Author Archives: NOM Staff

Maggie on Lars Larson Show: “An outrageous exercise in judicial tyranny”

Prop 8 Coverage

The Atlantic: “National Organization for Marriage Calls Prop 8 Trial ‘Disturbing,’ Lawyers ‘Egomaniacal’” We call on the Supreme Court and Congress to protect the people’s right to vote for marriage,” stated Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board of NOM San Francisco Chronicle: “Reaction to Prop 8 Ruling: From cheers for ‘landmark victory’ to jeers for […]

NOM Decries Federal Court Decision Invalidating Proposition 8

“With a stroke of his pen, Judge Walker has overruled the votes and values of 7 million Californians who voted for marriage as one man and one woman. This ruling, if allowed to stand, threatens not only Prop 8 in California but the laws in 45 other states that define marriage as one man and […]

Judge Walker Strikes Down Prop 8

Moments ago, in a burst of unprecedent judicial arrogance, Judge Walker struck down California’s Prop 8. This is a ruling that jeopardizes the marriage laws of 45 states, threatening to strip millions of Americans of our core civil right to vote for marriage. We will fight back!  Details to follow . . . . Click […]

NOM to LGBT Leaders: Stop Scaring Your Supporters with Lies!

NOM President Brian Brown released the following statement yesterday: “It is becoming clear that the national gay marriage network is attempting to coordinate a message they know to be false: that NOM tolerates or even encourages violence toward gay or lesbian Americans. These groups – including Freedom to Marry, Equality California and prominent gay bloggers […]

NOM Calls on Gay Rights Leaders to Repudiate Politics of Hatred, Disrespect.

NOM released the following statement today: National organization for marriage TO GAY RIGHTS LEADERS: REPUDIATE THE POLITICS OF HATRED, DISRESPECT FOR THE MARRIAGE VOWS OF THE MAJORITY (Washington, D.C.) – Today, Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) released the following statement in response to the escalating attacks on NOM’s “Summer for […]

Election Watch 2010: Pro-SSM Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold falls behind pro-marriage GOP candidate Ron Johnson

Wisconsin Sen. Russ Feingold, once a Wisconsin progressive institution, is now two points behind leading GOP challenger Ron Johnson, according to a July 27 Rasmussen poll of likely voters. Unbelievable opportunities for potential pro-marriage pickups in once solid blue states!

Gay Marriage Radicals Reach New Low

By now, you’ve heard all about the incredible display of intolerance from supporters of gay marriage. They’ve come to our peaceful marriage rallies in city after city to harass and intimidate us. We’ve seen men harass a nursing mother, refusing her request to feed her children in private and instead stare at her and block […]

New Poll: Black Californians oppose gay marriage 2-1

The black church, both here and in Africa, has proved particularly resistant to the idea of redefining marriage. Or, as Bishop Robert Battle told the Marriage Tour rally in St. Paul today: “The African American church is firm on the biblical truth that marriage is one man and one woman.”   A new poll from […]

NOM Election Watch: In NH, another Pro-Gay Marriage Republican Bites the Dust

A new poll shows Kelly Ayotte trouncing the openly pro-gay marriage Republican Bill Binnie by 33 points. Congrats to Kevin Smith and Cornerstone Action for their ad campaign, which Politico highlighted as “Binnie slammed on gay marriage, immigration.”

Quick Recap on Madison Wisconsin: Brian is Back!

With Brian Brown at the helm, the crowd of pro-marriage supporters who gathered on the steps of the state capitol in Madison, Wisconsin felt immediately at ease. “We respond to intolerance and to incivility with love,” he told the pro-marriage crowd. Bishop Morlino who spoke echoed that message. He called for two Our Fathers, one […]

Maggie Gallagher interview on Lars Larson show

Heritage Foundation to Congress: Marriage is Worth a Fight

From the Heritage Foundation blog: Cinderella Congress: Marriage is Worth a Real Fight Perhaps the biggest news out of last week’s reaction to a federal judge striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was pundits’ response to the way the Obama Administration “threw the fight.” Echoing some of the most notorious boxing matches in […]

BREAKING NEWS: NJ Supreme Court Refuses SSM Case

Six same-sex couples in New Jersey asked the NJ Supreme Court to bypass the normal legal process and rule directly on their claim that civil unions are not enough.  The Court just declined.

Marriage Tour Media Roundup – Sunday, July 25th

Gay Rights Advocates Protest Marriage Defenders By Caroline May, The Daily Caller, July 25, 2010 The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is traveling around the country on a month-long tour promoting traditional marriage. The “Summer for Marriage Tour 2010: One Man One Woman” is targeting some of the key battleground areas in the ongoing debate […]