Author Archives: NOM Staff

Maryland Catholics confront their lawmakers on same-sex marriage

Parishioners of St. Michael the Archangel in Overlea and St. Ursula in Parkville meet with Maryland State Senator Katherine Klausmeier (left) during Lobby Night in Annapolis Feb. 21. (CR Staff/Owen Sweeney III) From the Catholic Review in Baltimore: Karen Wingard had never lobbied her lawmakers before, but hearing that Maryland was on the verge of […]

Ethicist: "When granny gives birth to her grandson, there’s something wrong"

Margaret Somerville, a distinguished ethicist, writes for the Globe and Mail in Canada: The bottom line, regarding surrogate motherhood, and all uses of reproductive technologies, should be that when adults’ claims to use these technologies clash with the rights or “best interests” of the resulting children, the latter must prevail. So far, our decisions have […]

After SSM: What Next? In Massachusetts, gender-bending...

In Massachusetts, Gov. Deval Patrick just signed an executive order (#506) requiring affirmative action based on “gender identity and expression” within state government, and for everyone who does business with the state of Massachusetts: Section 4. All programs, activities, and services provided, performed, licensed, chartered, funded, regulated, or contracted for by the state shall be […]

"Perfect, With Childbearing Hips"

Andrea Askowitz, author of “My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy” writes in the NYT’s “Modern Love” section: The nurse came in and showed Victoria the vial of my donor’s sperm. She gave us the sperm’s stats: fast and abundant. Victoria confirmed the donor number. “Can I do the insemination?” I asked. Before the nurse answered, Victoria […]

Gay hotels investigated for breaching UK equality laws

Gay guesthouses accused of discriminating: The Equality and Human Rights Commission is examining whether “gay-only” guesthouses breach new laws designed to prevent people being treated unfairly in the provision of goods or services. … The watchdog has also said it spent £15,320 of taxpayers’ money on projects to ensure hotels run by Christians are complying […]

"What did you vow?"

From a SFChronicle profile: “I really feel married,” Page McBee says. On the eve of her 30th birthday, she’s off for a weeklong honeymoon in the Yucatan. Michael Braithwaite, 31, her spouse since September, a former skeptic about marriage – “a patriarchal institution on its way down in flames,” she says – finds her current […]

After HI civil unions passes, activist admits schools are next

From the Honolulu Star Advertiser: In response to opponents who are worried that same-sex lifestyles would be taught to public school students with no option for parents to remove their child, Earhart [President of Dignity USA-Honolulu] said homosexuality should be part of sex education because some don’t see where they fit into a largely heterosexual society. […]

Breaking: WY Senate voids out-of-state SSM recognition

“The Wyoming Senate narrowly voted Friday to stop recognition of same-sex marriages and civil unions from outside the state.” [source]

Maryland resident asks "Who's demonizing who?"

Robert Nelson of Gaithersburg, MD, in a letter to the editor published by the Washington Post: When I devoted an entire day to come to Annapolis and engage in a civil debate on the same-sex marriage bill on Feb. 8, I never envisioned receiving such an insensitive and denigrating response from any elected official as the […]

After SSM: What Next?

From the State of the LGBT Movement address for 2011 [full text here]: “Truly transformative change, change that shifts the very foundations of our society … this is the change to which we are called.”

CA bill would force AG to do "his duty"

State Senator Tom Harman of California’s 35th Senate District introduced Senate Bill 5. The bill officially titled “Attorney General: Defense of Initiative Statutes,” would require the Attorney General to defend against constitutional challenge, at the trial court level or as a respondent or appellant at the court of appeal or the Supreme Court, a constitutional […]

"So Far, So Good!"

Pro-SSM folks often claim that gay marriage won’t hurt anyone. This line from the movie Le Haine comes to mind (from the English subtitles): “It’s about a society on its way down, and as it falls, it keeps telling itself, ‘So far so good… so far so good… so far so good.’ It’s not how […]

Audio: Maggie's Testimony in New Hampshire

Maggie was in New Hampshire yesterday, and published a report of her impressions here. Below is the audio of the testimony she gave before the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Comments were limited to under three minutes:

Chuck Colson on the "Intolerant Boycott" of Chick-fil-A

Chuck Colson: Is giving away chicken sandwiches an act of homophobic bigotry? According to certain homosexual groups and websites, it is: when you give away sandwiches to people attending a conference on marriage. You heard that right. Gay-rights groups are slandering and boycotting the well-known national fast-food chain Chick-fil-A—you know, the one that says we […]

NEW: NOM's Quick-Read Newsletter Format - Marriage's Fierce Fights & Sweet Victories

Dear Marriage Supporter, This is what I love about the marriage fight: The fights are fierce, and the victories are incredibly sweet.  (Speaking of which, don’t miss the Rush Limbaugh video below.) I write to you in media res. We do not know yet how the fight for marriage deep in blue territory will turn […]