Author Archives: Maggie Gallagher

The Supreme Court Just Went Off the Deep End

The Supreme Court just ruled 8-1 that a fringe cult that calls itself the “Westboro Baptist Church” has a First Amendment right to use funerals (of soldiers who died serving their country) to protest. The fringe cult calling itself Westboro Baptist (a small congregation consisting of close, and possibly incestuous, relatives of Fred Phelpsl, who […]

Self-Hating Catholics?

Over at American Papist, Thomas Peters takes up the growing visibility of people who claim to be not only Catholics, but “faithful Catholics” who oppose the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage. (He does not say so but a lot of this Catholics-for-gay-marriage network is funded by Soros money.)

Maggie's Latest Column: Thank President Obama for His DOMA Disaster

In refusing to defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act, President Obama has just made a huge mistake — a telling mistake that demonstrates what a hard-left bubble he must now be in. President Obama’s nearly unprecedented decision, based on very weak legal logic, to refuse to defend DOMA will backfire, both tactically and politically. […]

Breaking News: Sarah Palin Denounces Obama's DOMA decision (to NOM)

In response to a question from me, Sarah Palin offered this exclusive response to President Obama’s DOMA decision: “I have always believed that marriage is between one man and one woman. Like the majority of Americans, I support the Defense of Marriage Act and find it appalling that the Obama administration decided not to defend this […]

More on British Court Decision: Christians "Unfit" to Foster Children

I cannot underestimate how shocking is this decision in the UK (Johns v. Derby City Council, England & Wales High Court, Queen’s Bench Division). In our sister democracy, a lovely Pentecostal Christian couple were assessed by the local government as unfit to foster kids: “Mr and Mrs Johns’ views on same sex relationships, which are […]

Breaking News: Sponsor of SSM Bill in MD Switches Sides, Will Vote "No"

Gay marriage advocates are expressing increasing concern that the vote in the Maryland State House, which was expected to be easy, is in jeopardy. Case in point? One of the co-sponsors of the bill, Del. Melvin Stukes, just switched sides, saying “I’m very sorry I got on that bill.” You may recall during the senate […]

The Left's Endless Culture War

After same-sex marriage, what next? Many people are tired of the culture war. They’d like to throw in the towel and go back to “normal.” There’s only one problem: The culture war will always be ongoing because the left is never going to stop waging it. You can never “give in” and be done with […]

President Obama on DOMA

We’re seeing a pattern to how Democrats respond to election losses: do an end-run around democracy. You can’t block a union bill? Flee the chambers. You can’t repeal DOMA? Declare orientation a protected class all on your own. This tactic may backfire, however: it opens up the pathway for the House to intervene to defend […]

Sex and Sensibility

A John Tierney column that points out: we are mammals.

After SSM: What Next? In San Fran, banning circumcision...

The next big idea out of San Francisco: ban circumcision. That’s really the next big idea for liberals?  No Jews allowed?

Maggie's Report from New Hampshire

Just returned from the magnificent state house in Concord, New Hampshire. The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, dapper and bow-tied, was a rare combination of humor and dignity. “This is the most democratic legislature in the United States,” he said, “we are the third-largest democratic body in the world.” As all of us speaker’s tended […]

Maggie on NRO

… thanks to NOM staff for blogging the National Review Online interview.  My own sense of the most important question I was asked and answered is the last one. Ideas have consequences. The idea that Genesis represents hatred is not only false, and wrong–it cuts America off from its roots in a new way: LOPEZ: […]

Ambassador John Bolton

It’s not fair to evaluate John Bolton on the social issues. He’s announced he’s thinking of running for one single issue: to call more attention to national security issues, and that’s what he did at CPAC. Bolton announced he wanted to “shift the focus of attention away from Washington,” but he didn’t mean back to […]

Haley Barbour’s Generosity

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a potential presidential candidate go out of his way to laud the record of one of his most serious potential opponents—but that’s what Haley Barbour just did. Politics is a team sport, as Grover Norquist likes to say, and Gov. Barbour went out of his way to be an […]

Mitch Daniels, A Serious Man

I don’t know if you are a fan of the Coen brothers (I am); it was from their 2010 movie “A Serious Man” that I learned that is the literal meaning of the Yiddish word “mensch,” as in “He’s a real mensch!” And so Indiana’s Gov. Mitch Daniels is. He gave the keynote address at […]