FROM NOM'S NATIONAL NEWSLETTER: Tim Gill Threatens $2M Campaign Against Colorado Lawmakers over Civil Unions Bill


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After Colorado legislators rejected a civil unions bill, Tim Gill's lawyer, Ted Trimpa, issued a threat, according to KWGN news:

Gill, the gay millionaire whose riches are largely responsible for the Democratic takeover in Colorado over the past decade, will now be spending millions more to defeat Republicans across the state, starting with GOP members of the statehouse.

"It might be a difference of, before, spending $200,000 [on 2012 House races], and now spending $2 million," Gill's lawyer said.

Here's two interesting things to notice about this threat: It disappeared from the news website within hours. We've asked but we've had no explanation for why Gill's threat, which is surely newsworthy, would disappear from a mainstream news website without any explanation.

We do know: It is very unusual for Gill to make a threat. The gay billionaire prefers to sneak up on politicians quietly and behind the scenes. It is rare to see a news point in the mainstream media these days which advocates of gay marriage don't like. Is this a blatant case of self-censorship by the mainstream media to further a political cause? I don't know, but we'll let you know what we find out.

Here's the more important point to notice: Tim Gill and gay-marriage advocates need millions to influence politics, because they don't have actual voters.

We do not need to match them dollar for dollar to fight for God's truth about marriage—but we do need resources to get that truth out to the citizens who can make a difference.

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