Author Archives: NOM Staff


Dear  Marriage Supporters, This may be the most important email I’ve ever sent to you. Please read, take action and forward this message to at least 5 friends immediately. The Obama administration has just announced that they will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court. In a statement released this morning, […]

NOM in the News: The Fight Has Just Begun!

Maggie Gallagher just told Megyn Kelly that on DOMA, “The fight has just begun!” Watch Maggie’s interview on FOX News here. Maggie described today’s decision as “a truly shocking extra-constitutional power grab” to CBS News. Here is NOM’s response to Obama’s announcement that he won’t defend DOMA: we will! Please visit the NOM blog’s main […]

3 Heavyweights: Whelan, Bradley and Donovan on DOMA decision

Ed Whelan: 2. Attorney General Holder has the gall to claim to be acting consistent with DOJ’s “longstanding practice of defending the constitutionality of duly-enacted statutes if reasonable arguments can be made in their defense.” There are lots of reasonable arguments in defense of DOMA. The Obama administration has abandoned those arguments for purely political […]

National Organization For Marriage Condemns President Obama’s Extraordinary Efforts to Sabotage DOMA Defense

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 23, 2011 CONTACT:   Mary Beth Hutchins  at 703-683-5004 NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE CONDEMNS PRESIDENT  OBAMA’S EXTRAORDINARY EFFORT TO SABOTAGE DOMA DEFENSE NOM Calls on House of Representatives to Intervene to Defend Law WASHINGTON – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) responded to President Obama calling upon the Department of Justice to […]

US Bishops criticize Obama Administration's decision on DOMA

From the Catholic News Service: The U.S. bishops’ Office of General Counsel said the Obama administration’s decision to no longer support the Defense of Marriage Act in legal challenges ahead “represents an abdication” of its “constitutional obligation to ensure that laws of the United States are faithfully executed.” “Marriage has been understood for millennia and […]

Maggie, Brian quoted on DOMA in LSN

Maggie and Brian, as well as Matt Staver of Liberty Council, are quoted in this article from LifeSiteNews: Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel called the decision “outrageous and unthinkable” and added that the president has “betrayed the American people by his refusal to defend the federal law that affirms what many courts upheld as constitutional, […]

Maggie to CBS: DOMA decision a "shocking extra-constitutional power grab"

Here are Maggie’s comments to CBS News: “The good news is this now clears the way for the House to intervene and to get lawyers in the court room who actually want to defend the law, and not please their powerful political special interests,” Gallagher said. Maggie Gallagher, chairman of the National Organization of Marriage, […]

Why The Fifth Amendment?

Bill Duncan of the Marriage Law Foundation writes: When Eric Holder wrote to Speaker Boehner to inform him of President Obama’s decision that DOMA was unconstitutional, he said it was unconstitutional under the “equal protection” provisions of the Fifth Amendment. Huh?  Why the Fifth Amendment, which does not mention equal protection at all–but does contain […]

Video: Maggie talks DOMA on FOX News

Watch the latest video at Maggie was also quoted in their follow-up story with the Associated Press: Maggie Gallagher, chairwoman of the National Organization for Marriage, said that if somebody from the House steps in to defend the law, it could actually be “good news” for Defense of Marriage Act supporters. “This fight is […]

First reactions to Obama's decision to stop defending DOMA

NOM’s response to this decision is now posted here. Here is a quick survey of some top conservative pundits with their reaction to today’s news about DOMA. William C. Duncan writes, “Obama Tells DOJ to Take a Dive in DOMA Cases”: There is something about the marriage issue that provokes an “any means necessary” approach […]

NEW VIDEO: Mass Attending Chicago Catholics called Bigots for Opposing SSM

NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE RELEASES NEW VIDEO: “Organized Chicago Protesters Denounce Catholics as Bigots During Mass: Coming to a Church Near You?” –Brian Brown WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today released a new video documenting the organized protests in Chicago by the Gay Liberation Network in front of Holy Name Cathedral on Sunday, […]

BREAKING: Obama Administration drops defense of DOMA

NOM HAS RESPONDED TO THIS NEWS HERE. Here is an excerpt from the Attorney General’s letter: The President has also concluded that Section 3 of DOMA, as applied to legally married same-sex couples, fails to meet that standard and is therefore unconstitutional. Given that conclusion, the President has instructed the Department not to defend the […]

Video: "How can we get around the Iowa Constitution?"

For evidence of how biased the Iowa judicial nominating process has become, check out this video – the nominating committee asks: how can we get around the Iowa Constitution? h/t: Gary Marx at NRO.

Polygamous Muslims carefully watching B.C. case

The Canadian Press: Aly Hindi, an outspoken imam at Salaheddin Islamic Centre in Scarborough, Ont., said there are more than 200 polygamous Muslim marriages in the Greater Toronto Area alone. The figure is impossible to verify as polygamy among Muslim and other immigrant groups in Canada is often shrouded in mystery. Hindi believes banning polygamy […]

NRO: Iowa Judicial Vacancies Hang in the Balance

Gary Marx at NRO: According to the Sioux City Journal, by the end of this week Iowa governor Terry Branstad will fill three vacancies on the Iowa Supreme Court. The vacancies are the result of November’s election, when the people of Iowa made history by voting to oust all three of the Iowa Supreme Court justices who […]