Author Archives: NOM Staff

AP: NH lawmakers take up gay marriage repeal

From the Associated Press: A big crowd is expected in Concord, N.H., when the House Judiciary Committee considers two bills that would repeal New Hampshire’s same-sex marriage law. … Democratic Gov. John Lynch has said he will veto a repeal bill if it reaches his desk. Republicans hold supermajorities in both the House and Senate […]

Rush Limbaugh on the Social Issues “Truce”

One final bit of news: If you get the chance, take a look at what Rush Limbaugh had to say this week about the idea of a “truce” on social issues. Words have meaning. A truce declared by only one side is not a truce; it’s unilateral surrender.

CA Supreme Court Takes Up Prop 8 Standing Question

And there’s good news out of the California Supreme Court: It has agreed to take up the question of whether ballot initiative proponents have standing under California law to speak for the initiative. As I told the press, “This decision is welcome news for all supporters of traditional marriage, including the more than 7 million […]

Game-Changing Moments in Maryland and Rhode Island

If the mainstream media were on our side–or even fairly reporting what’s happened–you would know that extraordinary strides have been made in public response for marriage in Maryland and Rhode Island. Last week the mainstream media’s talking point was: One senator in Maryland allegedly switched his vote BECAUSE of the people’s testimony on our side. […]

Baptist Press: 2011 could be defining moment for SSM

Michael Foust reports: In what is shaping up as a pivotal moment for the future of “gay marriage” in America, a dozen or so state legislatures are expected to debate the issue this year, with two or three potentially legalizing it and at least seven states moving in the opposite direction by possibly protecting the […]

Andrew Sullivan Endorse Mitch Daniels, Rebukes Rush

Well, not quite, but close.

Star Parker: 'Gay conservative' is an oxymoron

From the Washington Examiner: CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, has been an annual gig for me for years. But this year I concluded it was not my place and I declined to participate in the various venues at the event for which I was invited. Yes, the reason I declined was the inclusion of […]

Urgent Alert: Marriage Hearing in Concord this Thursday!!!

It’s time for action! This Thursday at 10am, the House Judiciary Committee will be hearing two bills (HB 437, HB 443) to repeal same-sex marriage in New Hampshire. While strong majorities in both houses favor the repeal of same-sex marriage, prominent House Republicans have publicly argued that the bills should be retained in committee until […]

Marriage's red/blue divide

“Marriage rates tend to follow a blue state/red state pattern, with higher marriage rates in politically conservative states, and vice versa – even down to county levels, says Mr. Wilcox of the National Marriage Project.” Source: Christian Science Monitor

UK writer says death threats are proof her thesis about intolerance hit the mark

Mellanie Phillips writes in the UK Daily Mail: During the past seven days, I have been ­subjected to an ­extraordinarily vicious outpouring of hate and incitement to violence, via email, the internet and in the mainstream media, and much worse besides. In my article, I expressed concern that attempting to bar a Christian GP from […]

Video: Rush Limbaugh Criticizes CPAC/Mitch Daniels for Ignoring Social Issues

Video provided courtesy of the EIB Network. ( Related: Erick Erickson of RedState takes on Grover Norquist over his “Loser” remarks

A Summary of How NOM RI Has Changed the Marriage Debate

From Ian Donnis and Scott MacKay: Same-Sex Slowdown in the House on Politics From WRNI’s (Rhode Island’s NPR affiliate) Politics Blog.

Chuck Stetson talks marriage on the 700 Club

From CBN News: Chuck Stetson, chairman of National Marriage Week USA, speaks about how the breakdown of marriages impacts the nation and what the church can do to better strengthen families. Chuck was also featured in this CBS news story about the declining number of Americans who choose to marry.

ADF Fundraising Video "Churches Under Attack"

Chuck Colson: We All Need Marriage

Chuck Colson answers, “Who Needs Marriage?” — We All Do.