Author Archives: NOM Staff

How To Spot Trouble

The Economist suggests a leading indicator for currency collapse: percentage of men age 25-34 who live with their “parents” (read: Mom). Source: The Economist

"Sticking with ‘I Do’: Marriage Under Stress"

Kathryn Lopez interviews W. Bradford Wilcox, prompted by this new study on marriage in our current economic times: LOPEZ: Is marriage in America healthy? What’s the greatest challenge to marriage in America at the moment? WILCOX: Marriage is under stress. Marriage rates are falling, cohabitation is up, nonmarital childbearing is up, and more children are […]

Conservatism ... in the Ivy League

The Boston Globe mentions Maggie as an example: Brown’s Dean of the College Katherine Bergeron doesn’t see it quite that way. “There is a preponderance of progressive thinking on this campus,’’ she acknowledged. “But conservative students sit side by side with progressives in an environment that fosters’’ openness to ideas such as this course offering. […]

New ACU Chairman Suggests GOProud May Be Out

Frum Forum: The new chair of the American Conservative Union, Al Cardenas, today distanced his organization from GOProud, telling FrumForum in an exclusive interview that “it’s going to be difficult to continue the relationship”… “I have been disappointed with their website and their quotes in the media, taunting organizations that are respected in our movement […]

Interview: Bishop Cordileone Fights to Save Marriage

From the National Catholic Register: Q: When we defend marriage between a man and a woman, our opponents say we’re just imposing our religion on everyone else. What’s the answer to that? Bishop Cordileone: This is not a matter of religion. This is how every society has understood marriage in all of human history. The […]

AP: SSM simmers as an issue

Maggie and NOM-RI are featured in this AP story: Maggie Gallagher, chairwoman of National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage, said her group is working to increase that number by adding Indiana, Wyoming and possibly North Carolina, the only state in the South that does not have such an amendment. In Wyoming, the proposed […]

R.I. House speaker says it’s too soon for vote on SSM

From the Providence Journal, more signs that lawmakers are wavering: After chairing an 8 ½-hour hearing the night before on a proposal to legalize same-sex marriage in Rhode Island, House Judiciary Chairwoman Edith Ajello was hoping on Thursday to have her committee vote on the bill next week. “The next logical step would be a […]

Who is for people power? Jerry Brown or Prop. 8 sponsors?

Harold Johnson and Damien Schiff in the San Fran Chronicle: The issue before the state Supreme Court — the Prop. 8 “standing” issue — goes to the heart of the initiative process, its viability and future. And the outcome should concern you, no matter where you come down on Prop. 8. If sponsors of a […]

What the Collapse of Marriage Means for Children

The Heritage Blog: The decline of marriage in recent years not only signals trouble for the men and women missing out on the stability of the institution; it can also threaten the future success of children born outside the economic protection of marriage. The 41 percent of children born in the U.S. to never-married mothers […]

New Brief: "Majority of Courts Reject Right to SSM"

A new IMAPP policy brief by William C. Duncan concludes the majority of courts, as well as the majority of Americans, have rejected the idea that same-sex marriage is a right. For a summary of court decisions over the last decade, click here or go to

Dr. J.R. Morse's Testimony in Rhode Island

This week Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute gave this testimony at the Rhode Island hearing on SSM: Rhode Island legislature print

National Organization for Marriage Releases Statement Regarding GOProud's Participation in CPAC

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE : February 10, 2011 CONTACT: Mary Beth Hutchins at 703-683-5004 NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE RELEASES STATEMENT REGARDING GOPROUD’S PARTICIPATION IN CPAC Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), reacts to the controversy surrounding GOProud’s participation in CPAC: “NOM’s position on GOProud and CPAC is being misstated by many in […]

MotherJones Reporter: "Social > Fiscal @CPAC?"

Suzy Khimm is a political reporter for Mother Jones, commenting on Newt Gingrich’s call for the President to sign a new Hyde amendment into law.

Big Crowds Turn out For Marriage in Rhode Island

From the Providence Journal: The same-sex marriage debate played out at high volume at the State House on Wednesday, with advocates waving “vote for love” signs, and opponents arguing that nothing less than the soul of Rhode Island, the well-being of its children and the “sanctity of marriage” are at stake in a year when […]

A useful thought experiment on alternative marriage laws

James Thunder writes at The American Spectator: “We have presumed that, if traditional marriage laws are unconstitutional, the remedy is to make marriage eligibility less restrictive and allow same-sex couples to marry. What if, instead, we chose an alternative method to meet constitutional requirements, namely, revising our marriage laws to make them more restrictive?” The […]