Yeshiva World "We Will Send a Message by Voting for Turner" in NY-9


Dave Hirsch's op-ed in the Yeshiva World:

In a frantic move, Friedlander wrote a controversial opinion in the Hamodia which pleaded that Jews divorce religion upon entering the poll booth. “Recently, our community has taken a strong interest in elections and political campaigns,” he noted. “We’ve seen members of our community debating on whether to support candidates who hold certain positions on social issues that do not conform with our standards.  The issues range from abortion to same gender marriage”, he continued before declaring: “Campaigns are all about winning.”

However, the community listened to Rabbanim over Friedlander, and they voted for the candidates that vowed to defend our core values.

... we are smarter than petty politics. We will send Washington and Friedlander a message for once by voting Turner.

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