Monthly Archives: April 2012

National Organization for Marriage Launches Newspaper Ads in New Hampshire To Hold Republicans Accountable For Their Vote on Marriage

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

"It's time for them to be held accountable for their vote." —Brian Brown, NOM president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today launched a statewide newspaper advertising campaign to hold Republicans in the state House of Representatives accountable for failing to support HB 437, compromise legislation designed to repeal same-sex marriage while restoring civil unions for gay couples. The legislation was defeated in late March. The ads invite citizens interested in challenging Republicans who betrayed marriage to contact the coalition.

"Dozens of House Republicans in New Hampshire betrayed the cause of marriage, betrayed the GOP party platform in support of traditional marriage, and stood in opposition to every major Republican candidate for president," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "It's time for them to be held accountable for their vote."

The newspaper ad can be seen here.

HB 437 was compromise legislation that repealed same-sex marriage while restoring civil unions for gay couples. This was the law in New Hampshire before marriage was hijacked in 2009 by Democrats and Governor Lynch, who took thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from out of state gay marriage activists, yet never disclosed to voters their intent to redefine marriage.

"In 2010, NOM spent over $1 million helping to elect pro-marriage candidates in New Hampshire," Brown said. "We intend to play a significant role in supporting candidates this year as well. We invite pro-marriage candidates of either party, Republicans and Democrats, to step up and run for office so that we can help elect a pro-marriage legislative majority in November. The people of New Hampshire support marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and we will not rest until the Legislature corrects the mistake that was made in 2009."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Debate at Black Spectrum Theatre: Can Women Raise Boys to be Men?

The Queens Chronicle:

Boys will be boys — but can they be raised to be men by single mothers?

That was the topic on everyone’s minds last Saturday afternoon at the Black Spectrum Theatre, where a debate, hosted by Councilman James Sanders Jr. (D-Laurelton) as part of a salute to Women’s History Month, at times worked the audience of more than 100 vested individuals into a near frenzy of emotions.

The time restrictions were not always observed, the panelists didn’t necessarily speak in turn, and the audience was talking back long before the public participation segment began, but the debate did what Sanders said it set out to accomplish: it educated, motivated and sent the spectators home with plenty of food for thought.

... According to Sanders, the debate was designed to “make us think about our children, our families and the structure of our society. What has happened to the positive male influence, and what happens to our sons if they don’t have one?”

... “There’s a lot going on in our community. Women are left with the burden of raising children,” he said.

The six panelists, representing a wide range of backgrounds, were divided into two even groups, based on their response to the debate’s premise, “Single mothers can’t raise boys to be men.” One side agreed, the other did not.

... Dr. Amandia Speakes-Lewis, a behavioral health consultant, indicated that many women “may not be single by choice.” Married and with two sons, she spoke of the existence of a “circle of love” that encompasses the extended families that often play important roles in a young man’s life.

Ruth Institute's Prof. Jennifer Roback Morse to Appear on EWTN's “Women of Grace"

A press release by the Ruth Institute:

SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA, April 10, 2012 – Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., founder and president of the Ruth Institute in San Marcos, CA, is traveling to the EWTN studios in Alabama to tape nine episodes of the popular women’s Catholic TV program, Women of Grace with host and executive producer Johnette Benkovic. Dr. Morse will be discussing her book, Smart Sex – Finding Lifelong Love in a Hookup World, as well as religious liberty and morality. Women of Grace discusses contemporary issues from a Catholic perspective and affirms women in their dignity as daughters of God and their gift of authentic femininity.

Her training as an economist and experiences as a wife and mother give Dr. Morse an original understanding of modern problems and their solutions. Having served as an economics professor at Yale and George Mason for 15 years, then raising her own family, Dr. Morse specializes in addressing current issues in a Biblical way, yet many people find her ideas regarding sex and the family unparalleled. “The sexual revolution has caused tremendous damage to our society,” says Dr. Morse, “and far from being a liberation movement, the sexual revolution has actually decreased real human freedom, especially for women.” A passionate speaker and debater, Dr. Morse supports her assertions about sex and the family in a clear and accessible way. Other works by Dr. Morse include Love and Economics, as well as Same Sex Marriage Affects Everyone.

HRC President & Obama Co-Chair Implicated in IRS Leak Scandal, NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The scandal over the release of confidential IRS information on the Human Rights Campaign's website grows.

The more we at NOM look into this, the more it smells to high heaven.

As I told the press, "The American people are entitled to know how a confidential tax return containing private donor information filed exclusively with the Internal Revenue Service has been given to our political opponents who also happen to be co-chairing President Obama's reelection committee." It's on the front page of the Daily Caller today (Thursday)!

Just think: By next Tuesday, hundreds of millions of Americans will turn over to the federal government personal and private information on their finances and their families. This information is protected by federal law. Willfully releasing or retailing our private tax information is not just an outrage—it's a crime.

Each one of us is entitled to believe these laws will be respected as we file our tax returns by this April 17. To misuse this information for political purposes is an incredible violation of trust and law—and we are not going to take this lying down!

Joe Solmonese is the head of HRC, an organization which has just posted this illegally-obtained information and in which people are delighting in doing so, even knowing it is illegal. Joe Solmonese is also a national co-chair of President Obama's reelection campaign.

HRC is evidently counting on being politically protected—by its relationship with the President of the United States—for totally outrageous and possibly illegal behavior.

HRC has claimed it received this information from an "IRS whistleblower"—a totally inappropriate term, given that none of the individuals whose private information was released have been accused of any wrongdoing. Nor has HRC accused them, except insofar as Joe Solmonese and his organization apparently believe that opposing gay marriage is in itself justification for illegal intrusions of people's privacy.

Here are the latest developments:

NOM has determined that the documents came directly from the Internal Revenue Service.

The document on the left is as it appeared when published by the Huffington Post. However, that document was modified in a failed attempt to obscure its source. There is a label visibly obscuring a portion of each page, and it was determined that information on the top of each page was also obscured in the version posted on the Huffington Post.

After software removed the layers obscuring the document, it is shown that the document came from the Internal Revenue Service. The top of each page says, "THIS IS A COPY OF A LIVE RETURN FROM SMIPS. OFFICIAL USE ONLY." On each page of the return is stamped a document ID of "100560209." Only the IRS would have the Form 990 with "Official Use" information.

All taxpayers have the right to expect that their confidential tax returns filed with the IRS will not be given to their political enemies. Doing so is a felony. What makes this even more problematic is that the recipient of these confidential tax returns is a group headed by President Obama's national campaign co-chair.

This is something one might expect to occur in the old Soviet Union, not the United States of America.

Here's a copy of the letter we sent to Treasury, demanding that the Treasury Department launch a federal criminal investigation into the IRS and the Human Rights Campaign to bring the criminals to justice.

This is going to be a big fight, and it's a bigger fight even than marriage. It's a fight about whether the rule of law will prevail over politics.

There's so much else I could tell you about this week. This week we endorsed Mitt Romney for President; CNN covered the story.

Our campaign continues. As I write 30,934 of you have signed a pledge to send a message to CEO Howard Schulz—give us coffee, not gay marriage! This week goes international, with websites and banner ads in Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish and Indonesian.

And here's Family Leader's Bob Vander Plaats describing how they're dumping Starbucks.

(BTW, if you have a few minutes could you go to, sign the pledge, and put us over the top to get to 31,000 today?)

In Great Britain the petition opposing gay marriage has now topped 400,000, and Tory leaders are expressing consternation that Prime Minister David Cameron is pushing gay marriage on an unwilling populace and party—amid increasing doubts that he can actually pass gay marriage.

A survey found that 59% of Conservative MPs expressed doubts that the measure could pass. Even more are doubting that the push for it will help the Tories come election time.

Lord Tebbit, a former head of the Conservative party (back when it acted conservative!), said: "I doubt if Mr Cameron's new-found enthusiasm for 'gay marriage' will make it any more likely that he will lead the Conservative Party to a majority in 2015 or add greatly to the sum total of happiness and contentment in our society."

The so-called "conservative" case for the radical redefinition of marriage is looking more thin and tattered every day, including politically and electorally.

GOP elites thinking through this issue should learn from Cameron's experience. Politico just published a story claiming major GOP donors are splitting from Romney over his opposition to gay marriage.

But while it is true that major GOP donors helped push gay marriage in New York, there are no signs yet of a suicidal (for the GOP) Cameron strategy of becoming the party of gay marriage, against the views and values of millions of voters.

All the major GOP candidates for president signed NOM's Marriage Pledge (except Ron Paul) because they know marriage matters, and matters to millions of Americans.

HRC and Freedom to Marry jointly signed a letter to Cardinal Timothy Dolan, describing NOM as a "fringe" group which divides Americans. This is going to be an increasingly prevalent meme from them—no matter how many elections we help you win.

Last week, Sen. Rev. Rubén Díaz said about NOM:

Brian Brown and NOM have done something that no one has been able to do before: they have helped Black and Hispanic people throughout the nation to find our voice when everyone else rejected us and excluded us from the debate.


You should know that NOM has not divided us, it has brought us unity; NOM has given a voice to the voiceless on the marriage issue, and shown us respect for our core, and sacred values on marriage—a respect the mainstream media has consistently denied us.


This week I'm proud to tell you that a truly major religious leader, Bishop George McKinney, published an op-ed. Yes, he defended NOM, but more importantly, he defended the right of the black church to speak for marriage.

It's called "Black Church's Respect for Marriage Deserves More Respect from the Media."

Bishop McKinney is on the governing board of the Church of God in Christ, which is not only the largest predominantly-black Pentecostal denomination in the United States—it is the fifth-largest Christian denomination of any kind, and a worldwide church in 60 countries. Here's Maggie with the Presiding Bishop, Bp. Charles E. Blake:

I'm very proud of the the work NOM has done with great men and women of every faith and color who stand for marriage. But I also want to make it clear, in case I haven't yet in the smoke and roar of battle, that I genuinely regret the language in that memo—not the part that says we will work with leaders of every race, creed, and color, but any language which suggests that we believe we can manipulate or provoke either African-Americans or gay-rights advocates.

It is wrong to think we have the power to do so, and wrong to try. And it's not what NOM does.

We also do not use the marriage issue to elect Republicans. Our goal is to build a rare thing in America: a genuinely interfaith, interracial coalition of Americans across both parties, who are willing to stand for God's vision of marriage—no matter what heat that brings.

Bishop McKinney explains it this way:

This idea of marriage has roots not only in the great, stirring words of Genesis, but in the human heart across time and diverse cultures. Marriage is a virtually universal human social institution because every society has recognized the need to bring together man and woman in order to encourage and protect the next generation. Both our faith and our reason direct us to this understanding of marriage.

About 10 years ago, gay marriage advocates decided to overturn this historic and religious understanding of marriage and insist that unions of two men or two women were the same as a marriage and must be treated as such by the government and society. They created out of whole cloth the idea that gay marriage was a basic civil right and that dismantling the public meaning of marriage was somehow akin to overturning racist bans on interracial marriage. Misusing the sacred value of equality, they began insisting that all opposition to their new morality was "bigotry" or "hatred."

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in his famous "Letter from the Birmingham Jail," wrote "How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law."

But Bishop McKinney, a man of God, also says something else that all of us who oppose gay marriage need to keep in our hearts:

The actual natural rights of homosexual people, rooted in God's laws and the moral order, must be respected and protected. These include the right to vote, the right to earn a living, the right to be free from harassment and/or violence and the right to visit loved ones in the hospital, etc.

Let me echo the words of this great man of the cloth. Even as I fight with every fiber of my being for marriage, I remember that gay people are our fellow citizens, our neighbors, and in many cases our friends and family members. More importantly, each is a child of God, infinitely precious to Him. We must never let ourselves become the caricature that Joe Solmonese apparently carries around in his head about us. (BTW, gay-marriage advocates are not all gay—and the few brave gay people who oppose gay marriage deserve our special thanks).

Each of us has the right to live as we choose, but none of us has the right to redefine marriage, which was created by God not government.

Bishop McKinney ends with this simple, powerful truth:

"To suggest the prominent leaders of African-American churches are in the fight for marriage as the result of 'race-baiting' is unjust and indeed patronizing on the part of media elites at MSNBC.Marriage, and the black church, deserve better."

NOM's website, Twitter account, blog, and Facebook page were all illegally attacked and briefly shut down this week. Thanks to all of you who have responded by reaching down and helping us pay for the expensive job of fixing the problem and protecting NOM's voice from attacks like these.

They are becoming increasingly bold in taking illegal action, because gay marriage advocates don't believe that you and I have a basic moral and civil right to disagree with their views and stand up for marriage.

Nothing else explains how the single most "establishment" gay-rights organization, whose head serves in the Obama campaign as a major fundraiser, has no problem posting on its website illegally-obtained tax information.

You are being attacked in this way not because you are hateful or bigoted—but because you, the decent, loving, law-abiding majority in this country, have through NOM exercised your core civil rights to participate in this great democracy of ours.

NOM is under attacks like these not because we are the most hateful, or even hateful at all, but because we are the single most effective single-issue national organization fighting to protect marriage.

Thank you again for all that you've made it possible for NOM to do. To be your voice for your values is something I treasure.

Please pray for every leader, black or white, Christian, Jew or atheist, brave enough to stand up for something as good as the idea that in order to make a marriage you need a husband and wife willing to give themselves to each other and their children.

Maggie Gallagher: Republicans Risk Losing NY Senate Over SSM

YNN's Capital Tonight (New York's Only Statewide Political Program):

National Organization for Marriage co-founder Maggie Gallagher said in an interview that Republican control of the Senate is in danger after the leadership allowed a vote on the issue last June.

“I do think the Republicans control of the Senate is going to be in danger. Nobody likes somebody who campaigns one way and votes another. You can’t trust politicians like that,” she said.

Gallagher noted that the GOP could gain a seat should David Storobin defeat Democrat Lew Fidler in the special election for the Brooklyn seat held by ex-Sen. Carl Kruger.

The Senate is divided 32-29, with the one vacancy. Liberty Counsel Action Edition

On the Liberty Counsel Action blog:

The National Organization for Marriage currently has a "Dump Starbucks" campaign. It launched the campaign in response to the Starbucks' corporate-wide position that the definition of marriage between one man and one woman should be eliminated and that same-sex marriage should become equally "normal." And because January 12th, 2012, Starbucks issued a memorandum declaring that same-sex marriage "is core to who we are and what we value as a company." If Starbucks values same-sex marriage, should you value Starbucks?

Video: Highlights From the LUV (Let Us Vote) Rally in Iowa

Here is a video showcasing some of the best moments of the recent LUV (Let Us Vote) Rally in Iowa, co-sponsored by NOM and featuring our President Brian Brown:

More on the Let Us Vote campaign here.

British Sperm Donor May Have Fathered 600-1,000 Children

The UK Sun:

A BRITISH scientist may have fathered 600 children after making donations to a fertility programme he ran with his wife.

And one of his biological children has suggested the number may even be as high as ONE THOUSAND.

Bertold Wiesner - who was born in Austria - ran the Barton Clinic in London which helped more than 1,500 women conceive.

Barry Stevens, a film-maker from Canada, was concieved using Wiesner's donated sperm and said the number could be much higher.

He said last night: "He was the one that found the donors so it's possible he didn't tell his wife and she believed the donations were coming from a lot of different men."

Wiesner ran the controversial clinic with his wife Mary - until he died in 1972. Research shows he regularly made donations from the early 1940s until the mid-1960s.

... Last year it emerged that one anonymous American sperm donor had fathered more than 150 children.

SSM Militants Launch Online Attack Against NOM - Help Fight Back!

United For Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporters—

Early this morning, NOM's online properties were maliciously hacked by militant same-sex marriage activists. They were able to temporarily hijack several of our online properties, including Facebook, Twitter and our blog. Thankfully, our team responded quickly and we have now taken back control of each of these online properties with the exception of the name of our main twitter account, which was stolen and illegally reassigned to a fraudulent Twitter account.

In the case of Twitter, we were able regain control of the account itself—specifically our followers and those we followed—but the "NOMTweets" name was stolen. Please be aware that our account now goes by the name @NOMUpdate. Any tweets made under the @NOMTweets identifier are NOT from NOM. Further, please check your individual Twitter accounts to see if @NOMTweets is following you or you them, and take the appropriate action in those cases.

We will have more information to follow in the coming days. Our opponents have dedicated substantial and coordinated resources to attack NOM, and this cyberattack is the latest incident in an increasingly virulent war against NOM and the work that all of us are doing together.

We will be aggressively pursuing legal action against those who perpetrated this illegal attack.

The battle of principles and ideas has now escalated into an all-out tech war, as our opponents seek to isolate and silence not only NOM, but each of us who believe in marriage. It takes significant resources—time, talent and money—to make your voice heard, especially when others are working so hard to silence us.

Right now we have a critical window with a matching challenge grant of $200,000. Through email, our blog, Facebook and Twitter, hundreds of thousands of Americans will see this message over the next 48 hours.

I am asking each of you to stand with us right now, with whatever you can afford to give. Please click here to make your gift of $25, $50, or even $500 or more right now.

Donate now

In this moment, I am so grateful for the courage and leadership of men such as Sen. Ruben Diaz, Bishop George McKinney and others who have rejected these attacks and are standing firmly in defense of NOM and, more importantly, of God's truth about marriage.

We stand united. Will you stand with us today?

Video: Brian Brown Fires Up the Let Us Vote Rally in Iowa!

This is (overdue!) video of our President Brian Brown's speech at the LUV (Let Us Vote) Rally in Iowa!

More on the Let Us Vote campaign here.

Update: Student at Rhode Island High School Will Paint "Traditional Family" Mural as Planned

The Providence Journal with an update about the story we covered yesterday:

A Pilgrim High School student will finish a corridor wall mural as she originally intended -- showing a boy's phases of life from childhood through marriage and parenthood.

The mural, still largely in pencil-sketch form, became a subject of debate last week when school officials had the ending painted over because there was some concern that the traditional ending might offend some people with alternative lifestyles.

On Thursday, School Superintendent Peter Horoschak said that the student, whom he declined to identify, would be allowed to paint what she originally envisioned, and had asked for a couple of days to think about it.

After a meeting at the school Monday afternoon, officials said that the mural will be completed as originally planned.

OneNewsNow: What Coffee is Your Church Drinking?

Charlie Butts of OneNewsNow interviews Maggie Gallagher about NOM's Dump Starbucks campaign (which has now passed 30,000 signatures):

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) is continuing to encourage churches and believers to "Dump Starbucks."

Maggie Gallagher, co-founder of the traditional marriage advocacy group, says her group launched its boycott because of Starbucks' strong endorsement of the homosexual agenda (see earlier story).

In just the first week of its Dump Starbucks campaign, more than 25,000 people signed the pledge. Now, Christians are being encouraged to find out if Starbucks is being served in their churches.

"We're going to speak up loud and clear to Howard Schultz and this insular group of Seattle liberals about whether a worldwide consumer company really should be making gay marriage core to its brand," Gallagher asserts.

She points out that Seattle's Best Coffee is also a Starbucks brand, and the NOM co-founder says additional plans for the campaign will unfold soon.

National Organization for Marriage Endorses Romney for President

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

“We hope our endorsement will help focus social conservatives on the need to defeat President Obama.” —Brian Brown, NOM president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today announced its endorsement of Mitt Romney for President of the United States. NOM said it was making the endorsement to help focus social conservatives on the need to defeat President Obama in November.

“We are proud to endorse Mitt Romney for President,” said Brian Brown, NOM’s president. “Governor Romney was an early signer of NOM’s presidential pledge which represents his commitment to the nation to take specific actions as president to preserve and protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”

Three of the final four Republican candidates for president had signed NOM’s pledge, leaving only Ron Paul as the lone candidate refusing to pledge to defend traditional marriage. NOM’s endorsement of Romney comes on the heels of Rick Santorum suspending his presidential campaign.

“Now is the time for all people who recognize the importance of marriage to come together to support a true champion, Mitt Romney, against an incumbent who has done virtually everything in his power to undermine the institution of marriage,” Brown said. “President Obama has declared our nation’s marriage laws to be unconstitutional and not only has refused to defend them, his administration is actively working to repeal them in the courts. He’s come out against state constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. And he has appointed leaders of the same-sex ‘marriage’ movement as national co-chairs of his reelection campaign. Incredibly, Obama still apparently claims to personally support traditional marriage. With friends like President Obama, the institution of marriage doesn’t need enemies.”

NOM’s marriage pledge commits Governor Romney to a variety of actions upon his election as president. These include:

- Supporting an amendment to the United States Constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman;
- Appointing Supreme Court Justices and an Attorney General who will apply the original meaning of the Constitution;
- Vigorously defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act in court;
- Establishing a presidential commission on religious liberty; and
- Advancing legislation to return to the people of the District of Columbia their right to vote on marriage.

“It’s been a hard-fought campaign and we congratulate all the candidates who signed our pledge. Now we look forward to coalescing millions of Americans who passionately believe as we do that God is the author of marriage and that marriage as the union of one man and one woman serves the public good,” Brown said. “We will devote ourselves fully to helping elect a president who will fight for marriage, rather than the incumbent who seems bent on destroying it.”


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Politico, NYT, TPM, CNN, Other News Outlets Cover NOM's Endorsement of Mitt Romney

Numerous major news outlets are covering NOM's endorsement of Mitt Romney announced today:

Politico: "...While he may have a ways to go in terms of firing up the base, it's a welcome development for Romney that a group like NOM is already prepared to get on board with him publicly, and that an activist like Brown is forcefully making the case that an Obama-Romney race demands intense engagement from cultural conservatives."

The New York Times: "...In one sign of coalescing support from Christian conservatives, the National Organization for Marriage, a leading opponent of same-sex marriage, endorsed Mr. Romney on Wednesday morning. The group called Mr. Romney a “true champion” and said that President Obama “has done virtually everything in his power to undermine the institution of marriage.”

CNN: "The backing of Romney by SBA List and National Right to Life comes one day after another social conservative group, the National Organization for Marriage, endorsed the former Massachusetts governor, who's making his second bid for the White House."

Talking Points Memo: "Prominent social conservative group endorses Romney: The National Organization for Marriage, a social conservative organization known for fighting gay marriage, will endorse Mitt Romney on Wednesday, according to Politico. The endorsement will help Romney shore up support among social conservatives and is at least a needed stamp of approval as he works to consolidate the evangelical base that was largely aligned with Rick Santorum."

OneNewsNow: "Saying they want to help elect a president "who will fight for marriage" rather than see one re-elected "who seems bent destroying it," officials with the National Organization for Marriage have endorsed Mitt Romney for president..."

Rick Warren: Churches Do Best When They Stand Up to the Culture on SSM

This Easter Sunday megapastor Rick Warren was interviewed by Jake Tapper on ABC's This Week about same-sex marriage, among many other issues. Here's what he had to say:

"...Tapper asked if Warren's church, Saddleback Church in Southern California, needs to adjust its opposition to same-sex marriage in order to remain relevant in the culture.

"If the Bible is the word of God, then I don't have a right to change it. Policies come and go over the years. And so, if I'm unpopular for certain beliefs, well, then, I'm unpopular for certain beliefs," Warren answered.

Tapper then tried asking the question again: "I wonder if you think your church, in order to thrive, might have to adjust its policy on same-sex marriage?"

"Actually, history shows that when the Church accommodates culture, it weakens it. This is why there is very weak Church in Europe today. It's almost non-existent in many areas," Warren said." -- The Christian Post