Author Archives: NOM Staff

National Organization for Marriage Denounces the New Mexico Supreme Court's Decision to Force People of Faith to Compromise Their Religious Beliefs

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 22, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “This decision is outrageous. While simultaneously admitting that this decision will harm the Huguenins, the court uses its full power of coercion to force them to compromise their beliefs.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for […]

New Group Pushes to Redefine Marriage in the Hoosier State

The Indy Channel: A coalition of businesses and activist groups has begun its push to defeat an amendment that would write Indiana’s same-sex marriage ban into the state constitution. [Freedom Indiana] Campaign Manager Megan Robertson says passing the amendment would strip gay and lesbian residents of their rights and harm Indiana’s reputation. She calls the campaign […]

New Mexico County Clerk Breaks Law; Issues Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

First Pennsylvania, now New Mexico. Another county clerk has taken it upon himself to completely ignore state law and issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. ABC News: Dona Ana County Clerk Lynn Ellins said his office had provided 35 licenses to same-sex couples compared to four or five given on an average day to heterosexual […]

"Serial, Frivolous Case Filer" Targets NOM

What’s the best way to weaken and silence those you disagree with? Intimidation and threats, of course. At least that’s what some same-sex marriage activists believe. “Serial, frivolous case filer” Fred Karger is well aware of the important work that NOM has done, and continues to do, to protect marriage across the nation. He also knows […]

Iowa Ethics and Campaign Finance Board Confirms No Facts Point to a Violation of Law

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 22, 2013Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) Washington, D.C. — The following should be attributed to Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). “The National Organization for Marriage made known to the Board its serious concerns about the possible prejudice against NOM by the Executive Director and […]

How Language Affects Poll Results

When it comes to marriage polls, wording matters. This is something that same-sex marriage advocates are well-aware of, and we’ve seen them use it time and time again — on polls and ballots alike — in attempts to skew results in their favor. Take a look at how Americans responded to two different questions on […]

NOM's John Eastman Debates Marriage on PBS News Hour

States have been feeling the ripple effects over these past few months following the Supreme Court’s DOMA ruling. NOM Chairman John Eastman was featured on PBS News Hour today to talk about how the DOMA decision is affecting state laws, particularly those states that already have marriage protection amendments in their constitutions.

New Zealand Legislators Committed "Arrogant Act of Cultural Vandalism"

New Zealand held its first same-sex ceremonies yesterday, which you’ve probably heard something about in the news over the past 24 hours. The media has been at it again, celebrating NZ same-sex weddings with as much hype as possible, all the while ignoring the fact that legislators redefined marriage back in April despite strong opposition […]

Legal Action Launched to Force Church Same-Sex Wedding

A same-sex couple in the UK made headlines earlier this month after vowing to sue the Church of England to force the Church into hosting their same-sex wedding. As of today, legal proceedings have officially begun.  This case is the ultimate proof that same-sex ‘marriage’ is truly about the desires of adults.  Mr. Drewitt-Barlow’s cry, “I am […]

Defend Marriage Lobby Day in Illinois!

If you live in Illinois, mark your calendar now! The Illinois Family Institute will be hosting the second annual Defend Marriage Lobby Day & Prayer Watch on Wednesday, October 23rd.  This is an incredibly important opportunity to stand for marriage.  The Illinois legislature is coming back into session for 3 days and homosexual-‘marriage’ advocates have dedicated $3 million […]

DOD Leave for Same-Sex Marriage Criticized

PressTV: Conservatives have criticized Pentagon’s decision to grant full family benefits including marriage leaves of up to 10 days to military gay/lesbian couples who want to get married. Critics say the move by Pentagon is unusual as same-sex marriage is still barred in 37 states including the entire southern states, where most military installations are […]

Reverse 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'?

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell may just be alive and well in the military. Only now it applies to Christians. The Right Scoop: Senior Master Sergeant Phillip Monk, who’s been in the Air Force for 19 years, was relieved of his position and reassigned because he disagreed with his openly gay commanding officer about gay marriage. […]

Debating Marriage: What's a "Hater" To Do?

In the Public Discourse today, Narrator Principal Brian Brown writes on the need for marriage advocates to discuss marriage in a way that appeals not only to reason, but also to emotion, intuition, and imagination. Brown outlines Nathan Hitchen’s document You’ve Been Framed: A New Primer for the Marriage Debate to suggests several methods of unifying marriage advocates […]

Christians Need Not Apply

Joseph Backholm, executive director of the Family Policy Institute of Washington, writes on the growing bias against people of faith in the public square: If you don’t actually remember it, you’re certainly aware of the Cold War the United States was involved in with the USSR for forty-four years.  We were fighting, but everyone was being passive […]

Oregon Official Says Bakers Who Support Traditional Marriage Need 'Rehabilitation'

Despite the fact that Oregon bakers saw a huge boom in business after standing up for their belief in marriage (proving that many other Oregonians feel the same way), Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian says the state government’s goal is to “rehabilitate” them: A lesbian couple filed a formal complaint against “Sweet Cakes by Melissa” in Portland […]