Author Archives: NOM Staff

24 hours remaining – Help reach our $50K goal for Prop 8 Defense!

Yesterday, we asked you to help fund the Prop 8 legal defense with a donation to the NOM Legal Defense Fund. Many of you stepped up and we have now raised $15,000 toward our $50,000 goal. It’s a good start, but with 24 hours remaining, I’m asking you to please make a gift right now […]

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse Identifies “3 Really Pernicious Messages Behind the ‘Lesbians Make Better Parents’ Story Line”

From Dr. Morse on the Ruth Institute blog. Three messages being propagated by the “lesbians make better parents” theme: 1. Women are better parents than men. Therefore, two women are better for kids than a mother and a father. Men are unnecessary and possibly dangerous. 2. The only problems that the children of lesbians experience […]

Dr. Morse on Children of Lesbian Parents Study

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse just finished reviewing the recent lesbian parenting study published in the journal Pediatrics. You’ve all seen the headlines by now: “Children of lesbian parents do well.” These headlines are based on a new study published in the journal Pediatrics. I actually read the study, which is my custom before commenting. I […]

Letter From Brian

Dear Friend of Marriage, Great news! The New Hampshire Attorney General’s office just dismissed a complaint filed earlier this year against NOM by New Hampshire Democratic National Committeewoman Kathleen Sullivan. The complaint was a response to NOM’s highly successful “Lynch Lied” television ad campaign, which exposed Gov. Lynch’s betrayals on gay marriage, taxes and the […]

Statement From Maggie

“Chuck Cooper is a heckuva lawyer. At stake in this case is the future of marriage in all 50 states, and he’s right that this attempt to shut down the debate by constitutionalizing gay marriage will backfire. Americans have a right to vote for marriage. Ted Olson doesn’t seem to understand the argument, and judging […]

Live Commentary from Brian Brown: 4pm ET

Friends, Given the way the day’s events are shaping up, we’ve rearranged the day’s schedule a bit. This gives us a chance to connect with you midway through the day, and then to return for a recap when the arguments wrap up. I will now be providing live, interactive video commentary on the morning’s developments […]

Jon Rauch Defends Prop 8 Expert Witness David Blankenhorn

In a letter to the New York Times published today, Jonathan Rauch, prominent pro-gay marriage author, defends David Blankenhorn, who testified as an expert witness in Prop 8 trial, from scurrilous multiple attacks by Frank Rich: “Frank Rich, for the third time since February, unfairly criticizes David Blankenhorn, president of the Institute for American Values […]

Visit at 1pm ET for live coverage of Prop 8 Closing Arguments!

Today’s the day . . . closing arguments on California’s Proposition 8 begin at 10am PT/1pm ET in Judge Walker’s San Francisco courtroom, as the plaintiffs seek to make the case that marriage is bigoted, discriminatory and unconstitutional. NOM chair Maggie Gallagher is in the courtroom and will be liveblogging and live-Tweeting throughout the day. […]

The End of the Trial Begins

Today, I am getting on an airplane, flying to San Francisco to be at the courthouse for the end of the historic Prop 8 trial.  Final arguments begin Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. Pacific time, and I will be live blogging and twittering. You can follow the arguments throughout the day at This is […]

NH Gov. John Lynch Highlighting Support for Gay Marriage in Email to Supporters

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch is running for reelection and is highlighting same-sex marriage as one of his accomplishments.

Register for the latest Prop 8 Trial Coverage at!

This Wednesday will be an historic day as some of the top lawyers in America gather in a San Francisco courtroom to debate whether marriage as we know it is bigoted, discriminatory, and unconstitutional. Closing arguments in the Prop 8 trial begin at 10am Pacific time, and NOM will be in the courtroom to provide […]

NOM Election Watch 2010: Virginia's 8th

Did support for gay marriage doom another GOP contender?  In the race for the GOP nomination for Virginia’s 8th Congressional District (to take on Democratic incumbent Jim Moran), Patrick Murray narrowly defeated pro-gay marriage Republican Matthew Berry.  WaPo notes–and criticizes–a Murray mailer which in the waning days highlighted Berry’s support for gay marriage. WaPo naturally […]

NOM Marriage Election Watch 2010: California Victories

Tom Campbell’s defeat in the race for GOP nomination to take on Sen. Barbara Boxer confirms the lessons of Dede Scozzafava: It’s a bad idea to be for gay marriage, at least if you are a Republican. Meanwhile, National Organization for Marriage – California PAC won three pivotal election races during the 2010 California primary […]

President Obama Proclaims June as LGBT Month

Yesterday President Obama issued a proclamation commemorating June as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) month. While declaring support for federal civil unions, conspicuously absent from this declaration is any reference to same-sex marriage or efforts to repeal DOMA: “Here at home, I continue to support measures to bring the full spectrum of equal rights to LGBT […]