Author Archives: NOM Staff

Former RNC Member Drew McKissick takes on Judge Walker’s Prop 8 Ruling

Not every former RNC member is like Ken Mehlman. Political strategist Drew McKissick takes on the outrage that is Judge Walker’s tyranny: Judges, Marriage and Self-Government In referring to our form of government, Alexander Hamilton once said, “Here sir, the people govern”.  But given the actions of some of the more arrogant members of our […]

Law Profs Amar and Brownstein: Prop 8 Supporters Have Better Arguments on Standing

Two liberal law professors from UC-Davis School of Law take a look at preliminary briefs filed on the “standing issue” by Chuck Cooper (lawyer for Prop 8) and San Francisco.  So far, they say, San Francisco is losing.

SF Bar Association Castigates LA Times: Don't Report Judge Walker's Orientation

The LA Times, along with Fox News, ABC News and others, has mentioned that Judge Walker is a gay man.  The story was first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle, who described it as an “open secret” – apparently in the San Francisco gay community, as to the rest of the world it was not […]

HUGE Rally in Sacramento "against Gay Marriage, Abortion"

The Mercury News reports that thousands rallied to oppose SSM and abortion in Sacramento on Saturday. This YouTube video shows the huge turnout.

ElectionWatch2010: Marriage Heats Up as Issue in NH Elections

Kelly Ayotte opposes gay marriage.  Bill Binnie supports gay marriage.  But the Union Leader just endorsed a third candidate, Ovide Lamontagne, who called for a federal marriage amendment after Judge Walker’s act of judicial tyranny. New polls show Binnie’s campaign collapsing, and Lamontagne now second–in double digits–behind Ayotte.  More evidence that NH politicians understand marriage […]

ElectionWatch2010: Bill Binnie Sinks to 3rd in new NH Senate Poll

Thank-you.  Once New Hampshire voters learned that Bill Binnie opposes SSM, his campaign sank like a stone, despite his big bucks. RealClearPolitics is reporting that Binnie has slipped to 3rd in the race for the GOP Senate nomination.

GOP Pro-SSM Elites Stage A Coming Out Party

We warned you: there is a coordinated effort to betray core GOP voters’ values by GOP elites in Washington.  The latest? Steve Schmidt,  former McCain campagin manager. Read more. John McCain who actually has to get elected, remains pro-marriage, mind you.  But a network of GOP elites wants to sell out the majority of Americans–and […]

Maggie Gallagher’s Pictures from Beck’s Restoring Honor Rally

As promised, below are a number of pictures taken by NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher this past Saturday at the “Restoring Honor” rally on the National Mall.

New Minnesota Radio Ad Holds Candidates for Governor Accountable on Marriage

As voters around the country begin to consider candidates’ positions ahead of the November elections, NOM is working to make sure voters know where their candidates stand on marriage. The latest initiative in this effort is a new radio ad airing in Minnesota, co-sponsored with the Minnesota Family Council, highlighting the positions of all three […]

“San Francisco Values?” NOM Responds to Judge Walker with National Radio Ad Campaign!

In response to Judge Walker’s ruling in the Prop 8 cases, the National Organization for Marriage has launched a new radio ad campaign airing in radio markets across the country. The new ad, entitled “San Francisco Values?”, highlights the impact of Judge Walker’s ruling not only in running roughshod over the voters of California, but […]

Cornerstone and NOM Launch Ad against Pro-SSM GOP Bill Binnie in NH

First, Dede Scozzafava.  Then, Tom Campbell.  Now, New Hampshire’s Bill Binnie. Another Republican learns the hard way: it’s a bad idea to oppose an issue which more than 80 percent of Republicans support–and the majority of the American people. More details from Cornerstone Action.

ElectionWatch 2010: New Poll shows Emmer tied in race for MN Gov.

A new poll from Minnesota Public Radio shows Republican Tom Emmer tied with DFL Candidate Mark Dayton. (Did the Target boycott backfire in Minnesota?)

Don Feder: “If Marriage is Lost, We Lose Everything”

From Don Feder’s latest column over at WorldNetDaily: Memo to conservative defeatists: Surrender on gay marriage is surrender on marriage – which is surrender on the family and, ultimately, surrender on civilization… Offering competing models, socially sanctioned, undermines heterosexual marriage. Two men engaged in what used to be described as unnatural acts, become the legal/moral […]

Exodus Ministries stripped of tax-exempt status in New Zealand.

An earthquake is beginning: If “gay is like black,” then “Christian is like racist.” The early warning signs are now taking place all over the globe.  In New Zealand, Exodus Ministries was just stripped of its tax-exempt status, on the grounds that helping gay people lead Christian lives is not a charity.  Read more.

GOP Elites Try to Throw Marriage Under the Bus

Prediction: after Mehlman announced he’s gay, you will see an increasingly coordinated campaign by certain GOP establishment elites to jettison the marriage issue, an issue about which the majority of Americans–and 80 percent of Republicans–agree. For a prime example check out this story in the normally conservative Daily Caller.