Author Archives: NOM Staff

Gingrich, Pawlenty, Santorum: Axe those Iowa Judges!

Three major GOP figures support the move to oust Iowa judges who voted for SSM. Why are we reading about this only in the gay press? Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum In Favor Of Axing Judges By Carlos Santoscoy Published: August 27, 2010 Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum are in favor of […]

ElectionWatch2010: Florida's Gov. Crist opposes FMA

Gov. Crist, who is running as an independent after losing the GOP Senate nomination to Marco Rubio, recently came out against a federal marriage amendment, according to the gay press. Money quote: “In an interview that aired today, I was not discussing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution banning same-sex marriage, which I do not […]

Wyoming SS Lawsuit Vexes Gay Marriage Advocates

All the media attention is focused on the 9th Circuit but the 10th Circuit now has two similar gay marriage cases headed the Supreme Court’s way.  The LGBT community is worried. Marriage suit vexes gay-rights activists: CHEYENNE — Many gay-rights activists are fuming over a new federal lawsuit challenging Wyoming’s ban on same-sex marriage, saying it’s […]

Pat Buchanan’s take on Judge Walker’s Prop 8 ruling

Federal Judge Vaughn Walker is truly a visionary. Peering at the 14th Amendment, Walker found something there the authors of the amendment never knew they put there, and even the Warren Court never found there: The states of the Union must recognize same-sex marriages as equal to traditional marriage. With his discovery, Walker declared Proposition […]

ElectionWatch2010: Post-Walker Ruling, Meg Whitman surges

The last Rasmussen poll taken Aug 3, had Jerry Brown with a 2 point lead.  Judge Walker ruled on Aug. 4.  The latest Rasmussen poll in the California governor’s race shows Meg Whitman, who has promised to defend Prop 8 in court up 7 points over Jerry Brown, who is refusing to defend Prop 8.  Whitman […]

Krauthammer: The Last Refuge of the Liberal Losing Public Opinion? Charges of Bigotry

Charles Krauthammer at National Review connects a lot of dots, excerpt below with a link to the full column: “Now we know why the country has become “ungovernable,” last year’s excuse for the Democrats’ failure of governance: Who can possibly govern a nation of racist, nativist, homophobic Islamophobes? Note what connects these issues. In every […]

NOM Statement in Regard to Ken Mehlman.

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher issued the following statement this afternoon in regard to Ken Mehlman: “We respect Ken Mehlman’s right to his personal life.  Supporting  gay marriage, however, is a very different and very public matter. The fight over same-sex marriage really isn’t about Mr. Mehlman’s personal life. Marriage, as a public legal status, is […]

NOM Founder Prof. Robby George: Keeping Social and Economic Conservatives Together

An excerpt from NOM Founder Professor Robert George’s recent speech on the importance of keeping social and economic conservatives working together: The moral foundations of economic conservatism are precisely those of social conservatism: respect for the human person, which grounds our commitment to individual liberty; and the right to economic freedom and other essential civil […]

WaPo: New Effort to Oust Iowa Judges

Because as one Des Moines resident at the Iowa State Fair told Bob Vander Plaats about trendy out-of-touch judges seeking to impress the trendy “big boys,” “That’s just not Iowa.”  Great story, stay tuned for big news from NOM. Read the whole Washington Post story.

LA Times Columnist: Brown and Schwarzenegger Should Defend Prop 8

George Skelton, long time political columnist for the LA Times writes: The will of the California electorate is being undermined by Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The voters’ rights are being denied. Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman struck a blow for good government — maybe even scored a political point or two — […]

Archbishop Chaput Calls for Christians to Resist Intolerance with Truth

Speaking to the Canon Law Association of Slovakia this week, Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput called for a robust understanding of religious freedom, criticizing the increasingly anti-Christian intolerance being carried out in the name of tolerance, particularly when it comes to issues of life and marriage. It’s well worth reading the whole thing, but a few […]

Reaction to Mehlman: Ken Blackwell – Disaster Looms if GOP Abandons Marriage

Ken Blackwell writes today on same-sex marriage and the GOP: [S]upporters of same-sex marriage cannot have it both ways. Central to the Republican agenda is that the U.S. Constitution must be interpreted according to its original meaning. If the Constitution must be changed, then we do so democratically through the amendment process. Republicans demand that […]

NOM Statement in Regard to Ken Mehlman

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher issued the following statement this afternoon in regard to Ken Mehlman: “We respect Ken Mehlman’s right to his personal life.  Supporting  gay marriage, however, is a very different and very public matter. The fight over same-sex marriage really isn’t about Mr. Mehlman’s personal life. Marriage, as a public legal status, is […]

Brian Brown Responds to Ken Mehlman’s Support for Prop 8 Challenge

In an interview with The Advocate published yesterday, NOM President Brian Brown responded to former RNC head Ken Mehlman’s announcement that he is gay and has decided to raise money to support the legal challenge to California’s Prop 8: While Mehlman’s Wednesday confessional with The Atlantic certainly wasn’t cause for celebration among prominent anti-gay marriage […]

Federal Judge Says Public University Can Boot Christian Counseling Student Who Refuses to Help Gay Couples

Augusta State University has come up with a creepily named “remediation” plan – a plan that includes requiring Jennifer Keeton, a graduate student in the counseling program, to attend a Gay Pride parade and write about her feelings. Presumably, if she has the wrong feelings the remediation has not worked. Keeton has refused, says she […]