Author Archives: NOM Staff

Matthew Schmitz on a New Movement for Marriage

In the First Things blog On The Square: The vote in New York did not represent the end of a movement, but it did, just maybe, mark the beginning of one. In the wake of the vote I heard from many friends, most of them young, who took the Empire State vote as a call […]

Heritage Research Fellow Explains Their Marshall Plan for Marriage

Kathryn Lopez in National Review: Chuck Donovan is a man with a plan. A longtime advocate of family-friendly public policy, and senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society, he has come up with “A Marshall Plan for Marriage: Rebuilding Our Shattered Homes.” Donovan discusses the peril to marriage […]

Legal Eagles Defend Clement's Law Firm from HRC's Attack

Andrew Cohen, who has served as chief legal analyst and legal editor for CBS News and won a Murrow Award as one of the nation’s leading legal analysts and commentators, writes in The Atlantic: The Human Rights Campaign’s misguided case against Paul Clement’s law firm ignores the basic tenets behind the counsel of law The […]

Punishing All Trump Employees and Properties for the "Sins" of Donald Trump

This is par for the course. Gay rights activists attempting to punish any Trump business for Trump’s stance: Donald Trump’s bluster may be raising the would-be GOP presidential candidate’s poll numbers and ginning up ratings for his reality-TV show, but his remarks about same-sex marriage are already causing problems for his hotels and casinos. The […]

Tucker Carlson: New CA Law is "Propoganda" Not Education

The bill not only requires teaching of gay history, it bans any criticism of gay historical figures, or religion. There is no parental opt-out (related story here):

New Hungarian Constitution Protects Marriage as One Man, One Woman!

Big change is afoot in Hungary, as the AP reports: Hungarian lawmakers approved a socially and fiscally conservative new constitution Monday that was blasted by rights groups and the political opposition for measures including a ban on gay marriage and protection of the life of a fetus from conception. Conservative Prime Minister Viktor Orban says […]

House Files to Intervene in NY DOMA Case

A Wall Street Journal blog notes the first example of the House intervening in a case brought against DOMA (this one in New York): In a filing in federal court in New York, House lawmakers asked to be allowed to intervene in a case that challenged the legality of the law since the Justice Department had withdrawn […]

Newsbusters notes WaPo's biased reporting of Maryland marriage victory

Tim Graham of Newsbusters (which aims to expose and combat liberal media bias): On February 24, Washington Post reporter John Wagner sympathetically covered leading Maryland Democrats (and Catholics) for crossing their hierarchy to lobby for “gay marriage” — without seeming to contact this hierarchy. So when Wagner sympathetically profiled House Speaker Michael Busch — again […]

Sherif Gergis in National Review on "Real Marriage"

Sherif Gergis is the co-author of the flagship article “What is Marriage?” (which has become one of the most-read articles of all-time on SSRN). In the most recent print issue of National Review, Gergis responds to Jason Steort’s claims (in his article “Two Views of Marriage”): [Steort’s] counterargument is false in almost every dimension. Steorts […]

Proponents of polygamy say gay marriage led the way

From the Canadian Chronicle Herald: [Opponents of Polygamy] “When that [2004 Constitutional] decision was made, that decision to limit it (marriage) to two is consistent with the charter, that’s the direct quote from the court.” Challengers of the law argue just the opposite, suggesting the same legal rights that paved the way for gay marriage should […]

Video: Chris Plante of NOM RI talks about Marriage and the Hispanic Church

Chris Plante, director of NOM’s Rhode Island Chapter spoke with CBN News (full story here) about the SSM debate heating up – and about the surging support for marriage in the Hispanic Churches: Chris Plante, director of the Rhode Island Chapter of the National Organization for Marriage, said he’s optimistic the bill may stay bottled […]

NOM NEWS ROUND-UP: April 4, 2011

For defenders of marriage, these are busy times! Over 75,000 of you have contacted Congress since we began our defendDOMA campaign (THANK YOU!). After you’ve joined these tens of thousands of marriage defenders by taking action yourself, keep reading below to catch up on all the other marriage-related news that’s happening! Donate to support our […]

HRC: NOM has made marriage a 2012 GOP litmus test

From the Human Rights Campaign – the richest gay lobbying organization in the U.S.: “Very far-right groups like the National Organization for Marriage have effectively made opposition to marriage equality a litmus test for the Republican nomination and were in Iowa this weekend urging activists to hold candidates “accountable” and to “lead” on the issue […]

MD High Court Makes Exercising Referendum Rights Easier

Maryland is known for the difficulty of exercising the people’s right to veto laws via the referendum process. In most states “voter intent” rules whether the signature is valid, but Maryland has often invalidated signatures for a variety of technical reasons. The new ruling is good news if the Maryland legislature tries to ram through […]

Video: Julea Ward on being forced out of counseling program for her Christian views

Julea Ward was forced out of her School of Counseling graduate program at Eastern Michigan University for refusing to counsel a man in a homosexual relationship, citing her Christian views. She tells her story to Speak Up University: The Michigan Attorney General has also gotten involved in the case, coming to the defense of Mrs. […]