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Search Results for: democrats

Our Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress

Dear Marriage Supporter, The audience at a congressional hearing isn’t supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what our Chairman John Eastman had to say. Let me explain why his testimony has gained the admiration of tea party and conservative activists and the renewed attention of politicians and the media across the […]

Media Coverage of Chairman Eastman's Testimony

Dozens and dozens of major news outlets have picked up on the revelations made by our chairman, Prof. John Eastman, during his testimony today before the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee — this isn’t counting all of the accolades he has received on Twitter and Facebook for standing up for the rights of Americans […]

Watch Rep. Paul Ryan Question NOM's Chairman About The IRS Scandal!

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Welcome to Washington.” That’s how Rep. Paul Ryan begins his statements in last week’s hearing about the ongoing IRS Scandal. His comments followed Rep. McDermott’s, who incredibly claimed that marriage supporters shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the public square because (unlike the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry and Planned Parenthood, […]

Watch Rep. Paul Ryan Question NOM's Chairman About The IRS Scandal!

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Welcome to Washington.” That’s how Rep. Paul Ryan begins his statements in last week’s hearing about the ongoing IRS Scandal. His comments followed Rep. McDermott’s, who incredibly claimed that marriage supporters shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the public square because (unlike the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry and Planned Parenthood, […]

Marriage Supporters Win Major Victory In Illinois — Effort To Redefine Marriage Fails To Gather Support And Is Tabled Without A Vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 31, 2013Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “This is a great victory for our allies and supporters, as well as Illinois families who have worked tirelessly with us to preserve marriage in Illinois.” — Brian Brown Washington, DC — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today celebrated the failure of […]

Down to the Wire, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, 24 hours and the fate of marriage will be decided in Illinois. The fact that the fight for marriage is coming down to the wire in this deep blue state controlled by Democrats, even with Pres. Obama pushing for its passage, is a testament first, to the good people of Illinois, of […]

Please Help Us Save Marriage in Illinois - And Across America

Dear Marriage Supporter, For months and months, NOM has been fighting hard to protect marriage in Illinois. That’s why, with less than ten days left to go in the legislative session, gay activists are still scrambling to twist arms and strike backroom deals in Springfield. Your emergency gift of $35, $75 or $150 could make […]

The Road to Tyranny, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The road to tyranny is paved with incidents like this. Private Citizen Harassed for Her Political Writings For Prof. Anne Hendershott, the phone call to her home from the IRS came out of the blue in May 2010: “The IRS calls my house and says … ‘I just wanted to let you […]

Brian Brown: Delaware Gay Marriage Vote Will Be Campaign Issue Next Election

Brian Brown spoke with the Associated Press about the fact that gay marriage will be a political issue in the next elections in states where legislators — especially Republican legislators — voted to redefine marriage: “…opponents of gay marriage say Delaware lawmakers will face consequences for supporting the measure, which cleared the Senate on a […]

SSM Advocates Brazenly Jeopardize Immigration Reform

POLITICO reports on a proposed amendment to the bi-partisan immigration reform bill so long in the making which could end up killing the bill altogether: The most serious threat to bipartisan immigration reform doesn’t involve border security or guest workers or even the path to citizenship. It’s about gay rights. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), an outspoken defender […]

A Tough Week... NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The news this week is tough. I’m not going to sugar coat it. In Rhode Island, all five Republican state senators joined the Democrats in the state senate to pass a same-sex marriage bill. It now goes back to the House which had previously passed a gay marriage bill and the governor […]

National Organization for Marriage Commends US Senator Mark Pryor for Maintaining Support for Marriage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 12, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “Marriage is not a partisan issue; many of its most ardent defenders are Democrats like Senator Pryor” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today commended U.S. Senator Mark Pryor for maintaining his support […]

Oklahoma House Votes 84-0 to Uphold DOMA

Is there any part of the country as pro-SSM as Oklahoma is pro-marriage? The Oklahoma House has approved — without a single negative vote but with some members walking out — a resolution reaffirming marriage as between a man and a woman and supporting the federal Defense of Marriage Act that prohibits recognition of same-sex […]

National Organization for Marriage Reiterates Pledge to Spend $250,000 To Defeat Any Republican Legislator in Illinois Who Votes For Gay 'Marriage'

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 8, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “Any Republican in Illinois who betrays the cause of marriage will be casting a career-ending vote and will be held accountable to their constituents.” —Brian Brown, NOM’s president— Washington, DC—With the Illinois state Legislature set to return from recess, the National Organization […]

Defending Marriage: On Capitol Hill and On the Airwaves! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Here are the faces of the people the mainstream media want to persuade you do not exist: Cliff Kincaid, Director of the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism, accurately notes how dishonestly our movement has been covered by the mainstream media: Significant news came out of last Tuesday’s March for Marriage […]