Author Archives: NOM Staff

Jonathan Rauch urges Supreme Court not to overturn Prop 8

Jonathan Rauch argues in the NY Times that the Supreme Court should step back and allow space for a political consensus on marriage/SSM: But the gay-marriage debate, while assuredly a civil rights argument, is much more than that. It is also a debate about the meaning of marriage, about the pace of change in a […]

Marriage: Unique for a Reason

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Ad Hoc Committee for the Defense of Marriage has released a powerful new initiative entitled Marriage: Unique for a Reason. This new initiative combines a powerful 12-minute video, viewer’s guide, and a resource guide for priests, deacons and teachers. Our thanks to Archbishop Kurtz and each of the members […]

Interview with Maggie Gallagher in the Minnesota Catholic Servant

Read the Minnesota Catholic Servant’s interview with Maggie here.

Senator Grassley (R-Iowa) Asks Elena Kagan About SSM

Religion Dispatches Comments on Marriage Tours

Over at Religion Dispatches, Candace Chellew-Hodge is intrigued by the “competing marriage tours” this summer: At last, the anti-same sex marriage outfit, the National Organization for Marriage and the pro-same sex marriage group Freedom to Marry, have found common ground. “NOM is saying this is an urgent time for marriage and that a strong marriage […]

Is Obama a Bigot or Just a Liar?

Prof. Robert George, who is a founding Chairman of NOM’s board, asks a great question today on National Review Online: “Obama on Marriage: Bigot or Liar?” Like Sherlock Holmes’s dog that didn’t bark in the night, liberals have been strangely silent about Obama’s comments on marriage. It has become a matter of orthodoxy among progressives that […]

Spain: Why So Few Gay Marriages?

A new study by a Spanish gay rights group reports that about 10,000 gay marriages have taken place since Spain legalized gay marriage in 2007. Spain has about 30 million people in 2008 over the age of 15. If 3 percent of the population is homosexual, that would be about 900,000 gay and lesbian adults. So […]

Religious Liberty Watch

Gay marriage advocate (and–like Ted Olson, the lawyer opposing Prop 8–a Federalist Society member) and law professor Dale Carpenter recently said he was advising a Minnesota gay rights group on how they could lawfully exclude a street preacher from handing out literature against homosexuality at a large gay pride even in a public park that […]

Supreme Court Rules Against Christian Legal Society in California (Sort of)

The Supreme Court yesterday ruled that Hastings College of Law could require that all student groups be open to any student, regardless of that student’s views.  Theoretically Christian groups under this “all comers” policy would have to accept not only gay students, but atheists and Buddhists as members and officers of their groups, and vice […]

Summer for Marriage Tour 2010!

In a few days, NOM will be launching our Summer for Marriage Tour 2010, taking the message for marriage directly to the American people and building support for marriage all across the eastern half of the United States. Over 33 days, we’ll travel more than 6000 miles, holding rallies in 23 cities from Maine to […]

WaPo Reporter Who Called Marriage Supporters Bigots Resigns

David Weigel has resigned after numerous emails surfaced disparaging conservatives.  Weigel was hired as a conservative to cover the “conservative beat” for WaPo. A few weeks ago, he blogged that he has sympathy for everyone he covers except for those who oppose gay marriage, whom he called “bigots.”  Now it appears his sympathies for conservatives […]

Letter From Brian

Dear Friend of Marriage, Black Democrats to the rescue of marriage! Saturday I had the honor of attending the D.C. State Democratic Convention with Bishop Harry Jackson. African-Americans for marriage turned out in force, shocking the D.C. establishment! I wish you could have been there. Strong marriage supporters, unafraid of the media or anything else, […]

Letter to the New York Times (NOT!)

David Blankenhorn responds to Maureen Dowd’s silly screed.

"Dads are Not Second-Class Mothers"

Prof. Brad Wilcox interview at NRO on the research on fatherless children, and well-fathered children.

Obama's Father's Day Proclamation: Dads Not that Special

Moms?  Dads? Stepdads? whatever. “Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by a father and mother, a single father, two fathers, a step father, a grandfather, or caring guardian.  We owe a special debt of gratitude for those parents serving in the United States Armed Forces and their families, whose sacrifices […]