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Search Results for: marriage

Hawaiian Bishop Makes Urgent Appeal for Marriage

Hawaii House Democrats are planning to meet this week in a special session to discuss a bill that could redefine marriage for the state. But Hawaiian faith leaders are fighting back. Bishop Silva from the Diocese of Honolulu issued a memorandum to all parishioners this past Sunday, clarifying Church teaching and asking people of faith […]

State and County Officials Defying New Mexico’s Marriage Law

One News Now reports on the lawlessness taking place in New Mexico, and our action alert to keep the pressure on Governor Martinez. NOM is asking New Mexico residents to press Governor Susana Martinez (R) to intervene and defend marriage as between one man and one woman. Attorney General King – who plans to seek the […]

Redefining Marriage and the Concept of Freedom

In his column today, First Things editor R.R. Reno discusses the concepts of freedom and discipline. And why same-sex marriage is intimately tied to both. …it’s very palpable here in New York and entirely accepted and affirmed by the well-educated twenty-somethings who flock here—it’s not surprising that we see people cherishing compensatory freedoms. The hard-working twenty-somethings […]

You've Been Framed, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Prof John Eastman, Chairman of our board, is one sharp legal eagle. Watch him take on and demolish the idea that the Supreme Court has authorized county clerks in Pennsylvania and other states to just hand out ‘marriage’ licenses to gay couples lawlessly, without even the cover of a court order. Watch […]

National Organization for Marriage Denounces the New Mexico Supreme Court's Decision to Force People of Faith to Compromise Their Religious Beliefs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 22, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “This decision is outrageous. While simultaneously admitting that this decision will harm the Huguenins, the court uses its full power of coercion to force them to compromise their beliefs.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for […]

New Group Pushes to Redefine Marriage in the Hoosier State

The Indy Channel: A coalition of businesses and activist groups has begun its push to defeat an amendment that would write Indiana’s same-sex marriage ban into the state constitution. [Freedom Indiana] Campaign Manager Megan Robertson says passing the amendment would strip gay and lesbian residents of their rights and harm Indiana’s reputation. She calls the campaign […]

New Mexico County Clerk Breaks Law; Issues Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

First Pennsylvania, now New Mexico. Another county clerk has taken it upon himself to completely ignore state law and issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. ABC News: Dona Ana County Clerk Lynn Ellins said his office had provided 35 licenses to same-sex couples compared to four or five given on an average day to heterosexual […]

Marriage Emergency — Lawlessness in New Mexico

Dear Marriage Supporter, Same-sex ‘marriage’ activists in New Mexico are not content to wait for the courts. Now they have found a county clerk willing to defy the Governor and Attorney General by issuing illegal ‘marriage’ licenses to same-sex couples. It was reported yesterday that Dona Ana County Clerk, Lynn Ellins will start issuing same-sex […]

NOM's John Eastman Debates Marriage on PBS News Hour

States have been feeling the ripple effects over these past few months following the Supreme Court’s DOMA ruling. NOM Chairman John Eastman was featured on PBS News Hour today to talk about how the DOMA decision is affecting state laws, particularly those states that already have marriage protection amendments in their constitutions.

Defend Marriage Lobby Day in Illinois!

If you live in Illinois, mark your calendar now! The Illinois Family Institute will be hosting the second annual Defend Marriage Lobby Day & Prayer Watch on Wednesday, October 23rd.  This is an incredibly important opportunity to stand for marriage.  The Illinois legislature is coming back into session for 3 days and homosexual-‘marriage’ advocates have dedicated $3 million […]

DOD Leave for Same-Sex Marriage Criticized

PressTV: Conservatives have criticized Pentagon’s decision to grant full family benefits including marriage leaves of up to 10 days to military gay/lesbian couples who want to get married. Critics say the move by Pentagon is unusual as same-sex marriage is still barred in 37 states including the entire southern states, where most military installations are […]

Debating Marriage: What's a "Hater" To Do?

In the Public Discourse today, Narrator Principal Brian Brown writes on the need for marriage advocates to discuss marriage in a way that appeals not only to reason, but also to emotion, intuition, and imagination. Brown outlines Nathan Hitchen’s document You’ve Been Framed: A New Primer for the Marriage Debate to suggests several methods of unifying marriage advocates […]

Good Things in the Defense of Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, Despite what the mainstream media would lead you to believe, the marriage debate in the United States is very much alive…good things are happening in the defense of marriage. I’m writing today to ask you to please consider making a generous donation to NOM so that we can continue to build on […]

Oregon Official Says Bakers Who Support Traditional Marriage Need 'Rehabilitation'

Despite the fact that Oregon bakers saw a huge boom in business after standing up for their belief in marriage (proving that many other Oregonians feel the same way), Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian says the state government’s goal is to “rehabilitate” them: A lesbian couple filed a formal complaint against “Sweet Cakes by Melissa” in Portland […]

Why Is It So Difficult to Discuss Marriage?

As a forward to the 2006 book “The Meaning of Marriage”, prominent ethicist Jean Bethke Elshtain, who passed away earlier this week, wrote this insightful piece on the marriage debate. The Public Discourse: One reason, of course, is that we all have a stake in the debate and its outcome. No one is left untouched by […]