Author Archives: Maggie Gallagher

San Diego Mayor Sanders: The Reason Prop 8 Happened

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders testified today in the Prop 8 trial, in favor of misusing the Consittution to overturn the rights of 7 million Californian voters.   Here’s the interesting thing most people don’t know.  San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders is the reason Prop 8 got on the ballot. He […]

End of Week one: Gay Marriage Advocates Rebuked

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher What happened to the dynamite duo of Ted Olson and David Boies?  After the first week of this trial the shine is off their allegedly invincible legal skills. First loss, as Brian Brown wrote: “Once again the Supreme Court has stepped in to protect marriage supporters from potential harassment and […]

San Francisco Attorney Says Catholics/Baptists Unwelcome

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher San Francisco Attorney Theresa Stewart examined gay historian and Yale Prof. George Chauncey on religious groups’s vviews on marriage.  The unseemly suggestion is that it is perfectly valid for voters to base their views on reading Prof. Chauncey’s books, but that the great historic faith traditions views on sex and […]

Ted Olson Says Gay Marriage Not a Fundamental Right!

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher Well, no that’s not exactly what the “conservative” lawyer fighting to overturn Prop 8 and impose gay marriage said. But when the judge asked him, “If California would simply get out of the marriage business and classify everyone as a domestic partnership, would that solve the problem?”  Ted Olson said yes, […]

Supremes Block TV Coverage of Prop 8

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher The Supreme Court just issued an emergency order blocking Judge Walker’s outrageous ruling that the Prop 8 trial be televised. For the second time, as the Chicago Tribune points out, the Supreme Court has been willing to step in on an emergency basis to protect marriage supporters from outrageous court […]