Author Archives: NOM Staff

Bobbi Radeck of CWA-Ohio in Columbus

“Concerned Woman for America stands together with NOM in one voice: Gays and lesbians have the right to live as they want to, but they do not have the right to redefine marriage for the rest of us.”

National organization for marriage Calls on Leaders of Marriage Equality Rhode Island AND Queer Action to Repudiate Bullying Tactics

“Gay marriage advocates…approached and threatened children. This has no place in a civilized society.” Brian Brown, President of NOM WASHINGTON, DC – After pro-gay marriage advocates stormed the podium at their recent Providence, Rhode Island rally, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is calling on leaders of the gay marriage movement in Rhode Island to […]

ACLU Announces Major New Strategy: Court-ordered Civil Unions in Montana

The ACLU has announced plans to force Montana to establish domestic partner registries–through the courts.  This takes some chutzpah, since the gay legal establishment is now in court in the Prop 8 case, arguing that because the legislature passed civil unions, Prop 8 violates the nation’s equal protection clause. But this is not a movement […]

Futurama On "Robosexual Marriage!"

Futurama, an animated comedy on Comedy Central,  is anti- anti-robosexual marriage, natch! The popular show parodies one of NOM’s early TV ads.  Thanks Futurama! Our favorite line: “There’s no way we can compete with that much stock footage of clouds.” : )

Author of Goodridge Decision in Massachussetts Retires

Massachusetts Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, who authored the Goodridge decision that brought gay marriage to the United States, announced she would retire this October to spend more time with her husband, former NYT columnist Anthony Lewis, who has Parkinson’s disease. Marshall 66, was appointed to the court by GOP Gov. William Weld, and elevated to […]

NOM ElectionWatch: NH Bill Binnie a "Shockingly Liberal" pro-SSM RINO?

Listen to the Cornerstone Action ad tagging Bill Binnie, a NH Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, “Shockingly Liberal.”

“We Brought Children. They Brought Rocks”—One Mother’s Account of the Providence Rally

Note: Leslie Wolfgang, wife of the executive director of the Family Institute of Connecticut, wrote about her children’s expereince at the Providence rally where pro-SSM protestors stormed the podium, harassed mothers and children.  The following is excerpted from the FIC blog. Note: When protestors began to yell at the kids, Leslie and several other mothers, […]

Aussie Debate: Gay Marriage Is No Right

Australian Bill Muehlenberg of the Family Council of Victoria, responds to a column by radio personality Derryn Hinch in which he apologizes for once having opposed gay marriage and criticizes the Prime Minister for supporting laws defining marriage as one man and one woman: Heterosexual marriage is society’s bedrock SADLY Derryn Hinch manages to mangle just […]

Alert! Breaking News Video: Protestors storming the podium. Threatening young children. Police standing by doing nothing.

Protestors storming the podium. Threatening young children. Police standing by doing nothing. The mainstream media hasn’t told half of what actually happened in Providence and Albany this past weekend. Watch for yourself. It is truly shocking. Then help spread the word. If all our friends stand together, truth and love will defeat their hatred and […]

Catholic News Agency: Homosexual Activists Disrupt Pro-Marriage Rallies, Intimidate Nursing Mother

From the Catholic News Agency: Providence, R.I., Jul 21, 2010 / 06:08 am (CNA).- Homosexual activists’ behavior at rallies by a touring pro-marriage event has ranged from “silly” to “crazy” and “disgraceful,” one event leader reports. Some activists disrupted a Rhode Island rally and mocked religion and children, while others intimidated a nursing mother at […]

Thousands Support Dr. Ken Howell's Right To Teach While Catholic

Thousands Support Catholic Prof Fired for Explaining Church Teaching on Homosexuality URBANA, Illinois, July 19, 2010 ( – A University of Illinois professor fired for explaining the Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality has gathered several thousands of students, alumni, and others – including the head of the the University’s atheist club – demanding that the Catholic professor […]

Unbelievable Weekend Recap! SSM protestors prove their own intolerance at weekend marriage rallies!

What a weekend we had on the NOM Summer for Marriage Tour, with unbelievable stops in Albany and Providence! Great turnout both places, with around 100 supporters in Albany on Saturday, and more than 200 on Sunday in Providence. But it was the protestors who turned out that really made things memorable. They like to […]

Brian Brown interview with ABC Affiliate in Providence

Brian Brown tells ABC Channel 6 in Providence: “We need to make sure that the voters understand what’s at stake, and vote for candidates that support protecting marriage.” Watch here.

NOM Election Watch: Toomey 7 points up over Sestak for PA Senate

The latest Rasmussen poll shows Pat Toomey beating Joe Sestak by 7 points. According to the Philadelphia Gay News, Sestak supports gay marriage.

Angry Pro-SSM Protestors Storm Podium in Providence

Most of the media ignored what actually happened, but this NBC video captures the truth. Police stood by as protestors stormed the podium, surrounded Brian Brown and tried to prevent him from speaking. Only Brian’s grace under fire, and the law-abiding, prayerful, and peaceful crowd prevented this from turning even more ugly.