Author Archives: Maggie Gallagher

Maggie in Providence Preview

It’s about an hour before the hearing starts. Police have politely cleared the room to set it up and we’re standing in the hall. There are probably about 50 people here right now with many, many folks wearing blue “one man, one woman = marriage” t-shirts.

Maggie in Maryland: Final Update

The chairman of the committee just announced that in all 146 people who signed up to testify will get to speak for 3 minutes.  So—provided no senator asks a single question—the hearing will run another 6 hours. I’m heading home.

Maggie in Maryland: What's in a Name?

I just learned the woman who said she is a conservative Republican and that no republican had ever lost an election for voting for SSM is Margaret Hoover. Maybe Republicans shouldn’t take election advice from anyone named Hoover. (Yes, she’s a descendant of Herbert.)

Maggie in Maryland: Mary Ellen Russell of the MD Catholic Conference Testifies

Mary Ellen Russell is now testifying for the Maryland Catholic Conference. “It is clear why marriage has always been recognized as a man and a woman: if we leave that, it’s not clear what the parameters of relationships that should be considered marriages are.” She also said “We are also concerned about the religious liberty […]

ON THE SCENE: Maggie in Maryland

I’m in the packed hearing room.  At this point we have a parade of black pastors explaining their objections to SB116. “A sleeping giant” one of them said. In the first hour’s panel, many, many lawyers claimed that this bill would protect both religious freedom and civil marriage. That’s what the title claims. But Prof. […]

What A Shrinking Birth Rate Hath Wrought

Up in Massachusetts, two incumbents, one of whom is Barney Frank, must battle for the same seat, while Sean Bielat considers his options. BTW, this is worth another look at Sean Bielat’s “Barney Shuffle” ad:

Have We Separated Sex from Reproduction?

Many advocates have said that, with the advent of contraception, gay and straight sex are just the same. (Actually a lot of orthodox Catholics make this claim too). The Ruth Institute posted an October 2010 FRC study by Dr. Patrick Fagan and Dr. Sullins that analyzed nationally representative data from the National Survey of Family […]

CultureWatch: GOP Winning Language Wars

This New York Daily News columnist notes some recent successes by political conservatives in “naming reality” such as using Obamacare rather than “Affordable Health Care Act.” He is right this is a recent development, and it is part of the process by which the new conservative-dominated media contests the culture wars. Culture wars are not […]

Mitch Daniels: Mute the Social Issues

He tells Laura Ingraham he’s sticking with the “truce” idea. I wonder how that will play in Iowa?

Are Social Conservatives Looking For Someone Like Rick Santorum?

George Will says so.

Judge Walker Gives Up the Gavel

“Wearing a paper lei as his formal portrait was unveiled, U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker officially passed the gavel to new Chief Judge James Ware at a ceremony Thursday at San Francisco’s federal building.” – LegalPad

Reinhardt Rebuked by Supreme Court

Kudos to Citizen Link: In two separate appeals in capital punishment cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday, Reinhardt’s 9th Circuit opinions were unanimously reversed (8-0, with Kagan recused) in language that accused him (and his 2 other colleagues, to be fair) of “judicial disregard”: “[Judicial] resources are diminished and misspent, however, and […]

Peter Berger: Gay Marriage and Pluralism

Peter Berger, a distinguished sociologist, ponders the question: after gay marriage, what next? The future is unclear but worthy, he says, of discussion, in this piece on “Virginity, Polyamory and the Limits of Pluralism.”

New Study: Men and Women Are Different

After one-night stands, most men feel good and empowered, many women feel bad.

NLRB Tells Catholic College: "You Aren't Really Catholic."

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), which has at least four members of a five-man board appointed by Pres. Obama, just ruled that Manhattan College, a college run by a Catholic order, is not Catholic enough to qualify as a religious institution under national labor laws because its own documents say it pursues academic diversity […]