Author Archives: Brian Brown

Gay Marriage Advocates Back to Courts to Redefine Marriage

Gay ‘Marriage’ Advocates Back to Using Courts to Impose Genderless Marriage Dear Marriage Supporter, Even while they claim to the media that ‘the wind of public opinion is at their back’ after the election last November, the actions of homosexual marriage advocates show they don’t really believe that voters support redefining marriage. As gay marriage […]

Support Prop 8 and the Rule of Law

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you are undoubtedly aware, the battle over Proposition 8 and the definition of marriage is ongoing in California. And while Governor Brown and Attorney General Harris, with several County Clerks, continue their lawless decree that Prop 8 no longer applies, at least one County Clerk has chosen to follow the rule […]

Don't Mess with Texas (Marriage Law)!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Unprecedented, chilling, unconstitutional, and simply wrong. Those were some of the words used to describe a San Antonio City Council ordinance that would ban from city government anyone who ever uttered a discriminatory word against same-sex marriage. Truth is stranger, and in this case more horrifying, than fiction. For years we at […]

Tell Gov. Martinez to Stand Firm on Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, The battle for marriage as God designed has come to The Land of Enchantment; and it’s your turn to stand in the breach. Every person who believes marriage to be the union of one man and one woman needs to contact Governor Martinez today, urging her and her administration to give their […]

It's Working — Keep It Up!

Dear Marriage Supporter, It’s time to thank Governor Corbett for standing for marriage and the rule of law. As much as we “demand” things of our elected officials, we also need to thank them and let them know that they have our support. Last week, when I wrote to you urging you to contact Governor […]

Who Will Hold Them Accountable?

Dear Marriage Supporter, Ever since the US Supreme Court invalidated the federal definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, we’ve expected lawsuits would be filed in federal court challenging state laws that also define marriage in the traditional way. Our expectations have certainly been met; over a dozen such lawsuits […]

Tell Governor Corbett to Stop this Lawlessness!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I am outraged, and you should be too, at the news coming from Montgomery County yesterday. In open defiance to Pennsylvania’s laws defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and in violation of their sworn duty as public office holders, officials in Montgomery County yesterday began issuing illegal […]

It's Working!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I always talk about how grateful I am for the wonderful grassroots supporters we have here at NOM, brave men and women like YOU who are willing to stand up and speak out in defense of marriage. And there’s a reason I’m grateful: because when we band together in support of marriage, […]

The Heroes Emerging

Dear Marriage Supporter, Gay marriage activists are filing lawsuits across this country to strike down marriage laws. Already they have in place lawsuits intended to wipe out the marriage laws of all but twelve states. And that’s before they get into the Supreme Court again. Justice Scalia said, too many judges will do what they […]

This is important...please take a minute to read...

Dear Marriage Supporter, If you’re anything like me, you’re still seething over the two terrible decisions issued last month by the Supreme Court against marriage. But, again, if you’re anything like me, you’re not giving up on marriage! You and I both understand that marriage is the foundation of society; that children have a right […]

Take 5 Minutes to Protect Marriage in Pennsylvania!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last week Pennsylvania’s Attorney General Kathleen Kane announced she will NOT defend Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage Act, which protects marriage as the union of one man and one woman against a new lawsuit. How dare she abdicate her sworn duty to uphold the law! This means Governor Tom Corbett is the only […]

Now It's Our Turn: Fight or Submit?

The Supreme Court has issued its rulings, threatening our right to protect marriage and to be respected as sincere in our actions as we do it. Now it’s our turn: fight or submit? Its been a busy week fighting for God’s truth about marriage on National TV in the wake of what Maggie Gallagher called […]

The Path Forward

The National Organization for Marriage has hundreds of thousands of active supporters across the nation, and I’ve heard from many of you since the Supreme Court’s rulings in the DOMA and Proposition 8 cases with some version of this question: “What’s the path forward to preserve marriage?” We have been working hard to fine-tune strategies, […]

America Is A Blessed Nation But It's Up To Us To Keep Fighting For Independence

Dear Marriage Supporter, Tomorrow as we celebrate Independence Day, we’re reminded of how richly blessed America has been. We’re a republic founded on the principles of religious liberty, freedom and democracy, endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. We’re a nation where citizen rights come from God, not from government, and where the people are […]

We're On Offense!

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you know, last week the Supreme Court handed down two terrible decisions on marriage. But the Court stopped short of fabricating a “right” to redefine marriage in our Constitution, choosing instead to allow the states to settle the question. This means winning or losing marriage is still up to us, The […]