Author Archives: NOM Staff

Univ. of Penn. Law Prof Criticizes Walker’s Prop 8 Ruling

Prof. Amy Wax of the University of Pennsylvania Law School, criticized Judge Walker’s Prop 8 ruling in the New York Times: What is striking about Judge Walker’s opinion is that he consistently minimizes the central distinction between gay and straight sex: homosexual unions are sterile by their nature. They cannot produce shared biological children. Only […]

Finding of Fact #77: Religion Hurts Gays and Lesbians

Judge Walker declared a number of things as “fact” in this trial.  One of them is Finding of Fact #77. “Religious beliefs that gay and lesbian relationships are sinful or inferior to heterosexual relationships harm gays and lesbians.” A federal judge has just found as a matter of fact (in his imagination) that Christians and members […]

Brian Brown is the Talk of the Nation! NPR reports, you decide.

NPR Talk of the Nation — Will Gay Marriage Ruling Be A Ripple Or Tsunami? Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage said Walker’s decision Wednesday undermined public opinion and will ultimately bolster political support for a federal constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. “Every time a court does this, we grow exponentially. People are […]

More Legal Experts Weigh In: Walker's Attempt to Restrict Facts Won't Work.

Over at, another legal expert, Orin Kerr, argues: If the Supreme Court agrees to hear the case, I don’t think the factual record will matter very much. I think that for three main reasons. First, the Justices will know that this case presents a defining moment for their respective tenures on the Court. This […]

Maggie Gallagher v. Evan Wolfson on Anderson Cooper 360

Mama grizzlies for marriage? Don’t take our word for it about Maggie’s CNN performance — take Lauren’s: “I just watched your debate on CNN and you did an amazing job! Thank you for standing up for the marriage between and man and a woman. I really appreciate your hard work. You are incredibly well versed and […]

Dr. J on AOL News: “The Institution Formerly Known as Marriage”

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse has a terrific piece on the Prop 8 ruling up on AOL News this afternoon. AOL News –  “The Institution Formerly Known as Marriage” (Aug. 5) — The essential public purpose of marriage is to attach mothers and fathers to their children and to one another. Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling overturning […]

Brian Brown on CBN: Never before has a federal judge found a constitutional right to SSM

CBN NEWS: Supporters, Opponents Awaits Prop 8 Ruling California’s voter-approved law barring gays from state-recognized marriage has been struck down by a federal court. Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker ruled late Wednesday to overturn Proposition 8, the initiative approved by 52 percent of Californians to define marriage as between one man and one woman. […]

Pro-SSM Legal Experts Say Judge Walker's Opinion May Backfire at Supreme Court

Even amidst the public backslapping and self-congratulatory high-fiving by superlawyers Ted Olson and David Boies as they take their victory lap, a quiet stream of concern about Judge Walker’s ruling and their legal strategy is beginning to emerge from some pro-gay marriage legal scholars. University of Minnesota law prof Dale Carpenter, over at The Volokh Conspiracy, […]

Brian Brown in the NYT: Prop 8 ruling “a horrendous decision”

New York Times – “In Same-Sex Ruling, an Eye on the Supreme Court” “To opponents of same-sex marriage, the ruling was a travesty that usurped the will of millions of California voters. Brian S. Brown, the executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, called it “a horrendous decision” that “launched the first salvo in […]

Bill Duncan on NRO: “A Conclusion Not Anchored in Reality”

Bill Duncan, director of the Marriage Law Foundation, offered a brief analysis of Judge Walker’s ruling on NRO’s The Corner earlier this evening: The court’s legal premise is pretty novel. Judge Walker rules that laws reflecting the understanding of marriage as the union of a man and a woman violate the Fourteenth Amendment’s due-process and […]

Maggie Gallagher in San Francisco Chronicle: "Judge Walker's Bias Will Be Overruled"

Maggie Gallagher, San Francisco Chronicle, “Prop 8: Judge Walker’s Bias Will be Overruled” “If this ruling is upheld, millions of Americans will face for the first time a legal system that is committed to the view that our deeply held moral views on sex and marriage are unacceptable in the public square, the fruit of […]

CNN: Judge Walker issues stay; opponents vow to appeal – “Judge strikes down California’s ban on same-sex marriage” “In a separate order, Walker also granted supporters of Proposition 8 a temporary stay, which stops his decision from taking immediate effect. . . . Walker gave both sides in the case until Friday to submit their responses to the order. . . . “Opponents […]

Brian Brown on NRO: “This will go to the Supreme Court, where we expect to win.”

National Review Online – “Getting Ready to March on Washington” (Interviewing Brian Brown) “This will go to the Supreme Court, where we expect to win. Remember that originally, the gay legal establishment opposed this case, because they fear what we anticipate: that they don’t yet have five votes for a constitutional right to gay marriage. Two lawyers […]

COGIC Bishop George McKinney: Prop 8 ruling based on “outrageous comparisons between same-sex unions and interracial marriage”

NOM released the following statement from Church of God in Christ Bishop George McKinney this afternoon: (Washington, D.C.) – Bishop George McKinney issued the following personal statement in response to Judge Vaughn Walker’s ruling, and in support of the National Organization for Marriage. Bishop McKinney is a board member of the Church of God in […]

Bishop Harry Jackson: “Prop 8 Decision Threatens Core Civil Right to Vote for Marriage”

The National Organization for Marriage releases the following statement from Bishop Harry Jackson: “Prop 8 Decision Threatens Core Civil Right to Vote for Marriage” (Washington, D.C.) – Today, in support of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), Bishop Harry Jackson, head of the High Impact Leadership Coalition and, stated: “This is a travesty of […]