by international human rights norms."

The Attorneys General for 20 states filed a joint brief defending the rational basis of their states' marriage laws.

A group of historians and other professors explain: "While the procedures and incidents of marriage have varied over time and across cultures, its primary form and legal meaning have remained remarkably constant. ... Marriage as an opposite-sex institution is a universal phenomenon."

A team of social science professors (including Mark Regnerus, the researcher behind the now-famous New Family Structures Study) present the compelling scientific data on family structure and child wellbeing.

Indeed, the only studies that were based on large, random, representative samples tended to reveal ... significant differences in the outcomes of children raised by parents in a same-sex relationship and those raised by a married biological mother and father. What is clear is that much more study must be done on these questions. But there is no dispute that a biological mother and father provide, on average, an effective and proven environment for raising children. And it is reasonable to conclude that a mother and father function as a complementary parenting unit and that each tends to contribute something unique and beneficial to child development.

Two other briefs were filed by gay or same-sex attracted Americans, asking the Court to uphold Prop 8, while The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty argues that when courts create rights to same-sex marriage they create new hazards for religious liberty.

Our own brief from the National Organization for Marriage in the Proposition 8 case was filed by our Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance (and we filed a separate brief in the DOMA case as well!). The Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance brief urges the court not to contribute to a climate of intimidation by falsely and wrongly labeling good people irrational, bigots, or worse:

Despite the chilling effect of political reprisals and other acts of hostility, many people in this country continue to demonstrate great civic courage in endeavoring to preserve marriage as a vital social institution that promotes the public interest in strengthening the unique relationship between mothers, fathers, and children. This perseverance, often in the face of great hostility, testifies to their good will and honest belief that society benefits from strengthening marriage rather than redefining it in a way that would divorce it from its roots in human biology and the needs of children. Those views are worthy of reflection and the people who hold them are worthy of respect.

.... [T]he Court should reject any argument made in this case that support for marriage as one man and one woman is irrational, bigoted, or worse.

Redefining Marriage 12 Votes Short in Illinois

In Illinois, they expected gay marriage to pass this week. Instead, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan had to go the press and confess the bill is "12 votes short of passage," which the Chicago Tribune described as "a signal that same-sex marriage could face a tough road to approval this spring."

This is nothing short of miraculous, given Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanual's deep connections to the White House. But Black pastors in Chicago are speaking up for God's word and demanding that politicians who represent them respect their voices and values.

One pastor spoke at a news conference of a new coalition of Black Illinois pastors.

His words (starting around the 5:00 mark) were ringing:

As a coalition, we say enough is enough. We say marriage is between a man and a woman and we also say it is that it is not the government's responsibility, it is not the state's responsibility and it is not the mayor's responsibility to try and redefine what marriage really is....

We want to make sure we send a message to our elected officials, that as a collective community, if you want to shove this legislation down our throats as your constituents, then we will not allow you to speak in our churches, you will not be invited to our churches [...] when you are running for office, because we as a community are incensed that you would allow the dollars from special interests groups to sway your opinion and go against the very core of our families.

Notably, he responded squarely to a criticism people often make: "People always say the problems in the African American community is their families... their husbands and fathers are not there."

In answer, he said: "Then help us first get our first work right. Help us first with all your resources and the billions being spent in order to promote the same-sex marriage agenda and use it to help us correct our communities. Take that money and help us to correct our social ill. But don't take money from those trying to categorically undo the Bible and then shove it down our throats as a civil rights violation, because it is not."

The conclusion is ringing:

So we want for our elected officials going from the top of this nation all the way down to our local legislative bodies to realize that we do have a backbone, we do have a voice, we do have an opinion and we do have a God. We will serve that God until the day we die, we will preserve the sanctity of marriage and we will also preserve the truths of His word until the day that we die."

God bless him and his fellow men of the cloth for their courage. These are strong Democrats standing up to the Chicago machine politics, on behalf of God's truth about marriage.

Another Example of What the Reality of Marriage Redefinition Looks Like

The voices of some young dissenters are beginning to creep into the public debate; sometimes you have to read them sideways.

Janis Hetherington was one of the first British lesbian mothers to be artificially inseminated. You can read her story and see her photo here.

According to The Independent, "[Janis' story] is a story of courage, custody battles—and refusal to conform."

But real life is messier than that. After giving birth to a boy named Nick, Ms. Hetherington lost her partner to an early death, and then decided to battle her partner's family for custody of Lisa, her partner's daughter from a previous relationship.

The reporter is not very interested in how that felt for the children, but she does note that Lisa is not speaking to Janis or to the other woman (named Barbara) who helped raise her from the age of 5 or 6.

Nick, Janis's son, is writing a movie based on his mom's life which started out when she was 15 with a lesbian relationship with a 25 year old woman (what we would now call pedophilia); included time spent in a brothel; until finally Janis 'reincarnated' herself to the point that the reporter (not me) says, "she resembles a country gent about to go hunting."

Nick says about his life with his mom and her partner from the age of 2: "It doesn't matter what sort of environment you grow up in, straight, bi- or transgender, but that family has to be strong and if it's not strong it will be sh*** and, certainly growing up, ours was not strong."

Despite those early hurdles, Nick says they are now close. "I now have that unity [with my mother] and my sister has found that unity with her own family."

Not every family is perfect. Even children blessed with a married mom and dad experience hardship and heartache. Forgiveness is the heart of family life. But oh what a tangled web we weave when we pretend the ideal does not exist or is not important!

Some New Pro-Marriage Voices on the Scene

Here is an 11-year-old(!), Gracie Evans, testifying before the Minnesota state legislature against same sex marriage. She had a question for the legislators: "I want to ask you this question: which parent do I not need: my Mom or my Dad?" [emphasis added].

She asks the question twice and looks around the room in vain for an answer. Out of the mouths of babes, my friends, out of the mouths of babes!

For those of us who are Catholic, and for many others as well, this week was exciting for another reason. For the first time in modern history a non-European will sit in St. Peter's chair as bishop of Rome and head of the Catholic Church.

Many of you are writing to ask me if the new Pope had expressed any views on marriage. The answer is yes: as Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires, he said this about treating same-sex unions as marriages on June 22, 2010:

I write this letter to each one of you in the four Monasteries of Buenos Aires.... The identity of the family, and its survival, are in jeopardy here: father, mother, and children. The life of so many children who will be discriminated beforehand due to the lack of human maturity that God willed them to have with a father and a mother is in jeopardy. A clear rejection of the law of God, engraved in our hearts, is in jeopardy.

He ends by urging those in the monasteries, "Let us recall what God himself told his people in a time of great anguish: 'this war is not yours, but God's', that [these words] may succour, defend, and accompany us in this war...."

What can I say to that but, Amen!

God bless you and thank you. The fights thicken, and it is your courage, your prayers, and your contributions in a hundred thousand ways that keep me going.

NOM's Peters Responds to Sen. Portman Announcement

NOM's Communications Director Thomas Peters was interviewed by Politico to respond to the news that Sen. Rob Portman has chosen to abandon his view on marriage:

A spokesman for the National Organization for Marriage on Friday slammed Sen. Rob Portman, who has announced that he now supports same-sex marriage, reversing his long-held opposition to the issue.

“What Mr. Portman is doing is shrinking the size of the GOP tent,” charged Thomas Peters, a spokesman for the socially conservative NOM, in an interview with POLITICO. “I think it will have huge consequences if he chooses to run again.”

Peters, speaking with POLITICO at CPAC, said that opposition to same-sex marriage unites religious and social conservatives on both sides of the aisle, and also resonates with demographics that include parts of the Latino community.

...Peters charged that if Portman has presidential ambitions of his own, the new stance on gay marriage will torpedo those hopes.

“As far as Sen. Portman and presidential chances, I think he can say goodbye to those,” Peters said. He added that while it’s too early to say what impact this policy shift could have on a 2016 re-election bid for Senate, “we can say that every time a Republican has come out for gay marriage, he ignites the grassroots.”

Ryan Anderson has also responded at Heritage's blog.

Video: Sen Rubio at CPAC: It's Not Bigotry for Me to Be Pro-Marriage

Sen. Marco Rubio, during his CPAC speech, calls out those who would label pro-marriage Americans like him "bigots" simply for supporting marriage:

Sen. DeMint at CPAC: Marriage is the Path to Limited Government

Last night at the CPAC banquet Sen. DeMint strongly spoke out in defense of marriage:

"...We cannot hope to limit government if we do not stand up for our core civil society institutions, beginning with marriage. Marriage is the foundation of America’s cultural stability and economic prosperity and the courts have no business overruling the people’s democratic decisions in the states. People can love whom they want and live the way they choose, but no one is entitled to redefine a foundational institution of civil society that has existed for centuries.

In two weeks, the Supreme Court will hear arguments against the right of states to protect marriage and the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Judicial activism is to blame for the Court even considering these cases. The Supreme Court should uphold these laws. It must recognize that the American people should make these decisions, not unelected judges.

We are told that the social issues divide Americans and that we should stop talking about them. We cannot.

Economic and social conservatism go hand-in-hand. They’re natural allies. Strong families, churches and voluntary institutions build strong character and economic independence. And government must always remember we are endowed by our creator with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is true for you and me, and it is true for the unborn. When government understands its limited role, it can be smaller, people can be freer and our economy can create prosperity for everyone. And when government grows larger with programs like Obamacare that consume so much of our lives, it tramples on both economic freedom and religious liberty. This has united conservatives of all stripes to fight to end Obamacare so we can all be free to live our own lives."

You can read the rest of the speech and watch the video here.

NOM Chairman Eastman Responds to False Huffington Post Report

NOM's Chairman John Eastman released this statement earlier today:

"An article by the Associated Press has been mischaracterized by The Huffington Post to grossly misrepresent my views on adoption. I believe that couples who adopt children are heroes and do a great service to society, and to the children they adopt. I strongly believe, based on thousands of years of experience and countless social science studies, that children do best when raised by a mother and a father within the bounds of marriage. I commend all those couples who selflessly give of themselves to raise a child who, through no fault of her own, has been deprived of a mother and father. There is nothing 'second best' about adoption."

Pope Francis: A Stalwart Advocate of Marriage and Children!

National Organization for Marriage

Friends —

As you have no doubt heard, the Catholic Church has a new Pope! Pope Francis (formerly Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina) is a humble man and a dedicated servant to the poor. He is also an outspoken advocate for God’s design for marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

But don't take my word for it. Read what Pope Francis said when a bill to redefine marriage was proposed in Argentina:

"Let's not be naive, we're not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God."

He has also said:

"At stake is the identity and survival of the family: father, mother and children. At stake are the lives of many children who will be discriminated against in advance, and deprived of their human development given by a father and a mother and willed by God. At stake is the total rejection of God's law engraved in our hearts."

I believe Pope Francis will follow in the steps of Pope Benedict XVI and provide a consistent and strong voice in support of marriage and children. Our prayers go out to him as he leads the world's over 1 billion Catholics in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

National Organization for Marriage Welcomes Pope Francis, Stalwart Advocate of Natural Marriage and the Rights of Children

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio will follow in the steps of Pope Benedict XVI and provide a consistent and strong voice in support of marriage and children." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — Today, Brian Brown, National Organization for Marriage president, released the following statement regarding the selection of Pope Francis:

"Friends, as you have no doubt heard, the Catholic Church has a new Pope! Pope Francis is a humble man and a dedicated servant to the poor. He is also an outspoken advocate for God’s design for marriage as the union of one man and one woman. But don't take my word for it. Listen to what Pope Francis said when a bill to redefine marriage was proposed in Argentina:

"Let's not be naive, we're not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God. We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God."

Pope Francis has also said: "At stake is the identity and survival of the family: father, mother and children. At stake are the lives of many children who will be discriminated against in advance, and deprived of their human development given by a father and a mother and willed by God. At stake is the total rejection of God’s law engraved in our hearts."

Our prayers go out to Pope Francis as he leads the world's over 1 billion Catholics in the weeks, months, and years ahead."

Brown went on to say: "Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio will follow in the steps of Pope Benedict XVI and provide a consistent and strong voice in support of marriage and children. Our prayers go out to Pope Francis as he leads the world's over 1 billion Catholics in the weeks, months, and years ahead."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Another Incredible Story You Probably Didn't Hear!

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Last week, the AP wrote an article (not picked up by most major news outlets, of course) about Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy's speech at the dedication of a federal courthouse library in Sacramento, CA being named in his honor.

In it, he said that major policies in a democracy should not depend "on what nine unelected people from a narrow legal background have to say."

I cannot emphasize enough how incredibly good this news is!

Proposition 8 and DOMA will be up for review in cases at the Supreme Court in just a couple of weeks. And NOM, along with our coalition of partners, will be there with marriage supporters from all across the country — marching outside the courthouse to reinforce the idea that the American people have something to say about marriage... that marriage is between one man and one woman because children have a right to a mother and a father!

But we need your help to give proper voice to the grassroots body of citizens and voters who agree with you and me on this issue. Please click here to make a donation of $35, $50, $100 or even $500 right away to help NOM organize the grassroots and turn them out to March for Marriage!

And, thanks to our generous donor, every dollar you give will be matched dollar-for-dollar!

2013 March for MarriageThe March for Marriage on TwitterThe March for Marriage on FacebookNational Organization for Marriage

Our most pressing need is to provide the logistical support that so many financially struggling churches desperately need to enable their congregations — many of them predominantly African-American and Latino — the chance to exercise their fundamental right to participate in the democratic process.

  • For a gift of $20, you and I can help enable one out-of-town marriage supporter to attend the March.

  • For $40, we can subsidize two additional marchers.

  • And for $100, we can bring 5 marchers to Washington who otherwise couldn't afford to come!

In the past two weeks we have been overwhelmed with requests from volunteers hoping to organize and activate their local communities to attend the March.

But they need our help!

So, please, consider making an urgent, tax-deductible donation today to help bring marriage supporters who deserve a chance to attend the March whatever their financial situation.

Just because someone is not blessed with the means doesn't mean they shouldn't have a voice just like everyone else.

Marriage is at a pivotal time. You and I need to put everything we have into defending it. We cannot afford to look back and wonder whether or not we did everything possible to ensure the most fundamental institution of society received the best defense possible... the defense it deserves.

Help us make sure everyone marriage supporter who wants to show up is able to do so.

Thank you.

It's 1973 For Marriage

Email Header Image

It's 1973 For Marriage


Dear Marriage Supporter,

It was an otherwise crisp winter day in 1973 when the United States Supreme Court issued their horrific decision in Roe v Wade. I was a junior in high school in California at the time, but I remember the decision coming down. That fateful, awful ruling has haunted society every day since then — for forty years and counting. Not only have over 50 million innocent babies been killed in their own mother's womb, but the decision did incalculable damage to the conscience of our culture.

By devaluing life among the pre-born, the Supreme Court gave tremendous momentum to those who (in the name of "choice" and "dignity" mind you) would "assist" in taking the inconvenient life of the disabled and the infirm, would sanction the killing of a baby because she had the misfortune to be the "wrong" gender, and would advocate medical "progress" through the destruction of human embryos.

Knowing what you know today, what if you could roll back the clock to before that infamous decision in Roe? What would you do if you could go back in time?

That's where we are right now — it's 1973 for marriage. Only now, we know what the consequences will be if we redefine marriage. We've already seen glimpses of the liberty that will be lost, the attacks against churches, the convicting of pastors, the lawsuits against small businesses and the sanctions against individuals of faith. We know that once marriage is redefined, there is no room in the public square for anyone with a biblical, scriptural view of marriage as God defined it to act on that belief. And we know that once marriage is decreed to be genderless, school children will be taught that male/male and female/female "marriages" are perfectly appropriate, no matter what the children are taught at home or in church. In fact, they'll be informed that to think otherwise is bigotry and discrimination.

Please help us stop this from happening by making a financial contribution of $35, $50, $100 or even $500 or more right now so that we can help ensure a huge show of support for marriage when this issue goes before the U. S. Supreme Court later this month.

The case that could be the Roe v Wade of marriage is the Proposition 8 case, Perry v Hollingsworth. The same-sex plaintiffs in the Perry case are arguing that Proposition 8 defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman is unconstitutional. Moreover, they say that same-sex couples have an absolute right under the federal constitution to marry — in California and, by extension, throughout the US.

This case is being argued in the Supreme Court on March 26. NOM's staff is working night and day to organize and manage all the logistics of the March for Marriage which will happen right in front of the Court just as they are hearing argument in the case. It's an unbelievable amount of work. Thousands of people have said they want to come, and their presence could make a real difference.

But here's the problem: We still have a pressing need to rent more buses and we need to give people who can't attend a way to show their support by marching virtually, online.

The good news is that we're making real progress. Last week we were able to procure funding for a great number of buses... but we have so many more requests.

Will you make a financial contribution of $35, $50, $100 or more so that we can make sure every Church that needs help paying for a bus can attend?

Remember, every donation that you make now will be matched by a generous donor, so there's never been a better opportunity to give, or a more important time to show your generosity.

Think again about the dreadful consequences of the Roe v Wade case. The similarities are eerie when you compare the situation with Roe to what's happening with marriage and the Perry case today. Back when I was in high school and Roe was pending before the court, a few states had legalized abortion, but many remained solidly pro-life. There was a rousing national debate going on in the democratic process about when life began, whether the baby (fetus) had any legal rights, and whether voters and lawmakers in states should be trusted to make their own decisions on this life and death issue.

The U. S. Supreme Court effectively ended the democratic process and substituted their horribly flawed judgment for the views of the American people. They thought they'd settle the question of abortion once and for all. Instead, they set the country onto a course of political turmoil and division that rages as fiercely today as it did back in 1973.

That's exactly what will happen if the Supreme Court were to impose gay "marriage" on the nation and find that gays and lesbians have a constitutional right to same-sex "marriage" even when lawmakers and voters have decided otherwise.

Right now a handful of states allow gay "marriage" while the vast majority do not. Just like abortion in the 1970s, the issue of marriage is being hotly discussed and debated throughout the nation, and is very much being engaged in the democratic process. It's critical that the U. S. Supreme Court not repeat their terrible error of judgment with abortion and decide to take the issue of marriage out of the hands of the people and remove it from the democratic process.

If our opponents get their way, that's exactly what will happen.

If you could go back to 1973, would you participate in a march to save society from the scourge of abortion? Would you go to Washington to show the Supreme Court that you are one of a multitude of people who are demanding that they not use our constitution to create a great moral and civic wrong?

We have thousands of people who want to march for marriage and to take concrete steps to show that marriage matters to them, and it matters to the nation. But we need your financial assistance to get these people on buses, in front of the Supreme Court and be provided the tools to show their support to friends, colleagues, neighbors and family.

If we lose the Perry case, or the companion Windsor v United States case challenging the federal Defense of Marriage Act, the damage to the country will be severe. Soon, people of faith who believe in marriage as God designed it will be targeted for punishment. Then the government will use all its power to indoctrinate children into accepting this new view of marriage as a genderless institution that exists for the pleasure and satisfaction of adults. Over time, marriage will lose its meaning, and society will lose the one institution we have that is designed to connect parents to children.

Children are the ultimate casualty of the same-sex "marriage" regime. Moms and dads will be devalued, and their unique contributions to child rearing will be denied and tossed aside by a society bent on satisfying the demands of a powerful political constituency. No matter how much a woman loves her children, she cannot be their father, nor can a man be their mother. Children need the love of both a mom and a dad, yet same-sex marriage intentionally denies a child the love of either her mother or her father.

We have just a few short weeks left to do our best to prevent this outcome. NOM and its dedicated staff are working feverishly, doing everything in their power to make the March for Marriage a success. But we need your help, today, to rent more buses and deploy more tools to show the Supreme Court that the vast majority of Americans want to preserve marriage and to leave it to voters and lawmakers, not judges, to decide this critical issue.

It's 1973 for marriage. Will you stand up and be counted by helping us prevail? We'll never get this time back. Please act today.

In faith and love,

Frank Schubert
National Political Director
National Organization for Marriage