Daily Caller Op-Ed: As New York Economy Tanks, Social Re-Engineering Cuomo & Bloomberg's Top Priority


Brian Raum, senior counsel of the Alliance Defense Fund, writes in the Daily Caller:

As the battle for marriage heats up again in New York, so does the tired rhetoric. Gov. Andrew Cuomo has stated that marriage redefinition is one of his top two priorities, and for Mayor Michael Bloomberg, it’s priority number one. 

While social re-engineering tops the agenda, New York’s unemployment rate lingers near 8 percent. The state faces a $315 million budget deficit, and a bleak economic forecast is forcing reductions in the state police force. New York’s tax policies are driving people and businesses away in droves, fewer than half of its students are leaving high school prepared for college or well-paying careers, and its poverty rate — the highest among all Northeastern states last year — tops the national average.

As for Mayor Bloomberg, his approval rating has tanked. Prescription drug abuse is rising at an alarming rate in his city, the citywide murder rate skyrocketed last year, and 41 percent of all pregnancies in the Big Apple are aborted — that’s more than twice the national average.

... New York is faced with a monumental decision, the full consequences of which we cannot begin to predict. One thing is sure, however: if the politicians succeed with their “highest priority,” it will guarantee, by design, that more children will be raised without either a mother or a father. That may be a side of history that Gov. Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg want to be on, but I and most other Americans do not.

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