Author Archives: NOM Staff

Bishop Evans on "Our Baptismal Call to Defend Marriage"

Bishop Evans is the auxiliary bishop of Providence, RI. This is his sermon from last Sunday: I submit that today, in the State of Rhode Island, we are faced with a challenge to our baptismal promises to renounce the modern day evil works of Satan and confess our belief in Christ and His holy Catholic Church. On […]

NOM Exposed ad "possible the most laughable piece of gay propaganda ... ever"

John Jalsevac is amused: Today I came across a video by the Human Rights Campaign “exposing” the pro-family organization the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). It has to be one of the most embarrassing and ultimately hilarious pieces of propaganda ever produced. With the breed of creepy music, and foreboding, overstated voice-overs usually reserved for […]

NH Gay marriage law could be repealed

After just a year, gay marriage in New Hampshire could be history. [Continue reading in The Eagle Tribune.]

Prop. 8 legal battle has implications for all ballot measures

From the San Diego Union Tribune: … in effect, if a governor and attorney general were unwilling to defend an initiative approved at the ballot box, as in the case of Proposition 8, those two elected officials could veto the measure with their inaction. Andrew Pugno, general counsel for the Proposition 8 Legal Defense Fund, said such a […]

In 2011 a Vote for a Democrat Anywhere has Become a Vote for Gay Marriage Everywhere

This column by Ed Holiday is causing waves in Mississippi, one of the few states with elections in 2011. Why? Because of this line: “In 2011 a vote for a Democrat anywhere has become a vote for gay marriage everywhere.”

Deciding Not to Decide What Marriage Is

Does this sound familiar? “Why am I being punished? Why did someone throw him in my path when I can’t have him?” As Kevin Staley-Joyce writes in First Things’ On The Square, here is the quote in context: Something of an exposition of the attitude that love makes a marriage took shape in a New York […]

Will Tolerance Help RI’s Economy?

GoLocalProv News Editor Stephen Beale gives you his take.

Weekend Question: Do Dead People Also Have a Right to Procreate?

Brazil’s new IVF law says yes.

Chafee, Fox Ignore Bishop's Statement; re-affirm their commitment to SSM

FROM THE PROVIDENCE JOURNAL: “Responding to criticism from the Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Governor Lincoln D. Chafee promised on Friday that if passed by the General Assembly this session, he would sign legislation recognizing same-sex marriage.” [Continue reading.]

West Virginia - Family Group Announces Introduction of Marriage Protection Amendment

A bipartisan coalition of lawmakers during the upcoming legislative  session will for the sixth straight year introduce and sponsor a Marriage Protection Amendment to the state constitution, a statewide family values group that authored the amendment said Thursday [continue reading]

Should Judge Reinhardt Recuse Himself?

Legal expert Ed Whelan analyzes Reinhardt’s memo explaining his refusal to recuse – and says the Judge comes up short: Reinhardt’s Non-Disqualification Memorandum—Part 1 Reinhardt’s Non-Disqualification Memorandum—Part 2 Reinhardt’s Non-Disqualification Memorandum—Part 3 Reinhardt’s Non-Disqualification Memorandum—Part 4 Reinhardt’s Non-Disqualification Memorandum—Part 5

SSM Advocates Take New Tactic because "...words have meaning"

Rhode Island legislators push for same-sex marriage while New York group seeks to redefine the terms. Check it out.

Marriage News: Cussing Kids Vid Met w/Silence from pro-SSM crowd; Maggie Gallagher's "Economist" Debate with Wolfson; and Jon Stewart, the RNC Chair & the Marriage Question

How low will some gay-marriage advocates go? Two weeks ago, NOM–and thousands of good people like you–called on national gay-marriage groups to stop using shocking images of children spewing angry obscenities to raise money for their cause. If you have not seen the video, please do so. (Warning: Even with the profanity muted it’s still […]

How Low Will Some Gay Marriage Advocates Go?

Two weeks ago, NOM — and thousands of good people like you-called on national gay marriage groups to stop using shocking images of children spewing angry obscenities to raise money for their cause. Thousands of people just like you have signed our petition to protect the kids. NOM’s “Pink T-shirt video” is opening a lot […]

Jon Stewart Makes Fun of RNC Chairman's Debate

That’s his job, and we love him for it. But here’s the interesting thing: He doesn’t dare show any of the ANSWERS that RNC chairman candidates made to the question “what’s your best 30-second case for our marriage tradition?” Kind of telling, huh?