Monthly Archives: March 2012

UK MP: "I Can Handle Death Threats, But Gay Marriage Threatens Freedom of Speech"

David Burrowes, Conservative MP for Enfield Southgate:

The consultation about how to redefine marriage is something of a surprise: prior to the announcement last October, I did not receive one letter, email or tweet demanding a change in the law.

The greatest demand has come from the ‘Coalition for Marriage’ which in just three weeks has amassed 200,000 supporters of the current definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

I have also received a demand from some to not speak up for marriage. Hate filled messages of bigotry, intolerance, and violent threats (including death) have strengthened my position that this debate is as much about freedom for people to express their belief as it is about equality.

...Another surprise is that already before a law change we have marriage being segregated between the concepts of 'civil marriage' and 'religious marriage'. I don't recall ever being invited to a 'civil' or 'religious' marriage but this is the new word play being constructed to redefine marriage. Whether a marriage takes place in your local registry office or church, the concept of marriage is a unified one - until now.

... As an MP I have broad shoulders and will not be intimidated by threats in expressing my views. However, I fear for other people’s freedoms if marriage is redefined; where teachers are being told what they should not only think but teach - even if it goes against their conscience. Teachers will be reading Orwell with new meaning. -- UK Telegraph

Local NWCN: R-74 Supporters "Revving Up" Petitions to Preserve Marriage

Local King 5 News:

More than 120,000 signatures are needed by June 6 to get Referendum 74 on the ballot. If that happens, the law is put on hold until after the election. On the ballot in November, voters would decide either yes or no on gay marriage.

Opponents say they think they will be able to get the needed signatures.

... According to the Herald, Joseph Backholm, executive director of the Family Policy Institute of Washington, said petitions were printed Wednesday and will be circulated Thursday. Backholm said they don't plan on hiring signature gatherers because they already have 4,000 people who have asked to circulate the petitions.

Learn more at

Bill Introduced to Restore Religious Freedom to Chaplains Post-DADT


A congressman who has introduced legislation to restore religious freedom to military chaplains says Barack Obama’s decision to permit open homosexuality in the armed forces has created an unconstitutional divide that protects the rights of supporters of homosexuality but disciplines adherents to biblical standards of behavior.

“When President Obama put his hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the constitutionally protected rights of all Americans, no exception was made against those in the military,” U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., said in a statement on his website.

...“Whether it is expressing the tenets of one’s faith on the issue of marriage or abortion or contraception, it is a violation of the most fundamental of rights – the free exercise of religion – to coerce a chaplain to act in contravention of the tenets of his faith.”

... Obama’s “new policy takes sides between a minority of military chaplains who have no moral objections to homosexual conduct, and the majority of chaplains who do,” the analysis says. “Absent congressional action, constitutional rights of conscience will be protected for one group but not the other.”

NOM Announces International Protest of Starbucks

Dump Starbucks

Dear Marriage Supporter,

We are urging consumers across the globe to "Dump Starbucks" because the massive international corporation has taken a corporate-wide position that marriage between one man and one woman should be eliminated and that same-sex marriage should become the norm.

As such, Starbucks has declared it will use its influence and resources in a culture war against at least half its US customers, and against the vast majority of its international consumers who do not share Starbucks' position.

On January 24, 2012, the Starbucks corporation issued a memorandum to all "US Partners" declaring that same-sex marriage "is aligned with Starbucks business practices" and "is core to who we are and what we value as a company."

In addition to declaring its corporate-wide position in support of gay marriage, Starbucks also used its resources to participate in a legal case seeking to overturn a federal law declaring marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

In taking these actions, Starbucks has declared a culture war on all people of faith (and millions of others) who believe that the institution of marriage as one man and one woman is worth preserving.

NOM does not take this step lightly.

Unlike our opponents, we would never take action against a corporation because of the statements of one of its executives. However, Starbucks has declared gay marriage to be a corporate value and has intentionally inserted itself into the debate. Furthermore, NOM officials attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of Starbuck to bring this issue to their attention, and they did nothing.

This is why we must urge all consumers to "dump Starbucks," as well as Seattle's Best Coffee and Evolution Fresh juices, which are owned by Starbucks.

Dump Starbucks

A portion of every cup of coffee purchased at a Starbucks anywhere in the world goes to fund this corporate assault on marriage. Voters in thirty US states have voted to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. No state vote has ever supported gay marriage.

In many areas of the world where Starbucks does business, the concept of "gay marriage" is unheard of and deeply offensive to cultural, moral and religious values. We urge consumers across the globe to join the "Dump Starbucks" campaign.

By going to, you can sign our petition, and take action to contact Starbucks directly. You can also see places near you where you can buy coffee rather than patronize Starbucks. Let your local Starbucks manager and the corporate leadership know that you've joined the Dump Starbucks campaign, and tell them where you'll be going instead to buy coffee.

Please sign the Dump Starbucks petition to register your protest of Starbucks waging a culture war against its customers who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

NOM Disappointed in New Hampshire House Failure to Enact Compromise Legislation


Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

"We will hold legislators accountable for their votes today." —Brian Brown, NOM President—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, DC — The following statement made be attributed to Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM):

"We are very disappointed in the failure of the New Hampshire House of Representatives to pass compromise legislation restoring marriage and providing for civil unions for same-sex couples. This was the law prior to marriage being hijacked by legislators who accepted hundreds of thousands in campaign contributions from gay marriage supporters without ever telling voters they intended to redefine marriage. We consider any vote cast against HB 437 to be a vote in favor of gay marriage, and we will act to hold every legislator accountable for such a vote.

"While we are disappointed in this vote today, we remain committed to giving the voters of New Hampshire the opportunity to restore the traditional definition of marriage. The only time gay marriage activists are able to win is when they can bypass the people and get activist judges or legislators to do their bidding, usually after plying them with large campaign contributions.

"This is a sad day for New Hampshire families who in 2010 had elected what they thought was a solid pro-marriage majority. They were once again let down by politicians who promised them one thing and then left them at the altar when the vote was on the line. These legislators will be held accountable."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Video: Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Asked About Controversial Same-Sex Marriage Stance

Here is the video of the exchanges this morning at the annual Starbucks shareholder meeting:

For more information see our press release and

The National Organization for Marriage Announces International "Dump Starbucks" Protest Campaign

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

"Corporations should not take sides in a culture war that pits a company against the majority of the American people, and nearly all its consumers in some international markets."—Brian Brown, president—

National Organization for Marriage

Seattle, Washington — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), America's largest group dedicated to preserving traditional marriage and the faith communities that sustain it, today announced it will lead an international "Dump Starbucks" protest of Starbucks Coffee Company to give voice to consumers around the world who support preserving marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Customers are invited to visit immediately to take action.

"Unlike our opponents, we do not target whole companies for the actions of an individual business executive in that company," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "But Starbucks has taken a corporate position in support of redefining marriage for all of society. We will not tolerate an international company attempting to force its misguided values on citizens. The majority of Americans and virtually every consumer in some countries in which Starbucks operates believe that marriage is between one man and one woman. They will not be pleased to learn that their money is being used to advance gay marriage in society."

The new protest campaign was announced after the annual Starbucks shareholders meeting today in Seattle, where NOM spokesmen queried the board on its new policies promoting gay marriage and demanded protection against discrimination for employees, vendors and customers who disagree.

"We respect the important role of businesses in providing goods, services and jobs, and that people of diverse moral views build great companies working together," Brown said. "But Starbucks has corporately, as an organization, endorsed and helped pass gay marriage in the state of Washington. Its executive vice president of partner resources has stated that gay marriage "is aligned with Starbucks business practices and upholds our belief in the equal treatment of partners. It is core to who we are and what we value as a company." Corporations should not take sides in a culture war that pits a company against half the American people, and nearly all its consumers in some international markets."

NOM said it would mount a campaign to urge consumers to boycott Starbucks and contact the manager of their local Starbucks operation to complain about the corporation's attempts to redefine marriage for all of society. The group will also launch an advertising campaign to inform consumers around the world about the company's activities. Starbucks operates in 55 countries including many where same-sex marriage is strongly opposed.

"We are today announcing a sustained public campaign calling on Starbucks to stop waging war against marriage, and the views of more than half its worldwide customers. Starbucks should be in the business of offering all its diverse customers a great cup of coffee, not taking sides against the views of its customers, vendors, and employees around the world," said Brown.

NOM will place ads throughout the United States, as well as in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, urging consumers to "Dump Starbucks" because purchasing a cup of Starbucks equals support for gay marriage. The "Dump Starbucks" campaign will ask consumers to join the campaign against Starbuck's corporate irresponsibility.

"Starbucks may have been hoping that what happens in Seattle stays in Seattle, but we are going to make sure Starbucks customers, not only here but worldwide, know that drinking a cup of Starbucks coffee promotes gay marriage," said Jonathan Baker, head of NOM's Corporate Fairness Project and a Starbucks stockholder. "It's ironic that even as Starbucks endorsed gay marriage here, its website on involvement in the Middle East claims the corporation does not, 'support any political or religious cause.' Lying to your customers is never a good business model," Baker added.


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Sioux City Journal: Rally Pushes for Iowa Vote on Marriage

The Sioux City Journal:

Hundreds of advocates for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage crowded the Capitol rotunda Tuesday where they prayed, sang and rallied before lobbying lawmakers.

The effort is likely the last big push this legislative session by groups who want the Democrat-controlled Senate to take up legislation that calls for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, which the Republican-controlled House passed last year. If nothing is done, the bill will expire at the end of the legislative session.

... Vander Plaats was joined by leaders from the National Organization for Marriage and Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, said the vote to oust the three Iowa Supreme Court justices who ruled in favor of same-sex marriage was a historic event.

"Guess what? You changed history," he said to cheers from the crowd. "We were born for this."

The speeches inspired 19-year-old Cody Rouse of Des Moines, who attended the rally with his Des Moines church group, to get more involved in politics. "I'm not always up on all of these issues, but being here, it's exciting. It shows me that I should be more a part of it," he said.

NY Press: Marriage Was "Referendum" Issue in NY Special Election; Fidler "Hammered" for Same-Sex Marriage

More from the New York press on the role same-sex marriage played in the New York special election to replace disgraced marriage flip-flopper Sen. Kruger:

Brooklyn Daily: "...a war of words between the two men that turned the race into a referendum on their faiths and positions on abortion and gay marriage — hot button issues weighed by the district’s influential Orthodox and Hasidic communities."

New York Post: "Fidler also got hammered for his support of gay marriage, an unpopular position in the district."

PolitickerNY: Mr. Storobin’s campaign was seen as a longshot, but he had heavy support from the local and state Republican Party, which was betting a campaign focused on Mr. Fidler’s liberal positions on social issues, specifically gay marriage, could be a success among the large numbers of Russians and Orthodox Jews in the district.

Photopost: Scenes from Inside the Starbucks Shareholder Meeting

As our media alert explains, NOM co-founder Maggie Gallagher and Jonathan Baker, head of NOM's Corporate Fairness Project are attending the Starbucks annual shareholder meeting in Seattle, WA today. Here are some photos from inside the meeting:

Maggie Gallagher, Co-Founder of the National Organization for Marriage, to Attend Starbucks Annual Shareholder Meeting Today

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

National Organization for Marriage

What: Starbucks Coffee Company recently came out in support of new policies promoting same-sex marriage. The National Organization for Marriage, the nation's largest group dedicated to preserving marriage between one man and one woman, and the faith communities that sustain it, will question the Starbucks board on the corporation's announcement (in endorsing gay marriage in the state of Washington) that same-sex marriage is now one of the Starbucks corporation's "core values." Does it make sense for an international consumer company to equate its brand with a hot-button moral/culture war issue, when so many of its customers, employees and vendors around the world disagree? Depending on the answers the board gives, NOM may make a major announcement immediately following the board meeting.

Where: Marion Oliver McCaw Hall at Seattle Center
321 Mercer St.
Seattle, WA 98109

When: Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Shareholder meeting begins at 10 AM (PST)

Who: Maggie Gallagher, co-founder, National Organization for Marriage
Jonathan Baker, head, National Organization for Marriage's Corporate Fairness Project (Both available for interview following the meeting)


NYTimes: "Orthodox Community...Did Not Favor Mr. Fidler's Support of Same-Sex Marriage"

The New York Times:

"...With all precincts reporting, according to unofficial results received by the New York City Board of Elections, the Republican upstart candidate, David Storobin, 33, held a tenuous 120-vote lead over Lewis A. Fidler, 55, the Democratic city councilman, for the 27th District seat. But there were still at least 757 paper ballots outstanding, and those would not be counted until next Tuesday, said Valerie Vazquez, a spokeswoman for the board of elections. The entire legal process, which also will include a random audit and the counting of emergency ballots, could take at least 10 days.

...“We fought all the way from the start with everyone saying we were the underdogs,” Mr. Storobin said after midnight on Wednesday. “We are confident that we will keep our lead and increase it.”

Mr. Storobin, who was born in the Soviet Union and emigrated to the United States with his mother when he was 12, surprised the Democratic establishment with an aggressive campaign that drew on support from Orthodox communities.

...He generated support from the staunchly Orthodox communities who did not favor Mr. Fidler’s support of same-sex marriage.

NOM Congratulates David Storobin on Likely Special Election Victory

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

"This election marks the second consecutive one where a supporter of same-sex marriage was defeated. Mark Grisanti, Roy McDonald and James Alesi will be next."—Brian Brown, NOM president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage today congratulated attorney David Storobin on his likely win last night in the New York state Senate special election for the 27th District seat.

"One thing is certain—supporting same-sex marriage is a loser," NOM President Brian Brown said today, referring to Councilman Lew Fidler's support for redefining traditional marriage. "This election marks the second consecutive one where a supporter of same-sex marriage was defeated. We have avenged Carl Kruger's despicable vote for same-sex marriage. Mark Grisanti, Roy McDonald and James Alesi will be next."

In a historic partnership, NOM teamed with the Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn in support of Storobin. The organization spent more than $25,000 on independent expenditures and ads, which ran in major Orthodox Jewish publications in the area, an automated call within the district from Rabbi Eliyahu Brog of Mirrer Yeshiva and a direct-mail piece.

Brown expressed particular appreciation to Joseph Hayon, president of the Brooklyn Tea Party, for Hayon's outstanding grassroots leadership during Storobin's campaign.


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Pro-Marriage Challenger Upsets Pro-SSM Democrat in NY Assembly Race Overlapping Sen. Grisanti's District

The Buffalo News on a surprise victory last night of a pro-marriage independent Democrat who took on a pro-SSM establishment Democrat and won!

Michael P. Kearns, a Democrat running on the Republican line, scored a stunning upset of landslide proportions over endorsed Democrat Christopher J. Fahey in a Tuesday special election for the 145th Assembly District.

The Common Council member from the South District rode his name recognition in South Buffalo to an overwhelming victory, scoring a 57 percent to 43 percent win -- 7,106 for Kearns and 5,357 for Fahey -- with all the votes counted.

...It also represents a win -- of sorts -- for Erie County Republican Chairman Nicholas A. Langworthy, who supported Democrat Kearns in the face of some criticism from party purists.

...[Langworthy] added he feels confident that the new assemblyman is philosophically in sync with Republicans, especially in the "clear contrast" Kearns demonstrated on issues like his opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage.

Michael Brown Exposes the Hypocrisy of GLAAD

Michael Brown in TownHall:

It is time to expose the hypocrisy and intolerance of GLAAD, which is really the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Disagreement (not Defamation), as I have pointed out many times before. Not only does GLAAD seek to silence or discredit opposing voices, but it also praises those who attack those voices, even in the most vulgar and crass ways.

This sums up the duplicity of GLAAD: It urges the media to beware of conservative Christian leaders like Chuck Colson, Maggie Gallagher, and Tony Perkins, even calling on CNN to ban some of them from appearing on their shows, and then gives its first Outstanding Blog award to the JoeMyGod website, famous for entries like this one (from March 5, 2012), which mockingly tells readers that if they follow the directions of a particular, outspoken Christian leader “and squint and clench and pray SUPER hard for Super Tuesday, then maybe He'll make sure that a true earthly spokesmodel for the Holy Dead Zombie gets into office. But please be brief. God is SUPER busy killing babies and giving people cancer.” And this earns praise from GLAAD. the upside-down world of GLAAD, blogs like this are praiseworthy while men like Chuck Colson and Robert George are not worthy to share their views on the air. This is nothing less than a hypocritical witch hunting campaign by GLAAD, and a poorly executed one at that.

... This must be labeled for what it is, namely, bigotry, intolerance, and attempted censorship, which is why – to repeat yet again – I say that we recognize GLAAD for what it is: the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Disagreement.