Author Archives: NOM Staff

Bishop Tobin's New Op-Ed asks: Has RI Lost its Soul?

“I’m neither surprised by nor disappointed by Governor Chafee’s decision not to have a public prayer service at his inauguration last Tuesday. After all, it was his inauguration, and he had every right to design a program with which he was comfortable. Whether to pray publicly with other leaders and citizens of the state on his big day was […]

“Cardinal George on gay marriage”

From Chuck Colbert: The Catholic spiritual leader of Chicago visited Boston College recently, where a doctoral student pressed Cardinal Francis George about the Church’s recent opposition to civil-unions legislation recently passed by the Illinois General Assembly. George told student John Falcone his “argument was not with Mother Church but with Mother Nature,” adding that anyone […]

How Long is a Marriage?

Dr. J of the Ruth Institute always says marriage is “one man, one woman, for life.” It’s the “for life” part that Matthew Warner is talking about at Fallible Blogma: In marriage, there may only be a 1% difference between a 99% commitment and a 98% commitment. But there is a 100% difference between 99% […]

NOM National Marriage News: Defining the "Culture of Hate"

I want to do something a little different this week with the precious time you and I have together. Usually, each week with the newsletter, I try to take you with me on an exciting front-seat ride through the latest news in the fight to protect marriage—and don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of news […]

Manhattan Dec. Weighs-In on HRC's NOM Sniping

From our friends at the Manhattan Declaration: The Human Rights Campaign, a $40 million dollar-a-year organization dedicated to striping America of a feasible definition of marriage, set its sights on the National Organization for Marriage through a video “exposing” their true ambitions. A laughably spooky voice begins the video by asking, “Ever heard of NOM?” The voice, which sounds […]

Haley Barbour, potential 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate, Comes out Swinging for Marriage!

Haley Barbour included a special shout-out to marriage in his recent “State of the State” address: “I’m proud that Mississippi cast the highest percentage of its vote of any state in the country for the Defense of Marriage Act, defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.” You can read his entire […]

"What is Marriage?" Makes SSRN’s Top Ten List

In just one month the Harvard essay of Prof. Robert George and his two colleagues, Sherif Girgis and Ryan Anderson has vaulted to the Top Ten list of most-viewed papers on SSRN, according to this note from Public Discourse editor Ryan Anderson: We just received an e-mail from SSRN with the following message: “Your paper […]

Gay Rights Advocates Desperate to Gain Ground

Our own Brian Brown is quoted in this Christian Post Article: National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown believes the renewed push for redefining marriage in both [Maryland and Rhode Island] is a reaction to pro-values gains throughout the country. “In most states we have positive legislation to protect marriage,” stated Brown. So far, New […]

New Chilean Org Takes on SSM, Bioethics

The center for the investigation of Bioethics in Chile has debuted a new website (in Spanish, of course). You may also view the various topics they discuss here. Google can provide a (limited but helpful) translation of the site into English here. Please feel free to share this site with your Spanish-speaking friends!

Marriage amendment to be introduced in W.Va. Legislature

From the local Herald-Dispatch: “Lawmakers are set to introduce and sponsor a marriage protection amendment to the state constitution during the upcoming legislative session, according to a press release issued by the West Virginia Family Foundation. … “We call on the Legislature to stop obstructing the people’s right to join 30 other states in constitutionally […]

Why Marriage is Essential to a Thriving Society

From Focus on the Family’s talking points on Marriage: – Marriage provides important benefits to society that no other institution can. Marriage: – Regulates sexuality. Marriage establishes sexual guardrails, which remain a requirement for all successful societies. – Socializes men. A society’s most serious problem is the unattached male, and marriage links men to women who help channel […]

Canadian Marriage Official "They'll have to fire me"

“A Saskatchewan marriage commissioner says the government will have to fire him if it expects him to perform same-sex marriages. Larry Bjerland of the east-central Saskatchewan community of Rose Valley said he was “very disappointed” by a Saskatchewan Court of Appeal opinion Monday dealing with proposed changes to the Marriage Act. The province’s highest court […]

NOM RI TO Chafee: 36 Percent Is Not a Mandate

“Getting 36% of the vote is no mandate to redefine marriage.” – Christopher Plante, Executive Director of NOM-RI Providence, RI – The National Organization for Marriage-Rhode Island (NOM-RI) today launched a statewide advertising campaign in support of traditional marriage and challenging Governor Lincoln Chafee’s claim to have a mandate to redefine marriage. “Lincoln Chafee got […]

Will Tolerance Help RI’s Economy?

GoLocalProv News Editor Stephen Beale gives you his take.

CPAC and the Crack Up of Conservatism?

The Daily Caller has the story.