Author Archives: Maggie Gallagher

Newsweek: Uncivil Rights?

What would Dr. Martin Luther King do? Newsweek asks whether gay rights and the African-American civil rights struggle are really all that similar. (Brian Brown is quoted!).

Chuck Cooper Calls Out Olson and Boies for "Demeaning Those With Whom They Disagree"

Have you seen the video of Chuck Cooper at the press conference after the oral arguments last week? No of course not. Not a single TV newscast televised his dramatic and graceful calling out of so-called superlaywers Olson and Boise for the way they have consistently demeaned those with whom they disagree. Here’s the clip […]

Ken Mehlman: I'm Gay so now the GOP should support gay marriage!

It’s hard to follow the logic of Ken Mehlman, who – when he was in power – refused to support SSM. Now that he’s just a rich guy making a lot of money, he’s adamant the GOP should support gay marriage, regardless of what GOP voters think. Will this kind of illogic influence the Republican […]

Andrew Sullivan at Georgetown

Lifesite news columnist Kathleen Gilbert was at my debate with Andrew Sullivan  at Georgetown on Wednesday and files this report–and asks this question: “It was only when Sullivan talked about any Catholic other than himself that the warm rhetoric surrounding Catholicism began to grow ice cold. The vast majority of the Catholic hierarchy, Sullivan asserted, […]

Iowa News: Vander Plaats Applauds Brandstad's Strong Stand on Judicial Process

Gov. Branstad questioned the judicial nomination commission’s impartiality and promises to find candidates who will respect the voter’s judgment on marriage. Bob Vander Plaats, who has been a critic, applauded Gov. Branstad. Here’s the video.

Marriage Reduces Crime

A clever researcher, S. Alexandra Burt at Michigan State  followed a set of  identical twins and fraternal twins as they stayed single or  married, and discovered marriage reduces anti-social behavior in men by 30 percent. Prof. Burt points out  “not that many things are related to desistance from antisocial behavior… The fact that something can […]

Cornell Law Prof. Dorf: Boies and Olson "Cautious Schemers"

Over at his law blog, Professor Michael Dorf criticizes Boies and Olson for their legal strategy, which he compares to Boies “too clever by half” losing strategy in the famous Gore v. Bush. (Maybe Ted Olson, who won that case, should have taken charge more?) “Fast forward to the Boies/Olson strategy of only suing two […]

LA Times: "Presumptious Phrase: Responsible Procreation"

On Dec. 6, the LA Times reporter Karin Klein  has some questions about marriage and that   Presumptious Phrase: “Responsible Procreation”: “If that’s the purpose, why on earth do we let people marry who have no interest in having children? How can we let the elderly marry, or people with infertility problems? Why do we […]

Breaking News: GOP Takes Back NY Senate

GOP leaders are claiming victory in the Long Island race where it appear Ralph Martins ousted the pro-SSM incumbetn Craig Johnson, given them control of the Senate chamber.  Will this pose end to dreams of SSM in New York? Good news for today, but keep your power dry.

Cooper v. Reinhardt: Exploding the Romer Argument

Chuck Cooper, at the last minute, dramatically exploded Reinhardt’s efforts to locate Californians right to gay marriage in Romer v. Evans, as Bill Duncan points out: ‘. . . In his rebuttal, Charles Cooper read an excerpt from Romer (that I certainly didn’t remember was in there) that specifically disavowed the idea that the decision was premised […]

NRO: Cooper Shines in Prop 8 Arguments

Bill Duncan over at National Review Online agrees Chuck Cooper was great: “One thing I haven’t seen mentioned much in the commentary on the oral argument (much of it blinkered by ideology) is the really superb job the attorney for the defense, Charles Cooper, did. Brian Brown at the National Organization for Marriage noticed. (Full disclosure: I […]

Chuck Cooper--Watch Him Rock All Over Again!

If you missed the oral arguments, live, you can go and watch them here.  I dare you to watch and dispute the obvious: Chuck Cooper rocked!

For the Record: Chuck Cooper Rocks!

We are looking for a youtube video of the press conference afterwards, where for the first time, he lights into his good friend, Ted Olson. Stay tuned. But for the record: Chuck Cooper rocks!!!

Reinhardt: Desperately Seeking Justice Kennedy's Vote

Even liberal papers are reading the oral arguments today as a sign that Judge Reinhardt is looking for some kind of “narrow ruling” that might not be overturned by the Supreme Court.  See “Appeals Court Hints at Narrow Ruling  ” Temperamentally, it’s hard to believe a judge this activist-minded is going to sit back […]

Should Judge Reinhardt Recuse Himself?

Over at, a number of legal commentators take up the issue.