Examples of Excellent Testimony Against SSM in Minnesota

Minnesota for Marriage has been showcasing some of the best examples of testimony given today in opposition to the bill to redefine marriage -- read for yourself:

Grace (age 11) testified in the House Civil Law hearing today. She asked the Committee: "Which parent don't I need, my mom or my dad?"

The committee had no answer for her.


Doug (gay man): "marriage isn't about love, commitment and responsibility--it's about kids. Ignore the media push and adult demands for same-sex marriage."

"It's not homophobic to oppose same-sex marriage!"

"MN legislators, passing this bill says your wife or husband is not important in the raising of your children!"


Prof. Robert Lopez (humanities scholar, bisexual man):

"Couples deserve to have love recognized, but I know as a child raised by my lesbian mother and her partner that there is something missing when a child is raised by 2 same-sex parents."

"We've heard a lot from same-sex marriage activists who feel they’ve earned property rights to children, but we haven’t heard enough from children’s rights advocates in a full debate."

Minnesota SSM Bill Would Make "Mother" and "Father" Gender-Neutral Terms

Katherine Kersten writes in the Star Tribune that "even concepts like 'mother,' 'father' are threatened by the activist onslaught:

"...a look at SF925 reveals that something much more insidious than advocates let on is underway. This bill would strip the words “mother” and “father” of meaning under Minnesota law. Henceforth, the bill states, these words — among the most beloved and culturally freighted in the English language — “must be construed in a neutral manner to refer to a person of either gender.”

Of course, “mother” and “father” aren’t “gender-neutral” words. That’s a fiction. All Minnesotans have a mother and a father — female and male, respectively. Our state’s legislators may view themselves as powerful, but they can’t repeal this fact of human biology. Yet same-sex marriage advocates must pretend this is possible, if they are to convince the rest of us that a “union” of two people of the same sex is identical to that of a man and woman whose sexual complementarity is the only thing that produces the next generation.

This stripping of meaning from “mother” and “father” is just one signal of the tectonic shift our society will undergo if we try to redefine marriage in a way that portrays the anatomical, social and psychological differences between men and women as irrelevant to human life — just as shoe size and eye color are. We urgently need a conversation at the State Capitol that grapples seriously with the unknown implications of such a step — as they unfold next year and 50 years from now.

Legislators should begin by considering why marriage has been a male/female institution throughout recorded history. Is it really because people in the past weren’t as smart as we are, or were “bigots?” Of course not. It’s because marriage has a vital public purpose: It binds fathers to mothers and the children their sexual union creates. This bond is crucial to children’s well-being — and to society’s future."

If you have not yet contacted your representative and senator, please do so today!

Two UK Teachers Punished for Not Teaching About Gay Marriage

The UK Christian Institute:

A primary school teacher faced disciplinary action because she didn’t want to read to her class from a storybook about gay penguins.

The teacher, who has not been named, works in a school in a London Borough and her case has been told to a committee of MPs looking at the gay marriage Bill.

Another teacher, from Scotland, says he was pressurised to promote gay marriage against his will and it contributed to a breakdown.

The two teachers have remained anonymous because they fear for their careers, but have permitted a lawyer to outline their cases to Parliament.

Broad, Diverse Defense of Marriage at Supreme Court (50+ Briefs in Support of Prop 8/DOMA)

Ryan Anderson at Heritage's The Foundry blog:

Scholars have filed more than 50 amicus briefs with the Supreme Court urging it to uphold California’s Proposition 8 and the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). While the media seems intent on ignoring these briefs and hyping the briefs on the other side, the sheer number and quality of the briefs in defense of laws recognizing marriage as the union of a man and a woman is impressive.

Austin Nimocks, Senior Counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom, explains the significance:

During the Supreme Court’s 2011-2012 term, an average of only 10 amicus briefs per case were filed. And in the historic landmark case of Roe v. Wade, only 26 total amicus briefs were filed.

By comparison a combined total of 58 amicus briefs were filed in support of Prop 8 and DOMA. The pro-marriage arguments are deep, rich, well-reasoned, common sense- and common good-based, and worthy of serious reflection by the Court and any other American interested in the future of our most important social institution.

Top Gay Groups Tell Lesbian Couple to Back Down Rather Than Risk Sixth Circuit Rebuke

More evidence that top gay activist groups are worried that their legal case before the Supreme Court is hardly airtight:

... Hoping to avoid a marriage case being heard by the more conservative Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, several organizations fighting for marriage equality — including the American Civil Liberties Union, Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, and National Center for Lesbian Rights — suggested in a December 2012 filing that the court hold off.

... Although courtroom successes have been plenty in challenges to the Defense of Marriage Act, more direct marriage-rights cases have met with mixed results. Although courts in the Proposition 8 challenge have found the California amendment to be unconstitutional, federal marriage equality lawsuits in Hawaii and Nevada were rejected by trial courts.

... The case, initially filed in January 2012, came only after several LGBT organizations declined to participate, Dana Nessel, one of the couple's attorneys, told BuzzFeed Thursday. "What they told us is that they refuse to touch anything in the Sixth Circuit [Court of Appeals]."

The fear: they would lose.

Jay Kaplan of the ACLU of Michigan told BuzzFeed Friday that Nessel's assessment was accurate, saying, "If you're going to bring a marriage equality claim, you want to be sure that you're going to be successful at all stages of the process." Of the Sixth Circuit, he said, "There is not a progressive majority on the court." (BuzzFeed)

Minnesotans March for Marriage (Our Turn Next), NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Greetings from the state of Minnesota, where good people marched for marriage!

Hundreds of good people of every race, creed and color showed up to make it clear: Marriage is the union of husband and wife, not to be redefined by politicians.

I spoke on your behalf and on behalf of God's vision of marriage. WCCO-4 in Saint Paul, MN reported my speech this way:

"Proponents of same-sex marriage want us to believe that this is inevitable, this is going to come no matter what we do, so we might as well pack up and go back to our homes and stop fighting. We will never stop fighting for the truth," said Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage.

Senate Minority Leader David Hann (R-Eden Prairie,) also spoke up for marriage on Thursday: "We believe that marriage is not something that legislatures created or government created. We believe that marriage is something that God created and reflects an order that God created and it is the thing that unites children with their parents."

You'll recall that opponents of the 2012 Minnesota Marriage Amendment had promised voters the amendment was unnecessary—that you could vote "no" and nothing would change in the law on marriage. That proved about as true as promises in so many other states that civil unions and gay marriage bills would not compromise religious liberty.

Well, there is hope that Minnesotans are beginning to see through the other side's duplicity: a StarTribune poll released this week found Minnesotans oppose gay marriage 53 percent to 38 percent.

March for Marriage Update: Momentum Continues to Grow!

The March for Marriage in our nation's capital takes place on March 26—if you plan to attend, you can RSVP on Facebook by clicking here.

I was excited by the news recently reported by EWTN: "Leaders within the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are encouraging their brother bishops to support the upcoming March for Marriage."

"We are grateful for this opportunity to express support for the Marriage for March and to encourage participation in this event," said Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades and Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone in a letter to their fellow bishops.

"The march will be a significant opportunity to promote and defend marriage and the good of our nation, to pray for our Supreme Court justices, and to stand in solidarity with people of good will," their letter went on to say.

NOM Leaders Remind Us What We're Fighting For

We will be on the steps of the Supreme Court as the Justices take up oral arguments on the case that could ban Prop 8 and bring gay marriage to every state in the union, including yours. I hope that you can join us and stand alongside us as we demand justice for children and respect for our Constitutional right to speak, to donate, to organize, and yes to vote for marriage as the union of husband and wife.

NOM's Chairman of the Board, the distinguished law professor and litigator John Eastman, recently took our case to the media, smacking down the legal arguments for gay marriage in U.S. News and World Report. There is no civil right to same-sex marriage, he points out, because "the Supreme Court's recognition of marriage as a fundamental right has always been grounded on what makes marriage a unique relationship." He explains:

In Loving v. Virginia (1967), the Court defined marriage as a "fundamental" right because it is one of the "'basic civil rights of man,' fundamental to our very existence and survival," a point which is only true because the institution is rooted in the biological complementarity of the sexes, the formal recognition of the unique union through which children are produced. [...] [The 14th Amendment's equal protection clause] requires that individuals who are similarly situated must be treated similarly. It should be obvious, but as long as procreation is an important part of why society lends its weight to the institution of marriage, same sex and opposite sex relationships are simply not similarly situated with respect to that important aspect of marriage.

Here's the bottom line, according to Professor Eastman: "Laws that foster the one relationship because of its unique ability to further the public good serve legitimate, even compelling governmental interests, and should be upheld."

Also recently, NOM's Communications Director, the dynamic young Thomas Peters, was on CNN, arguing the Supreme Court must respect our rights and the rights of 7 million Californians who voted for Prop 8. I really enjoyed watching him smack down the absurd meme that gay marriage is somehow important for economic growth (some people will say anything!):

Another member of NOM's family, Christopher Plante (NOM's Northeastern Regional Coordinator), was recently featured as a 'Rhode Island Power Player' in the local press, described as a person having a "large impact" on the state. As Chris told the media, "We've been told time and time again that same-sex marriage was inevitable and time and time again that has proven false. Of particular importance to us is working closely with our grassroots supporters, having them call, email, and visit their Senators, because it's the people who will ultimately hold these elected officials accountable."

They also asked him what his advice would be for the next Christopher Plante: "Have a thick skin and good sense of humor!"

Heightened Points of Interest in the SCOTUS Marriage Cases

President Obama, who has written movingly of his own longing for his absent father's love as a boy, is now in Court sadly arguing there's no evidence children need either a mother or a father.

Obama's Justice Department filed a brief "rebutting" the arguments made by supporters of Prop 8 that the ideal for a child is a mom and dad. "The [California] Voter Guide arguably offered a distinct but related child-rearing justification for Proposition 8: 'the best situation for a child is to be raised by a married mother and father,'" said the administration's brief, submitted to the court by Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli, Jr.

"As an initial matter, no sound basis exists for concluding that same-sex couples who have committed to marriage are anything other than fully capable of responsible parenting and child-rearing," the Obama administration told the court. "To the contrary,... children raised by gay and lesbian parents are as likely to be well adjusted as children raised by heterosexual parents."

There are a lot of objections you and I could make to irresponsible statements like these. But I like the response raised by a reporter who covered this story very well for CNSnews, Terence Jeffrey:

So far in the history of the human race, no child has ever been born without a biological father and mother. Now, in the Supreme Court of the United States, the Executive Branch of the federal government is arguing that, regardless of the biological facts of parenthood, states have no legitimate and defensible interest in ensuring that children conceived by a mother and a father are in fact raised by mothers and fathers.

In other SCOTUS news, Justice Anthony Kennedy—the swing vote who will likely determine whether our rights to fight for marriage in a democratic fashion will be respected and upheld, or whether our beloved Constitution will be misused as a weapon to strike down the definition of marriage in all 50 states and make gay marriage a part of our Constitution—had some interesting things to say recently.

Now, Kennedy has proved very sympathetic to various gay rights arguments and many people fear he will find a right to gay marriage in our Constitution. Of course, we won't know for sure until he actually issues a decision.

But for us, there was some hopeful news this week, when Justice Kennedy returned to Sacramento on the occasion of the opening of a federal courthouse library named for him. According to the Associated Press:

Justice Anthony Kennedy says he is concerned that the U.S. Supreme Court is increasingly the venue for deciding politically charged issues such as gay marriage, health care and immigration.

The 76-year-old associate justice said Wednesday that major policies in a democracy should not depend 'on what nine unelected people from a narrow legal background have to say.'

I couldn't have said it better myself!

Ted Olsen and David Boies must be shaking in their boots as they read those words.

Do not believe the falsehood that gay marriage is inevitable. Join us on March 26 and speak truth to power; stand up for God's vision of marriage.

Speaking of which — here are some brave military chaplains doing just that — standing up for marriage and speaking truth to power. If you haven't seen it yet, please check out our brand-new MarriageADA video released yesterday about the perilous threat to our military chaplains posed by efforts to redefine marriage. And please send these brave men a note of support for standing up and lending their voice to bring attention to this important cause!

I look forward to standing with you myself in our nation's capital later this month! With your help and God's help, we will not only stand for marriage—we will march!

NEW VIDEO: Military Chaplains Under Fire!

Email Header Image

Dear Marriage Supporter,

As you know, President Obama is doing everything in his power to undermine the Defense of Marriage Act by pushing an aggressive, pro-gay marriage agenda in the military.

It should therefore come as no surprise that the individuals most directly and severely affected by the President's actions are heroic military chaplains.

Click here to watch a powerful new Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance video where military chaplains speak out about how they are coming under fire from their own Commander in Chief.

Again we clearly see how redefining marriage puts the First Amendment rights of pro-marriage individuals and institutions in jeopardy.

Supporter, with the United States Supreme Court about to hear two historic cases this month—cases that could determine the very future of marriage in America—it is critical that we get the word out about how far-reaching and damaging the consequences are when marriage is undermined and redefined.

Be sure to watch this incredible new video right now about the threats facing our military chaplains, and share it with your family and friends. This message must be spread far and wide.

And please, if you are able, make a donation today of $35, $50, $100, or even $500 to help the National Organization for Marriage bring to light the real-life consequences of redefining marriage for everyday, faithful Americans like you and me.

Please also don't forget to share this video so that more Americans can see what the stakes are for marriage at this critical time in our nation's history. Use the buttons below to promote this video through Facebook, Twitter, or by emailing it to your friends:

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Thank you so much for standing up for marriage and helping us get the word out about the threats we face.

Doug Mainwaring: "I'm Gay and I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage"

Doug Mainwaring writes in the Public Discourse that "while religion and tradition have led many to their positions on same-sex marriage, it’s also possible to oppose same-sex marriage based on reason and experience":

“I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph, and there is purpose and worth to each and every life.” These words, spoken by Ronald Reagan in 1991, are framed on the wall above my desk. As a gay man, I’ve adopted them as my own, as I’ve entered the national discussion on same-sex marriage.

I wholeheartedly support civil unions for gay and lesbian couples, but I am opposed to same-sex marriage. Because activists have made marriage, rather than civil unions, their goal, I am viewed by many as a self-loathing, traitorous gay. So be it. I prefer to think of myself as a reasoning, intellectually honest human being.

The notion of same-sex marriage is implausible, yet political correctness has made stating the obvious a risky business. Genderless marriage is not marriage at all. It is something else entirely.

Opposition to same-sex marriage is characterized in the media, at best, as clinging to “old-fashioned” religious beliefs and traditions, and at worst, as homophobia and hatred.

I’ve always been careful to avoid using religion or appeals to tradition as I’ve approached this topic. And with good reason: Neither religion nor tradition has played a significant role in forming my stance. But reason and experience certainly have.

AP Reports: Justice Kennedy Signals Marriage Should be Decided by the People

Enlightening comments from Justice Kennedy about the role of the Supreme Court on issues such as gay marriage:

Justice Anthony Kennedy says he is concerned that the U.S. Supreme Court is increasingly the venue for deciding politically charged issues such as gay marriage, health care and immigration.

The 76-year-old associate justice said Wednesday that major policies in a democracy should not depend "on what nine unelected people from a narrow legal background have to say."

Rather, he said, it is important for political leaders to show the world that democracy works through compromise.

Kennedy, a former Sacramento law professor, was in California's state capital to attend the dedication of a federal courthouse library bearing his name. He often has been the swing vote on the high court's split decisions. (AP)

URGENT: Help Struggling Churches March For Marriage!

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

2013 March for Marriage
The March for Marriage on Twitter
The March for Marriage on Facebook
National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Great news: The preparations for the March for Marriage are going incredibly well!

In fact, the requests we've received from spiritual leaders has been overwhelming. We have received requests from churches for 100 buses that we don't have the funds to assist. That's thousands — many of them from Latino and African-American communities — who want to attend the march but are having trouble pulling together the necessary funds.

That's why I'm making this emergency appeal on behalf of these excited pro-marriage people who want to attend the March.

Please click here to make a confidential, tax-deductible donation right away to help us subsidize 100 buses to bring marchers to Washington DC so they can make their voices heard in front of the Supreme Court and on the National Mall!

Each full bus will bring over 50 people and require a subsidy of around $1,000. That means:

Your gift today of $20 will bring another marcher to Washington DC from out of town.

Your gift of $40 will bring 2 additional marriage supporters to the march.

Your gift of $100 will bring 5 additional marriage supporters to the march.

And a gift of $500 will cover half the costs of an entire bus!

I know that some of you reading this email can give a lot more than that. Please realize that for every $1,000 you donate today, you will be responsible for bringing an entire bus full of marriage supporters and activists to the march at the Supreme Court on March 26th so they can make their voices heard loud and clear at the exact time the most important court case of our generation is under consideration.

Just because someone is not blessed with the means doesn't mean they shouldn't have a voice just like everyone else.

So please make a generous, tax-deductible donation today to help make the March for Marriage an unequivocal success!

We need to send the strongest message possible to the political, academic and media elites of our great nation: marriage is between one man and one woman because children deserve a mother and a father!

At this moment, marriage needs courageous and self-sacrificing heroes to stand up and defend it. Please give as generously as possible to help NOM give eager and willing marriage supporters in America like you the chance to make their voices heard so their values can be respected. Thank you.

NOM's Thomas Peters: Pro-Marriage is Pro-Life

NOM's Communications Director Thomas Peters shares in the Daily Caller his conviction that the pro-life and pro-marriage movements must unite to become one united voice for justice to children:

How can you be pro-life unless you are also pro-marriage? I’ve been thinking about that question ever since I moved over from pro-life activism to pro-marriage activism. Since that transition, my conviction that the movements are essentially one has only been reinforced.

Pro-life is in my blood. My parents met at an event to welcome pro-life activists who had been recently bailed out of jail for conducting a peaceful sit-in at an abortion clinic. When I moved to Washington, D.C., five years ago, I knew I would be a pro-life activist, and so I was.

But as my activism matured, so did my conviction that the pro-life movement must become explicitly pro-marriage or risk its future. The Guttmacher Institute tells us that 85% of women who opt for abortion are unmarried. The community most afflicted by abortion, African-Americans, is also the community that suffers the lowest marriage rate.

He concludes with a call for pro-life activists to join the March for Marriage:

" an ardent pro-life activist, I’m calling on my fellow pro-life warriors to formally join in the pro-marriage cause. One concrete action we can take in the next months is to show up for the March for Marriage ( on March 26 in Washington, D.C, the same day the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Proposition 8 case.

Pro-lifers once needed a scientific instrument — the ultrasound — to renew their cause. Today I believe they only need a bit of encouragement to acknowledge the deeper truth embedded in the biology of the human beings they defend — the truth that unborn children are conceived by men and women. The cultural question which every civilized society before us, and our nation throughout most of its history, has resolved is that this new life deserves to be born and raised by its parents who are united in marriage.

What could be more pro-life than that?"

Buyer's Remorse: Strong Majority in Minnesota Opposes Gay Marriage

More proof that Minnesotans understand they were sold a bill of goods last November when they were told by gay marriage advocates that there was no plan to redefine marriage for the whole state.

And yet, the same gay marriage activists who also condemned efforts to protect marriage as a "distraction" from the other pressing business of the legislature, are now themselves pushing gay marriage:

A majority of Minnesotans oppose legalizing same-sex marriage, the Star Tribune Minnesota Poll has found.

Fifty-three percent of Minnesotans say the state statute banning same-sex unions should stand. Only 38 percent say legislators should overturn the law this year, while 9 percent are undecided.

The new poll offers a fresh snapshot of an issue that has deeply divided the state. It was just five months ago that Minnesotans rejected a proposal to put the ban into the state’s Constitution. Legislators now are considering bills that would make gay marriage legal.

House Speaker Paul Thissen said he found the poll results surprising, with stronger opposition than has been seen in other samplings. (Star Tribune)

Video: NOM's Peters: Obama Has No Credibility on Marriage

NOM's Thomas Peters appeared on the Christian Broadcasting Network to discuss President Obama's recent decision to get involved in the Proposition 8 case -- and also got a chance to spread the word about the March for Marriage!

When asked about the impact of Obama's choice to weigh in, he responded:

"I think if it has any impact it will actually have a negative one in terms of getting the result that the President wants. I think he has politicized the issue and frankly he has no credibility on it either because, as that montage you just showed points out, he's flipped his position several times now. And at this stage, the question at the Supreme Court is whether we're going to respect the rights of the seven million Californian voters who voted to protect marriage, or if the Supreme Court is going to by fiat erase their democratic vote."

Watch the video of the segment here:

Ruth Institute President Responds to Mischaracterization of Her Remarks to Catholic Student Retreat

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

"I would be happy to meet with Tyler Clementi's mom and dad to try to move forward and go beyond the highly charged rhetoric that doesn't help anyone." — Dr. Morse, Ruth Institute —

National Organization for Marriage

San Diego, CA — Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, President of the Ruth Institute issued the following statement today: "The media and activists groups are mischaracterizing my remarks, in which I urged students to befriend gay students, and also urged them all to adhere to the traditional standards of sexual morality. I believe that engaging in uncommitted sex hurts people of both genders and all sexual orientations. I would be happy to meet with Tyler Clementi's mom and dad to try to move forward and go beyond the highly charged rhetoric that doesn't help anyone. I don't think the Clementis know me or what I believe or think or said. Reaching out across lines of moral difference in a spirit of love is my mission. In the meantime, I would invite anyone to come to the Ruth Institute website and listen to the entire podcast for themselves."

The entire audio of Dr. Morse's remarks and the subsequent Q & A can be heard here.


To schedule an interview with Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, contact please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Rahm Emanuel is Desperate!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Desperate! That's what the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, is right now.

Why else would he send out an email to his Chicago machine commanding them to lobby their representatives in favor of same-sex marriage?

Because as of today, he knows they don't have the votes to pass the bill!

Rahm Emanuel is firing up the Democratic Party forces, trying to strong-arm same-sex marriage through the legislature the old Chicago way.

But this time, things are different!

Please click here right away to send an email message to your state representative urging him or her to cast a vote to protect marriage and kids by voting AGAINST Senate Bill 10!

Supporter, as I mentioned last week, the Democratic Party is fraying over the issue of gay marriage. Many of the politicians who represent African-American and Latino constituents are resisting the political pressure brought to bear by the leaders of their party.

Click here to give them the backing they need to stand strong against the back-room, closed-door, old-school political special interest machine!

In addition, I NEED you to forward this email to your family and friends in Illinois, and encourage THEM to take action as well. If it's easier for you, use the buttons below to share this message on Facebook and Twitter. Or pick up the phone and call them so they can take action right away.

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If you have an additional two minutes to invest in defending marriage, look up your Representative's phone number by clicking here, and call their office to let them know that the people of Illinois — and you personally — want their representatives to defend marriage — the only institution that connects children to parents and vice versa.

It's going to take thousands of Illinoisans working together to protect marriage in Illinois. Help spread the word today!

You have made tremendous progress so far! Same-sex marriage was supposed to be a done deal in January… yet here we are in March with a very real chance of preventing this so-called "inevitable" same-sex marriage bill.

Please take action today! I know I can count on you to help. Thank you!