Author Archives: NOM Staff

ADF Attorney: Same Sex Marriage Isn't a Right

ADF Attorney Benjamin Bull in TownHall: “… the justices at the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled that the two French women “did not have the rights of married people, who in France have the sole right to adopt a child as a couple.” This decision needs to be shouted from rooftops in Europe, […]

Canadian Lesbian Demands Catholic School Remove Catechism Quote on Homosexuality

LifeSiteNews: A self-proclaimed ‘lesbian’ whose two children attend a Catholic school near Peterborough is demanding that the Peterborough Catholic school board remove a Catechism quote dealing with homosexuality from a school pamphlet. Ann Michelle Tesluk has started an online petition to pressure the board to action and describes her activities as gearing to make the […]

Hundreds of Marriage Supporters Join Together for Let Us Vote Rally in Iowa!

The Des Moines Register: Hundreds of conservative Christians crowded the Iowa Capitol this morning in favor of advancing a proposed state constitutional amendment barring same-sex marriage. The rally and lobbying effort, organized by the conservative advocacy group the Iowa Family Leader and two national groups opposing same-sex marriage, was aimed at the Democrat-controlled Senate, where […]

Maryland Resident Writes: SSM is Harmful to Kids

A Maryland voter writes to the Baltimore Sun: …there are several other persuasive reasons why Gov. Martin O’Malley’s same-sex marriage bill is not a good idea. Inscribed in the heart of all of us by nature is the primary purpose of marriage between a man and a woman — procreation and raising children. Same-sex couples […]

Local Media Asks Did Money Sway Grisanti's Flip-Flop on Marriage?

Senator Grisanti is “feeling the heat”, Local News 4 reports: Bravo, marriage defenders! Your efforts are helping us put on notice the Albany politicians who betrayed marriage for money!

Red State: "Voters in NY-09 Rejected David Weprin’s Vote in Favor of Gay Marriage"

Erik Erickson explains the election upset in NY-9: “…the voters in NY-09 rejected David Welprin’s vote in favor of gay marriage. Yes, yet again we see a reliably Democrat area rebel against Democrats pushing gay marriage.”


The Associated Press just declared the special election in NY-9 a victory for Bob Turner, who is currently leading pro-SSM David Weprin by over 6%. This is the first time the seat has been held by a Republican since 1923. We also know this is a huge victory for marriage — more from us on that […]

Turner Holds Lead Over Weprin 53%-46% with More Than Half of Precincts Reporting

299 out of 512 precincts reporting: Turner: 21,857 (53%) Weprin: 19,071 (46%) We should be able to call this by the end of tonight.

Video: Gov. Cuomo Predicts Weprin Win in NY-9, Ignores Marriage Vote Impact

Religious Liberty Expert Robin Wilson in SCOTUSblog Symposium

Prof. Robin Wilson of the Washington and Lee University School of Law contributes to the SCOTUSblog symposium on marriage: Very little is to be gained by Professor Singer’s one-hundred-percent-victory-or-none-at-all stance. Where robust exemptions have not been provided, marriage equality efforts have failed. Moreover, under our proposal same-sex couples receive the services they need from individuals […]

Lawsuit Filed in Freedom of Information Act Request Over DOMA

Via the Judicial Watch press release: Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit on August 29, 2011, against the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ) on behalf of the Family Research Council (FRC) for records related to the DOJ’s decision not to defend the constitutionality of the Defense of […]

David Blankenhorn on New Census Data on Marriage and The Impact to Children

In the PBS News Hour, David Blankenhorn of the Institute for American Values (and Elaine Tyler May at the University of Minnesota) comment on new US Census Data on marriage in America: “…we are in the middle of a definable long-term shift away from the authority of the institution. The most fundamental sign of this, […]

Iowa Governor: No Connection Between Gay Marriage Debate and Waterloo Teen’s Slaying

The Des Moines Register: There’s no connection at all between Iowa’s debate over gay marriage rights and the death of Waterloo teen Marcellus Andrews, the governor said today. “I think it’s inappropriate to try to link these two,” Republican Gov. Terry Branstad said during his weekly press conference at the Capitol. A reporter said the […]

Update: Catholic Charities to Appeal Ruling Favoring Illinois in Civil Unions, Foster Care Dispute

AP: Catholic Charities plans to appeal a judge’s decision allowing the state to stop working with the group on adoptions and foster-care placements, an attorney for the not-for-profit agency revealed Monday. Peter Breen said the group will ask for a stay of Sangamon County, Ill., Circuit Judge John Schmidt’s Aug. 18 ruling that sided with the […]

This Expert Witness in the Prop 8 Trial Was Right

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher writes at NRO: A story relayed to me by one of the Prop 8 trial participants: After Judge Walker announced he would videotape the trial but only for his own personal use, one of the expert witnesses scheduled to testify dropped out. Why, given that the videotape would be sealed? “I’ve […]