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Breaking News: Rick Perry Clarifies Comments on NY SSM

Katrina Trinko at NRO’s The Corner blog reports: Rick Perry clarified his remarks calling New York’s legalization of gay marriage “fine” in an interview today. “I probably needed to add a few words after that ‘it’s fine with me,’” Perry told Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, “and that it’s fine with me that a state […]

Sen. Huntley Predicts NY SSM Will Lead to Democrat Takeover in 2012

New York Senator Shirley Huntley (who flip-flopped on marriage) predicts what we predicted — voting for SSM will hurt Republican chances of keeping their slim majority in the Senate in 2012: Joining [Senator Shirley] Huntley at the party [to celebrate the passage of SSM] were two Republican state senators who also switched their vote: James […]

Video: Rick Santorum Says He's Not "Fine" with SSM in New York

Sen. Santorum throws down a gauntlet to the other candidates on marriage: He seems to be referring to reports that Gov. Perry said he’s “fine” with gay marriage in New York.

RI Catholic Editorial: A Time for People of Faith to Fight for Freedom

From the editors of the Rhode Island Catholic: In their shouts for tolerance, the advocates for homosexual marriage neglect to include tolerance for people and institutions of religious faith. Sadly, in many states politicians -including some who call themselves Catholic- have sacrificed religious liberty on the altar of political correctness run amuck. Time and again […]

Grisanti Leaves Out SSM Vote in Letter To His Buffalo Constituents

We noticed that in his letter to supporters in the Buffalo area of New York, Sen. Mark Grisanti (R) completely leaves out his flip-flop vote for same-sex marriage. Instead he mentions progress on issues such as defending veterans and protecting seniors. Those are very good things, but Grisanti should know his supporters have also received […]

Washington State SSM Update: "Currently the Votes Aren’t There in the Senate"

But Washington State Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown (D) says they think they could get there. They may even bring up a bill knowing it could fail, they say in this interview: On a gay marriage bill: Sen. Murray, who pushed through the gay civil rights bill as a state rep in 2006 and has […]

What Print Media Said About "Let The People Vote" Rallies

Beyond the thousands upon thousands of people who participated in our Let The People Vote rallies, many more witnessed our message through the media. Here’s a sample of what they saw: YourNewsNow in Albany: “‘This is something that’s going to define the culture our kids will be raised in,’ said Annemarie Thimons, a Kingston resident.” […]

Report: CNN in the Tank for SSM, Massive Bias in Issue Coverage

Paul Wilson at the Media Research Center reports: A Culture and Media Institute analysis of 239 programs aired on CNN from the period June 15 to July 15 revealed that CNN quoted or interviewed nearly four times the number of gay-agenda supporters as critics. … in addition to that 4-to-1 ratio of guests, CNN aired […]

Rev. Gillison Confronts Sen. Grisanti: "Before you voted, I didn't need special protection"

At this weekend’s Let The People Vote rally in Buffalo, pastors spoke out about the effects of Sen. Grisanti’s flip-flop: Reverend Kevin Backus is pastor of Bible Presbyterian Church on Grand Island and a power in the Conservative Party, which backed Senator Mark Grisanti for election. Backus assailed Grisanti’s claim that he would be a […]

Video: Local TV Covers Large "Let The People Vote" Albany Rally

It’s a good crowd, and a pretty fair coverage.  Brian’s message: if the legislature can pass SSM, it can also pass a marriage amendment to let the people decide. Megan Cruz with YNN:

ElectionWatch '12: Santorum Criticizes Rick Perry Over SSM Comments

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher in NRO’s The Corner blog over the weekend: Gov. Perry was at the Aspen Institute, that upscale gathering where great minds come to think together, when someone asked him about New York passing a gay marriage law. According to a Des Moines Register reporter: “Texas’s Republican Gov. Rick Perry on Friday said he’s […]

Bachmann, Santorum Right About Two Parent Families Under Slavery

John McWhorter, in The New Republic, “semi-defends” the Marriage Vow’s “slavery passage” as factually accurate and revealing an important truth: “The factual essence, then, of the now-infamous line in The Family Leader’s pledge represents a truth that all should take to heart: Black people, like all human beings, are capable of great resilience in the […]

Breaking News: NY Attorney General Files Lawsuit to Overturn DOMA

This didn’t take long: The New York State attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, acting just days after the state began allowing gay couples to wed, filed a legal brief on Tuesday challenging the constitutionality of the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Mr. Schneiderman asserted that the law, which prohibits the federal government from recognizing same-sex […]

Video: Brian Brown, Maggie Gallagher and Sen. Ruben Diaz at LTPV Rallies

Here are NOM’s Brian Brown in Albany, NOM’s Maggie Gallagher in NYC, and State Sen. Ruben Diaz in NYC helping to form a new movement for marriage as part of the Let The People Vote rallies which took place across the Empire State this Sunday! === NOM President Brian Brown was fired up and so […]

Photo: "We Won't Be Silent"

This photo captures well the message New Yorkers witnessed on the streets of Manhattan: Source: AM New York