Author Archives: NOM Staff

NOM Election Watch: Washington State Poll – Didier, Rossi beat Murray

For the first time, the latest Rasmussen poll of 750 likely voters shows pro-marriage candidates Clint Didier and Dino Rossi pulling ahead of Sen. Patti Murray (D-WA) 48% to 45% in the race for the U.S. Senate. Patti Murray voted against a federal marriage amendment twice.

Katherine Kersten: SSM Coming to Minnesota, "Punishing those who dare to disagree"

Katherine Kersten in the Minneapolis Star Tribune asks a key question: Same-sex marriage supporters assure us that redefining marriage is no big deal.  “How will my same-sex marriage hurt you?” they ask, expecting the answer to be “it doesn’t.” Don’t believe it. Same-sex marriage, she writes, “would transform American law and social life. That’s because […]

Polygamy Hurts Society, Canadian Scholar Says

Can a society embrace gay marriage and continue to ban polygamy?  Canada is in the process of finding out.  University of B.C. scholar Joseph Henrich is among the experts testifying in this British Columbia trial: “To illustrate the harm, Henrich provides the court with an example of polygyny’s cruel arithmetic. In a hypothetical society of […]

Does Tolerance Require Teaching Montana 10-Year-Olds About Sex Acts?

Forgive the vulgarity. But this is what Montana is proposing to teach ten-year-olds in public schools, so we guess we have to be willing to post about it. More evidence of the new regime’s intentions. Parents in Montana are protesting what CNN describes as “gay-friendly progressive health-education.” What does that mean? Read and weep: Hundreds […]

Next Steps in Argentina

Official response (in Spanish) from Argentines for the Children on next steps: Lo que pasó: Lamentamos profundamente la aprobación de esta ley, porque estamos convencidos de que no es buena para la sociedad y de que daña a la familia y al interés superior del niño. Los argumentos ya los expusimos y los debatimos. Lamentamos, […]

Gay Married Couples Redefine Fidelity, Too

Why stop at the word marriage? Other words can be redefined as well.  Take “monogamy”and “fidelity.”  They call them “San Francisco relationships,” as the SF Chronicle is proudly reporting on the release of a new study of over 500 couples. The study, by Colleen Hoff, shows that the majority of gay couples are not monogamous […]

Augusta Rally a Huge Success – Thank You!

Many, many thanks to all of you who came out (even with the threat of thunderstorms!) to stand for marriage as we kicked off our Summer for Marriage RV Tour yesterday in Augusta! It was wonderful to meet so many of you, and your energy and enthusiasm made for the perfect start to our 33-day, […]

Associated Press photo of NOM RV

A National Organization for Marriage recreational vehicle gets set to hit the road, Wednesday, July 14, 2010, in Augusta, Maine. The National Organization for Marriage kicked off its ‘One Man, One Woman’ bus tour in Maine, where residents last year rejected a law that would have allowed same-sex couple to wed.  Read more. 

Argentina Video: “Un país entero se esta poniendo de pie”

Court strikes challenge to DC gay marriage law

Disappointing news out of DC this morning, but this one isn’t over yet . . . (AP) WASHINGTON — D.C.’s highest court has ruled against opponents of the city’s same-sex marriage law, saying they cannot ask voters to overturn it. Opponents had wanted to challenge a law that took effect in Washington in March allowing […]

Marriage Loses in Argentina Senate 33 to 27

After a massive outpouring of public opposition, the government fought back by pressuring, bribing or simply getting out of the country, senators. What was allegedly a free vote became in effect a party loyalty vote. The Senate voted 33 to 27 to pass gay marriage. Our correspondent in Argentina writes: “We had a sad night, […]

Maggie: "Obama Sabotages The Defense of Marriage Act"

From Maggie Gallagher’s nationally syndicated column:   “President Obama’s Justice Department colluded with gay marriage advocates to make sure the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act was overturned by the courts. That’s not just my view — it’s pretty close to the searing conclusion drawn by professor Richard Epstein in a piece for Forbes: ‘This controversial […]

CBS News Political Hotsheet Interviews NOM Founding Chairman Robert George

CBS News caught up with Princeton Professor and NOM Founding Chairman Robert George to discuss the recent DOMA ruling from Boston federal judge Joseph Tauro. The Gay Marriage Ruling: What Now? CBS News Yesterday, a federal district judge in Boston declared that the federal ban on recognizing same-sex marriage – as articulated in the 1996 […]

Union-Leader welcomes NOM to Manchester with more Lynch Coverage

Governor Lynch’s address to Tim Gill’s Political OutGiving conference this spring is creating quite a stir in New Hampshire – just in time for the Summer for Marriage Tour coming to Manchester. Lynch lauded by national gay rights advocates Manchester Union-Leader, July 13, 2010 Staff Report CONCORD —Gov. John Lynch’s support for a same-sex marriage […]

Video footage of Argentina marriage rally

More coverage of the Argentina marriage rally, including video footage, from the Clarin newspaper (Spanish language):