Author Archives: NOM Staff

Breaking: Wyo. House passes bill against SSM

More momentum: Wyoming wouldn’t recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states under a bill that cleared its first hearing in the House of Representatives Thursday Thirty-four members of the 60-member House voted for the bill sponsored by Rep. Owen Petersen, R-Mountain View, and others. It needs to pass twice more in the House before it […]

Photo Essay: Marriage Traditions Around the World

Fridays deserve a more upbeat topic. Here is just one example from this beautiful photo essay: A Korean bride and groom wear traditional wedding clothes. The custom of the bride wearing a hanbok and groom wearing gwanbok dates back 2,000 years. Photo: markhillary.

HRC Tells Catholic Gay Men: Church May Not Help You Live Your Faith

HRC is denouncing the Catholic Church in Colorado for offering a group support program for gay men and women who wish to live in accordance with Catholic teachings on sex. Joe, so now running HRC–and Congress, and the U.S. Constitution–is not enough? You want to run Catholic parishes in Colorado too?

NOM National News: "Millions of Californians are bigots," for supporting Prop8

Great news: Prof. Richard Epstein predicts victory for marriage at the Supreme Court. Who is Richard Epstein? Well, Richard Epstein is just one of the most distinguished constitutional law scholars in America. He’s a professor at NYU Law, and also taught for many years at the University of Chicago Law School. He’s a libertarian, and […]

France’s Constitutional Council examining SSM case

Matthew Hoffman reports: France’s Constitutional Council, its highest court for constitutional issues, has agreed to examine homosexual “marriage,” and is expected to render a verdict within a week. The case has been passed to the Council by the French Court of Cassation, the nation’s highest appeals court for non-constitutional legal issues, which received the case […]

Definition of marriage bill passes first hurdle in Wyoming House

Wyoming News has the story.

VIDEO: We’re all bigots now. (Prop 8)

When asked what he made of Judge Vaughn Walker’s decision in the Prop 8 case, John Yoo said: “I thought it was a really poorly done decision. If you read it carefully, it basically says ‘[Prop 8] is so irrational, no one could have any reason to actually ban gay marriage, that is just the […]

NOM Pledges Push to Restore Marriage in DC

“We are by no means done pressing this issue.” – Brian Brown, President, National Organization for Marriage (WASHINGTON) – Yesterday, the Supreme Court of the United States denied an appeal by marriage defenders to the DC City Council’s implementation of same-sex marriage. Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) pledged to continue […]

World Congress of Families Releases “10 Best and Worst Developments for the Family in 2010”

The 10 Best Developments are: The U.S. elects a pro-family House of Representatives Russian President Dmitry Medvedev begins discussion of his nation’s demographic crisis California voters reject marijuana legalization Canadians refuse to legalize euthanasia Spain holds huge pro-life rallies challenging expansion of abortion U.K. plans to block children’s access to Internet porn Developing nation reject […]

“Reel Love Challenge” Announces Winners of Early Bird Contest

The Ruth Institute, a project of the National Organization for Marriage Education Fund, announces Amy Flammanio as the winner of the Early Bird Contest of its first annual Reel Love Challenge, a video contest for young adults around the country inviting them to share what lasting love in marriage looks like to them. The winning […]

NOM hails RNC Chair winner Reince Priebus for pro-marriage views

The big news from late Friday: Reince Priebus, who led the Wisconsin Republican Party to major gains in 
the 2010 midterm elections, won election as chairman of the Republican 
National Committee in a drawn-out balloting process Friday, ousting 
incumbent Chairman Michael Steele after a rocky two-year tenure. Priebus started out as the top vote-getter in […]

NOM Responds to Obama Administration's Failure to Defend DOMA and Congress

“This is an attack not only on marriage, but on the prerogatives of Congress.” – Brian Brown, President of NOM WASHINGTON – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) responded today to Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) as they filed a brief pretending to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). “The DOJ brief amounts to […]

What is Marriage? by NOM's Chairman Emeritus Robert George

In what has been hailed by some as “a definitive defense of the institution of traditional marriage,” Robert George, and co-authors Sherif Girgis and Ryan Anderson proffer “that as a moral reality, marriage is the union of a man and a woman who make a permanent and exclusive commitment to each other of the type […]

Being Pro-Marriage is not Anti-homosexual

From the Dr. J’s (Jennifer Roback Morse) blog post at our sister organization the Ruth Institute: Some of our commenters seem to be surprised that the Ruth Institute is “transitioning away from its anti-gay advocacy…. Why is there an article about abortion here?” Actually, if you look over the life of this blog, you will […]

What About the Attack on Prop 8 Donors?

Reason’s Cathy Youg is one of the few commenters on ‘civility’ to notice the attack on gay marriage opponents in Prop 8: “Never mind the once-trendy Bush assassination fantasies, such as the Air America radio skit in which an angry retiree responded to Bush’s Social Security reform proposals with gunshots, or the misogynistic anti-Palin rants in leftist publications. Or […]