Author Archives: NOM Staff

Spanish translation: Maggie's Statement to the Argentinians

This went up on one of the demonstration organizer’s facebook page: 1. Declaración de la Presidente de la Organización Nacional en favor del Matrimonio, Maggie Gallagher (Estados Unidos): “Lo que están haciendo este día es un servicio extraordinario, no solo para su país, sino para otros países de Sudamérica y del mundo. Aplaudimos su coraje […]

President Obama and Elena Kagan Sabotage DOMA Defense

In the July 13 Daily Caller, NOM President Brian Brown highlights the Obama Administration’s “sabotage” of DOMA. Unable to repeal DOMA legislatively, the Obama Justice Department is cutting the legs out from under DOMA in the courts: President Obama and Elena Kagan Sabotage DOMA Defense Last Thursday, Judge Joseph Tauro, in an absurdly poorly written […]

University of Illinois Professor Fired For Catholic Beliefs

More on the story we highlighted a few days ago. University of Illinois Religion Professor Ken Howell was fired for telling students in his “Modern Catholic Thought” class that he agreed with the Church teaching on marriage and sexuality. AP coverage of Ken Howell’s firing is below. You can read the email that got him […]

The NOM Song?

Maggie Gallagher on CBN on Boston Decision

Argentina Update: July 13 Mass Demonstration for Marriage

An anonymous correspondent writes, “Yesterday, Sen. Liliana Negre president of the Comission of General Legislation at the Senators Chamber accused President Cristina Kirchner of using illegitimate political pressures to try to push a gay marriage bill through the legislature. While the adiministration has claimed this is a free vote of conscience, they are now putting pressure […]

Illinois Prof. Says He Was Fired for Saying He Agrees With Catholic Teaching

An adjunct professor at the University of Illinois says he was fired for “hate speech.” The professor who teaches a course in Catholic thought, says he was asked by a student if he agreed with the Church’s teaching on sexuality–sex is appropriate only in the context of a marital union, which the Catholic Church defines […]

New Poll: 85 percent of Guatemalans reject SSM

New poll shows, “The vast majority of people in Guatemala oppose the notion of allowing homosexuals to marry, according to a poll by Cid-Gallup. 85 per cent of respondents disagree with same-sex marriage.” Do you agree or disagree with allowing homosexual couples to get married, just like heterosexual couples do? Agree     12% Disagree     85% Not […]

Boston Federal Judge Strikes Down DOMA

A federal judge in Boston struck down DOMA this afternoon. They are determined to overturn the will of the people, and Obama’s Justice Department is sabotaging the law’s defense: BOSTON — A U.S. judge in Boston has ruled that a federal gay marriage ban is unconstitutional because it interferes with the right of a state […]

OneNewsNow: Marriage Tour interview with Brian Brown

NOM President Brian Brown explains the importance of this summer’s Marriage Tour. Click the “hear report” link at the top right of the page to listen to the audio interview.

6 Days Until Summer for Marriage Tour

In just six days, NOM’s Summer for Marriage Tour 2010 will begin in Augusta, Maine, visiting 19 states and 23 cities over five weeks. Over these five weeks, we will meet thousands of Americans from across the eastern U.S. who are committed to protecting marriage in their own communities. And better yet, each person attending […]

Argentinians Turn In 635,000 Signatures Opposing SSM

Nothing like this has been seen on this issue in South America before: Zenit: Some 635,000 signatures in defense of marriage and family were presented to the Argentinean Senate, as legislators consider legalizing same-sex unions and adoption by same-sex couples. Senator Liliana Negre de Alonso, president of the Senate’s General Legislation Commission, received Monday representatives of […]

Argentinian Marriage Movement Update

Here at NOM we are like the old “Committees of Correspondence” of the American Revolution, getting you information underneath the media’s screens. Here’s another report from Argentina, where opposition to SSM is gathering intensity: “I am working very hard in this campaign, yesterday we made a good first step in the Senate, we are raising money for good television […]

Marriage Group Fights to Keep Traditional Definition

Charlie Butts,, July 5, 2010, 6:30am The Summer Marriage Tour 2010: One Man One Woman, a campaign for traditional marriage, is preparing to hit the road. Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), will be taking his organization on a month-long bus tour to promote marriage between a man and a […]

AP: Presbyterians Consider Redefining Marriage

From the Associated Press out of Minneapolis, where the Presbyterian Church (USA) is holding its General Assembly: “This week’s General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will consider redefining marriage to include same-sex couples and allowing ministers to perform same-sex weddings. “The Rev. Carmen Fowler, president of the Presbyterian Lay Committee, believes those sorts of […]