Author Archives: Maggie Gallagher

Ted Olson v. Ted Olson

Ted Olson V. Ted Olson Basking  in all that media adulation, Ted Olson doesn’t get much pushback.  But over at Bench Memos, Ed Whelan asks Ted Olson to debate the old Ted Olson. Call it Ted Olson v. “California Ted” : “In an article that he published in a Federalist Society newsletter, Olson, echoing the language […]

Flashback: Palin v. Biden on SSM 2008

Sarah Palin v. Joe Biden on SSM, October 2008:

Volokh: Chuck Cooper Was (Probably) Right!

In her AP story, Lisa Leff focuses on the trial record and describes it as a “knockout”; but even legal eagles who favor gay marriage, aren’t so sure.  Check out Eugene Volokh’s comments vindicating Cooper’s decision that with a judge that biased and a trial that really wasn’t necessary, scrambling for more witnesses would have […]

The Next Roe v. Wade?

In the LA Times, the sociologist Brian Powell suggests Perry v. Schwarzenegger is the next Loving v. Virginia, helping to change public opinion. In so-suggesting, by the way, he’s validating the argument of those who support Prop 8–the law has the power to change cultural understandings of marriage. He doesn’t really consider the other possibility: […]

Maggie Untied

Over at Prof. John Culhane has published a piece “Why Civil Unions Tie Maggie Gallagher in Knots.” He doesn’t seem to get what I think about civil unions.  So let me help him untie those knots. 1. For me, the gay marriage debate is primarily a debate about marriage.  That’s the issue that motivated […]

Liberal Legal Expert: Reinhardt v. Supreme Court 5-0

Vikram Amar is a liberal legal scholar but a good analyst.  In attempting to evaluate how this three-judge panel will rule, he notes this striking fact: “In one Supreme Court year, [Judge Reinhardt’s]  opinions were reversed unanimously — that is, without a single Justice ruling in his favor — in at least five cases, a […]

Pro-SSM Legal Pundit: Reinhardt Should Recuse!

Even an anti Prop-8 legal pundit, Ann Woolner,  agrees with us: Reinhardt should recuse!

Maggie: Why Don't We Ban Infertile Couples from Marriage?

Over at Reason magazine, Damon Root writes there is no legitimate Constitutional reason to define marriage as an opposite sex union. “Supporters of Prop. 8 claim that banning gay marriage advances a state interest in procreation. But if that’s true, why not ban infertile individuals from getting married as well? Or perhaps the government should require […]

New NH Speaker: Strong on Principle

The Concord Monitor reports on the election of a new Speaker of the New Hampshire House, Bill O’Brien, “principled conservative”

Justice Scalia: Don't Let Hotshot Lawyers Run the USA!

The ABA Journal reports on his speech at the University of Richmond where he defended the idea of “originalism” which to some of us less brilliant folks can be translated as: words actually mean things. He points out the founders of our Constitution clearly did not understand the Due Process clause to require gay marriage […]

Pope: Europe Would Not Be Europe Without Marriage

Curious about why U.S. Catholic bishops are putting so much emphasis on marriage these days? It’s coming straight from the top.  Pope Benedict once again uses an unusual occasion to emphasize how important he sees the current battles over sex and marriage, according to Vatican Radio: “Europe no longer Europe without marriage” “Europe would no […]

Breaking News: Madeleine Sophie Brown!

—I just wanted to share this email from our fearless leader Brian Brown. He and his wonderful wife Sue were blessed with a baby girl this morning! Maggie (Gallagher) Chairman ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Brian Brown <[email protected]> Date: Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 8:22 AM Subject: Madeleine Sophie Brown To: Brian Brown <[email protected]> All, […]

America's One Child Policy?

Jonathan Last, over at the Weekly Standard, writes about the new baby implosion: the birth dearth has already hit Japan, Singapore and is about to hit China. What happens to a society which basically gives up on having children, preferring other alternatives?  Consider the case of Singapore, which successfully campaigned to reduce fertility—then realized it […]

National Review: The Case for Marriage

This is the best single piece I have read on the subject. National Review nails the argument. Same-sex marriage represents the end of marriage as we knew it – a social institution, rooted in human nature, and designed to deal with the core reality that sex between men and women makes babies. SSM creates a […]

Glenn Beck Rally: Me and the Black Robe Brigade

A friend was watching the live stream of the Restoring Honor rally, and snapped a pic of me with the “black-robe brigade” of mostly pastors. I have to tell you, I don’t usually anticipate enjoying events like this.  I come alive at the thought of 10 profs around a table discussing the latest social science […]