Author Archives: Maggie Gallagher

NOM Marriage Election Watch 2010: Bob Inglis

Bob Inglis failed to avoid a runoff for his South Carolina GOP House seat on Tuesday. He trailed Gowdy badly. Why? Look no further than this op ed Inglis wrote, after voting for the Federal Marriage Amendment. Why vote for marriage and then denounce his own supporters as theocratic hysterics? Marriage Amendment: Marriage amendment’s failure […]

NOM Election Watch 2010: Does Alabama's Steve Bray Support Gay Marriage?

Pundits are abuzz about GOP’s Mo Brooks unseating of a sitting Congressman in the race to represent Alabama’s FifthCongressional District. Pro-marriage voters have a different question. Does Dem nominee Steven Bray support Gay Marriage? Left in Alabama blog reports: “What’s your stand on marriage equality? Marriage as a religious institution should be left up to […]

NOM Election Watch 2010: Tom Campbell's Lead Suddenly Collapses

Two new polls show Tom Campbell’s previous lead over Carly Fiorina has suddenly collapsed. Fiorina has surged to a 20 point lead not only in the Survey USA but in the more respected PPP poll. Could NOM’s phone calls last week to 600,000 likely GOP primary voters explaining he’s a pro-gay marriage, pro-tax Rhino be […]

NOM Election Watch 2010: Djou Victory Big Win for Marriage

Pro-marriage GOP Congressional candidate Charles Djou trounced two warring openly pro-gay marriage Dems by an unexpectedly large margin: 39 percent to 31 percent for Colleen Hanabusa and 28 percent for Ed Case (cousin of AOL Founder Steve Case).  Disheartened Dems are now downplayhing the win, predicting Djou will serve for only 6 months in this […]

NOM Election Watch 2010: Big Marriage Victory Brewing in Arkansas?

The just-released Rasmussen poll shows Sen. Blanche Lincoln running neck and neck in the runoff for the Democratic senate nomination with Bill Halter. Meanwhile, GOP nominee John Boozman who strongly supports a federal marriage amendment, trounces either–Sen. Lincoln by an amazing 38 points! Boozman 66 Lincoln 28 Boozman 60 Halter 33

NOM Election Watch 2010: Marriage Battles Emerging in Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Kentucky

After yesterday’s primary vote, key marriage battles are shaping up in Pennsylvania, Arkansas and Kentucky. In Pennsylvania, Democrat Joe Sestak ousted sitting formerly Republican Sen. Arlen Specter, he will have to beat Pat Toomey who easily won the GOP nomination. According to the Philadelphia Gay News, “Sestak Backs Gay Marriage” while GOP nominee Pat Toomey definitely does […]

NOM Election Watch 2010: HUGE victory for marriage in West Virginia Dem Primary

Exciting news from West Virginia: a sitting pro-gay marriage Democratic Congressman was just ousted in a Democratic primary—by a pro-marriage candidate! The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent in the calvary at the last minute to try to save l Rep. Alan Mollohan, but it was not enough. Mollohan, who twice voted against a federal marriage […]

NOM Election Watch 2010: Will Hawaii Return a Pro-Marriage Republican Next Week?

On May 18, Hawaiian voters will participate in a special election in the First Congressional district. In fact they are already participating–28 percent of ballots mailed out have been returned, and voters can keep voting by mail until May 22.  Two Democratic candidates who are openly gay marriage are running against a pro-marriage Republican, Charles […]

NOM Election Watch 2010: Dem Turnout "falls off a cliff."

Update:  Democratic primary voter turnout “falls off a cliff.” Hotline is reporting “Dem Turnout Falls off a Cliff”. In Ohio, just 663,000 voters cast ballots in a hotly contested race between Fisher and Brunner, less than the turnout of 872,000 voters in 2006, when Ted Strickland faced no serious primary opponent. In Indiana, 204,000 voters cast […]

NOM Election Watch 2010/Maggie Gallagher

Election 2010 is now officially underway with U.S. Senate primary elections Tuesday in Ohio, Indiana, and North Carolina.  So today, we’re launching “NOM Marriage Election Watch 2010” so you can find out what election results across the country mean for marriage.  (As Fox News founder Roger Ailes likes to say “We found a niche market—half […]

Re-engineering the Family?

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher Heather McDonald has just published a very thoughtful and brave piece on National Review online. It begins this way: An image from a TV ad for gay marriage, reproduced in the January18 New Yorker, provides a Rorschach test for reactions to America’songoing revolution in family structure. Two men in black suits stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a group of people, looking into […]

New Study: Married Biological Parents Best

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher A new government study just came out that looks at child abuse.  Question: What kind of family structure best protects children from child abuse? Answer: Married biological parents. (see page 5-25). All the other family structures studied (which does not include same-sex parent families probably because these are such a […]

Letter to Court Regarding Televised Trials

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher NOM filed this letter regarding Rule 77-3: January 27, 2010  Hon. Phyllis Hamilton Chair of the Rules Committee United States Courthouse 1301 Clay Street Oakland, CA 94612 Re: Local Rule 77-3 Dear Judge Walker, My objection to televising high-profile trials is not theoretical.  It emerges directly from the experience of […]

This isn't really a trial update.

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher While David Blankenhorn is on the hand try to explain to David Boies the nature of marriage as a cross-cultural virtually universal human social institution, I was at Colorado University at Boulder, at the invitation of the St. Thomas Aquinas Center for Catholic Thought, debating same-sex marriage with Jonathan Rauch. […]

Putting Christianity on Trial

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher What do Olson and Boies think they are doing? Watching accounts of this trial unfold this week  I had a big “aha” moment. It’s now clear:    Ted and David think they are conducting the Scopes trial!   When this trial began I told you: gay marriage activists were putting 7 million […]