Author Archives: Maggie Gallagher

Supreme Court to Decide on D.C. Right to Vote on Marriage

Will D.C. voters get their right to vote on marriage restored?  The case Jackson v. D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics, appears on the Supreme Court’s docket for private discussions on Friday, meaning we can expect to hear next week whether or not the Supreme Court will take up this case. The Charter granted to […]

"I Honestly Don't Know How to Answer Maggie's Rhetorical Question"

I appreciate, very much, the honesty of this poster at Queerty, who says he honestly does not know how to answer my rhetorical question in my debate with Evan Wolfson: “For those of you reading this I would ask of you only one thing: whether you support gay marriage or not, can you at least […]

The Economist Debate: Me and Evan Wolfson

Why Men Hate It When Women Cry


New Michigan Poll: Voters Reject Gay Marriage 50 to 38 percent

Not only do majorities of Republicans and Independents reject gay marriage, only 55 percent of Democrats support gay marriage, according to this January poll:

Breaking News: 9th Circuit Punts Standing to Calif Supremes

The three judge panel that heard oral arguments in the Prop 8 case on December 6th has just issued a new ruling on standing … and it’s a punt. The 9th Circuit is asking the California Supreme Court to comment on whether proponents of an initiative have the standing to speak for the initiative under […]

Biden's Gay Marriage Gaffe

On Bill O’Reilly’s show last week,  Democratic pollster Doug Schoen responded to VP Joe Biden’s strange and silly  claim that a “national consensus” is developing in favor of gay marriage. “The only place there’s a ‘consensus,'” Schoen contended, “is among the hard core left of the Democratic Party.  Joe Biden was reaching out to that […]

Using Civil Unions as a Legal Weapon Against Marriage

The European Court of Human Rights has rejected a basic human right to same sex marriage.  But U.K. gay rights activists are now seeking to use Great Britain’s civil union law to strike down its marriage laws. This is clearly a coordinated strategy now.  We’ve seen it in Connecticticut, California, and now Great Britain. It […]

Anderson Cooper's Ridiculist!

It’s so funny.  Anderson Cooper tries to make fun of Dr. Jennifer Roeback Morse for saying she wore a rainbow scarf to the Prop 8 trial to show that gay rights groups don’t own the rainbow. Funny,  Cooper doesn’t show a clip of Dr. Jennifer Roeback Morse actually saying anything, because that would just point […]

Is the Hate Card the Recourse of Those Unwilling to Engage the Debate?

In the Washington Post, Matthew Franck argues the insistent use of the “hate” card to shut down debate is actually the last recourse of those who do not want to engage in reasonable debate: “Some stories from recent months: A religion instructor at a midwestern state university explains in an e-mail to students the rational […]

Breaking News: Iowa Lawyers Seek To Invalidate Judicial Retention Election Results

After the people passed Prop 8 in California, lawyers went to the California state supreme court to argue the court did NOT have to respect the election results, the people had no right to amend their own constitution. Now,  lawyers are asking the Iowa Supreme Court to invalidate the results of the election in which […]

"The Ick Factor"--Is there a right to consensual incest?

David Epstein, a Columbia poli sci professor, was just arrested for have a consensual sexual relationship with his 24 year old daughter.  His lawyer wasted no time making a Lawrence v. Texas style defense of his client’s alleged act, according to this ABC news video report, which raises a new public question: do we all […]

Will Helping AIDS Victims Avert the Charge of Hatred and Bigotry?

Over at First Things, a wonderful evangelical theologican Ron Sider, who cares very deeply about marriage, argues the way to deflect the charge of hatred and bigotry is to behave with greater Christian charity towards suffering gay people, especially AIDS victim. It takes a Catholic to gently respond from our Church’s experience: no that won’t […]

All Rights from the Apple Creator?

This comment appeared on our blog. Because of the mild profanity, it might get erased but I wanted to reproduce it here (censoring only the curses!): “If you don’t like the way Apple and Jobs handles your app, invent your own [darn] computer.  Otherwise, shut the [blank] up!  They owe you nothing and you have […]

Prof. Robby George: How SSM Will Hurt Marriage!

NOM’s founding Chairman Prof. Robby George and his colleagues Sherif Girgis and Ryan Adnerson have written an amazing essay “What is Marriage?” for the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy. We’ll post excerpts in a bit. Meanwhile, read it in full here.