Author Archives: NOM Staff

Follow Maggie's Debate with Evan Wolfson at The Economist

Join NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher for her debate with Freedom to Marry Executive Director Evan Wolfson this week over at The Economist. Click here to follow the debate and cast your vote today.

Epiphany for the Political New Year: Donors Should Be Protected From Pro-SSM Intimidation

Constitutional scholar Hadley Arkes marks the feast of the Epiphany with an epiphany of legal opinion arguing that donor information of traditional marriage groups should be kept confidential because of the intense intimidation tactics used by the radical homosexual lobby. Arkes discloses that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is the court’s strongest advocate of this […]

NOM Reacts to 9th Circuit Ruling

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today the 9th Circuit issued several rulings, denying standing to Imperial County’s deputy clerk, and referring the question of whether Proponents of Prop 8 (“Protect Marriage”) have standing to appeal Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling to the California Supreme Court. Judge Stephen Reinhardt also issued a concurrence in which he called the argument […]

Susan Shell: Marriage debate is about more than marriage

Susan Shell is the guest contributor today to Maggie and Evan Wolfon’s debate on marriage. Shell makes the point that the debate over marriage is about marriage, but about other underlying issues as well: The issue of gay marriage brings to a head a central conflict between two fundamental moral positions that interact, like seismic […]

RNC Chairman Candidates: How did They Do on Marriage? By Maggie Gallagher

The RNC Chairmanship is not just a spokesperson contest. I (and NOM) fully recognize the importance of technical and fundraising competence in the decision-making of the Republican National Committee Members, and my evaluation below is not intended to be comprehensive. This scorecard only evaluates candidates’ answer on the marriage question. The best news? All five […]

Pro-Marriage, Not Anti-Gay

Over at the Ruth Blog, Dr. J has a great post discussing her entry into the same-sex marriage debate, and how the SSM issue fits into the larger cultural dialog over marriage, its meaning and purposes: Some of our commenters seem to be surprised that the Ruth Institute is “transitioning away from its anti-gay advocacy.. Why is there […]

NOM Responds to RNC Chairman Debate

“We are grateful that all five candidates. . .unequivocally supported the GOP platform which supports our marriage tradition and opposes same-sex marriage” – Brian Brown, President of NOM WASHINGTON – Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) reacted to the RNC chairman debate today sponsored by the Daily Caller, Americans for Tax […]

RNC Chairman Candidate Maria Cino on Marriage

Maggie Gallagher, NOM’s chairman, interviews Maria Cino–one of the serious contenders for RNC chairman–watch it here. You can watch the whole interview by clicking here.

Help push us across the finish line!!! Last chance to take the Marriage Challenge!!!

As we quickly come to the close of 2010, we are within reach of our $1 Million Marriage Challenge goal, thanks to very generous pledges we received yesterday. By midnight tonight, we still need to raise $161,000 to fully match the Million Dollar Marriage Challenge grant. Just think what we can do together. If we […]

Debate: Maggie Gallagher vs. Evan Wolfson at The Economist

Join NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher for her week-long online debate with Freedom to Marry Director Evan Wolfson. The debate starts Monday and is hosted by The Economist, which framed the motion as: “This house believes that gay marriage should be legal.” Follow the daily back-and-forth starting Monday at

NOM INTERVIEWS: RNC Chairman Candidate Michael Steel on Marriage

RNC Chairman Michael Steel, who is running for re-election, answers questions about his views on marriage–watch it here: You can watch the whole interview by clicking here.

Three Days Remaining! Double your support with a gift today!

Double your support for marriage with a year-end gift to NOM! With NOM’s $1 Million Marriage Challenge grant, every gift received (or postmarked) before midnight Friday will be matched, doubling the impact for marriage. Join us today as we close out 2010 and prepare to make an immediate impact for marriage in 2011. We’re already […]

Help NOM Protect Our Children

Help NOM protect our children: post this web banner on your Facebook page, blog… and join thousands who already signed the online petition by clicking here. download this banner and post it.

Billboards in Putnam County, Tenn., promote biblical view of marriage between man and woman

Supporters rally to keep signs up and spread the message nationwide By AMY DAVIS COOKEVILLE, Tenn. — A grassroots effort to promote the biblical view of “Marriage God’s Way” has materialized into the form of two billboards in Putnam County. The billboards, produced by Roland Advertising of Cookeville, Tenn., depict a young man and woman along with the […]

Providence Journal Finds 80% of Rhode Islanders Want Vote on Marriage

When former Providence Mayor Buddy Cianci cited the fact that “over 80 percent of the people want the shot to vote” on same-sex marriage during an ABC-6 interview earlier this month, a skeptical ProJo Politifact Truth-O-Meter decided to investigate. After reviewing three NOM-Rhode Island polls conducted by Quest Research, the Truth-O-Meter concluded that “a hefty majority wants voters to determine […]