Author Archives: Brian Brown

Meet Kamala Harris (and the Future We Must Avoid)

Dear Marriage Supporter, Kamala Harris may not yet be a household name across the nation, but she’s the uber-liberal state Attorney General of California. She hails from San Francisco and she doesn’t much care for people who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, as God created it. In fact, […]

Emergency Alert: Lawlessness Continues – Same-sex ‘Marriages’ Resume in California

Dear Marriage Supporter, In a case that has been marked by judicial arrogance and, frankly, lawlessness since the beginning, three judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals late Friday lifted their stay which had been in effect since a trial judge had ruled against Proposition 8. Same-sex couples began being ‘married’ in California when […]

What You Can Do Today to Help Save Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, Yesterday the US Supreme Court ripped the legs out from under the institution of marriage. Here’s something you can do today to help save this foundational institution: SUPPORT Congressman Tim Huelskamp’s Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. We applaud him, Reps. Vicky Hartzler, John […]

Undaunted and Resolute

Dear Marriage Supporter, Today, the US Supreme Court did what many of us hoped would never happen — they have invalidated Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act and refused to consider the lower court decision invalidating Proposition 8. But make no mistake, we avoided a Roe v. Wade for marriage and for […]

It's "D" Day Tomorrow For Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, Tomorrow is D-Day for marriage. In this case, “D-Day” means “Decision Day.” The marriage cases were not decided today, but Chief Justice John Roberts announced that the decisions will be issued tomorrow, which will be the Court’s last day in session for this term. We at NOM remain optimistic. Of course, the […]

No News From Supreme Court, But There's Some Other Good News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The US Supreme Court briefly convened this morning but did not issue its rulings in either the Proposition 8 or DOMA cases. They will reconvene again tomorrow, and very likely at least one other day this week. We expect the marriage cases to be the final decisions issued this term, and we […]

Waiting But Not Idle, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, We continue to await news from the Supreme Court in the Proposition 8 and DOMA cases — please continue to pray and stay tuned in for updates! We expect the decisions to be handed down next week. In the meantime, we are not idle! Praising African-American Pastors Today I’m published in National […]

A Watershed...

Dear Marriage Supporter, I just finished writing this email and now I’m off to proudly attend the Tea Party Patriots’ “Audit the IRS” rally on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol. I will be standing with my fellow Americans from across the country calling on Congress to investigate this scandal and provide answers that […]

Father's Day, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, What is our relationship with our own bodies? Father’s Day is an occasion for meditating on the important reality of our bodies, what they tell us about who we are and how we should live our life. I write this not because, as the father of 8, I need some outside force […]

Watch Rep. Paul Ryan Question NOM's Chairman About The IRS Scandal!

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Welcome to Washington.” That’s how Rep. Paul Ryan begins his statements in last week’s hearing about the ongoing IRS Scandal. His comments followed Rep. McDermott’s, who incredibly claimed that marriage supporters shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the public square because (unlike the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry and Planned Parenthood, […]

Scurrilous, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The epic events of the last week for marriage unfolded at breakneck speed: a huge victory for marriage, an attack on you and your rights that was truly “scurrilous” — But first the courage of one man who stood up for truth and justice in the halls of Congress. Standing Up For […]

Our Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress

Dear Marriage Supporter, The audience at a congressional hearing isn’t supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what our Chairman John Eastman had to say. Let me explain why his testimony has gained the admiration of tea party and conservative activists and the renewed attention of politicians and the media across the […]

Watch Rep. Paul Ryan Question NOM's Chairman About The IRS Scandal!

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Welcome to Washington.” That’s how Rep. Paul Ryan begins his statements in last week’s hearing about the ongoing IRS Scandal. His comments followed Rep. McDermott’s, who incredibly claimed that marriage supporters shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the public square because (unlike the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry and Planned Parenthood, […]

Watch Rep. Paul Ryan Question NOM's Chairman About The IRS Scandal!

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Welcome to Washington.” That’s how Rep. Paul Ryan begins his statements in last week’s hearing about the ongoing IRS Scandal. His comments followed Rep. McDermott’s, who incredibly claimed that marriage supporters shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the public square because (unlike the Human Rights Campaign, Freedom to Marry and Planned Parenthood, […]

Watch NOM Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The audience at a congressional hearing isn’t supposed to give applause, but they did when they heard what the National Organization for Marriage’s (NOM’s) Chairman, John Eastman, had to say. Last week, Dr. Eastman was invited by Congress to testify about the illegal disclosure of NOM’s confidential tax documents, along with five […]