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Iowa Family Leader Introduces Marriage and Family Pledge for 2012 Candidates

From the Des Moines Register: The Family Leader, a prominent Iowa group that promotes Christian conservative social values, said Thursday it is asking all presidential candidates to sign a pledge regarding their personal convictions on traditional marriage. The pledge is entitled, “The Marriage Vow – A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family.” The organization’s […]

The Advocate: The Right Wingers Might Be Right About How SSM Will Change Marriage

The Dan Savage meme continues (note — The Advocate is a gay magazine and some language used in the article may be offensive to our readers): By designing a relationship that doesn’t fit a typical married couple, Megan and Colin have joined a small but growing number of straight couples who are looking to gay […]

NOM-RI Will Push Legislature to Define Marriage Next Year

In the Associated Press: The National Organization for Marriage-Rhode Island will urge lawmakers next year to specifically outlaw gay marriage by defining it legally as being between a man and a woman, according to executive director Chris Plante. “Then we look at 2012,’’ Plante said. “Marriage Equality Rhode Island will make this an election issue, and […]

MIT Student Op-Ed: Gay Marriage Should Not Be Made Legal

Political Science major Ryan Normandin at M.I.T. writes in their student newspaper The Tech: It is unfortunate that there is such a growing stigma attached to arguing against gay marriage — at least here in the liberal bastion that is Massachusetts. If one is opposed to legalizing gay marriage, it is automatically assumed that the […]

NC Speaker Expects Marriage to Be On the Ballot in 2012

North Carolina State House Speaker Thom Tillis in an interview with local press: “The defense of marriage is one that a number of folks in our base feel very strongly about,” Tillis said, noting the issue would definitely be brought up in a special fall session. “Generally speaking, it polls fairly high across the voter […]

The Economist Takes On The Expanding Marriage Gap

The Economist reports that “Traditional marriage has evolved from a near-universal rite to a luxury for the educated and affluent.” Americans with a high-school degree or less (who account for 58% of the population) tell researchers they would like to marry, but do not believe they can afford it. Instead, they raise children out of […]

NYTimes Columnist On How Abandoning Monogamy in the 70's Harmed Marriage

Ross Douthat in the New York Times on Dan Savage’s effort to separate monogamy from marriage: Savage is strongly pro-marriage, but he thinks the institution is weighed down by unrealistic cultural expectations about monogamy. … Forty years ago, Savage’s perspective temporarily took upper-middle-class America by storm. In the mid-1970s, only 51 percent of well-educated Americans […]

Gay Marriage Across the Land? Chicago Writer Says Not So Fast

Dennis Byrne writes an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune: The recent legalization of same-sex marriage in New York proves that it’s no longer an issue in the United States, right? Gay marriage will eventually, but certainly, become widely accepted everywhere, right? Not if the American people have anything to say about it. … Whatever the […]

Same-Sex Marriage Repeal Among Leftover NH Issues

The Associated Press: Legislation to repeal gay marriage is one of the highly charged issues left over from the just-completed legislative session that must be acted on early next year. The two proposed repeal bills would not affect gay marriages before repeal, but would stop new same-sex marriages. … [Republican state Rep. David] Bates is […]

New Yorkers Ask How Gay Marriage Will Affect Benefits

The Associated Press: And if they’ve been waffling on marriage, some [same-sex] couples may now have to decide whether to take the plunge if their employers now restrict domestic partner benefits to the lawfully hitched. “There’s just a lot of rumors going around,” said Erica Freudenstein, a 46-year-old freelance photographer from New York City who […]

Matthew Schmitz on a New Movement for Marriage

In the First Things blog On The Square: The vote in New York did not represent the end of a movement, but it did, just maybe, mark the beginning of one. In the wake of the vote I heard from many friends, most of them young, who took the Empire State vote as a call […]

Heritage Research Fellow Explains Their Marshall Plan for Marriage

Kathryn Lopez in National Review: Chuck Donovan is a man with a plan. A longtime advocate of family-friendly public policy, and senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society, he has come up with “A Marshall Plan for Marriage: Rebuilding Our Shattered Homes.” Donovan discusses the peril to marriage […]

The Next Domino in Redefining Marriage? Savage and the NYTimes Take Down Monogamy

Mark Oppenheimer’s extensive New York Times interview with Dan Savage (who started the “It Gets Better” campaign) is titled “Married, With Infidelities”: Savage believes monogamy is right for many couples. But he believes that our discourse about it, and about sexuality more generally, is dishonest. Some people need more than one partner, he writes, just […]

Rush Limbaugh Video: "When Did Marriage Become So Important to the Left?"

To his national radio audience yesterday:     Video courtesy of Rush 24/7.

US Bishops' Aide Tells Catholics: Be Ready for a Legislative Fight to Defend DOMA

All hands on deck: A spokesman for the US bishops’ conference has challenged all American Catholics to “step forward and advocate for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as federal policy,” after President Barack Obama announced his support for repeal of the legislation. “We just can’t simply sit back,” said Daniel Avila, a policy advisor […]