Monthly Archives: April 2012

Audio: Mark Levin on HRC's IRS Leak: "It's a Felony"

Mark Levin used his syndicated talk show last Friday to pick up on the Matt Lewis exclusive in the Daily Caller.

Levin concluded the segment by saying he "wouldn't put anything past this administration":

Former Governor: Maryland Will Be the 32nd State to Reject SSM

Robert Ehrlich, former Maryland governor and member of Congress, in his most recent Baltimore Sun column:

Maryland's present flirtation with gay marriage is only the latest chapter in a long-running culture war. In the "Free State's" case, it will ultimately come down to the people through a ballot initiative. A likely result: a coalition of Catholics, African-Americans, Hispanics and conservatives from both sides of the aisle send the measure to a decisive defeat. (Such a result would make Maryland the 32nd state to defeat a gay marriage referendum.) Opponents of all stripes will be tested in unique ways. First and foremost will be how to go about stating an opposing opinion without the usual "ism" and "phobic" charges from the secular left. It's not so easy — being on the cultural defensive never is.

... Today, many African-American preachers are taken aback by the criticism directed their way by some gay advocates. Many of these pastors are veterans of the civil rights movement; they are not acclimated to the negative epithets directed their way as a result of activism on behalf of traditional marriage. Theirs is a faith-based position identical to that of the majority of white religious leaders and many liberal politicians, including President Barack Obama. They do not deserve such invective.

... Many of us draw the line at marriage, however. We ask the state to defend this fundamentally important (albeit flawed) institution — not redefine it down to fit the demand of an influential interest group. Indeed, one redefinition will most assuredly beget additional redefinitions: Why not a civil right to more than one spouse? Where does one draw the line once the traditional threshold is crossed?

Traditional marriage is integral to our Judeo-Christian heritage. It is the institution most adept at the business of raising children. For many opponents, it's not a civil rights issue. It's about a foundational institution that deserves this ultimate protection.

AP: Gay Marriage Groups Split on Ohio Ballot Initiative

The Associated Press:

A 30,000-member gay rights group won't support a current ballot initiative aimed at overturning Ohio's ban on same-sex marriages.

Equality Ohio's executive director Ed Mullen tell The Columbus Dispatch he's concerned there may be problems with the language proposed by backers of the constitutional amendment and that more analysis is needed.

Ian James of the Ohio Freedom to Marry coalition that's proposed the amendment says the initiative will continue. He say the drive to overturn the ban needs to begin now.

The ballot issue would ask voters to repeal a 2004 amendment that says Ohio recognizes only a marriage between a man and a woman. Supporters must collect about 385,000 valid voter signatures for the issue to appear on the ballot.

ADF's Schowengerdt: "How Odd it is to Hear a DOJ Lawyer Argue a Law Passed by Congress is Unconstitutional"

Alliance Defense Fund attorney Dale Schowengerdt on National Review's Bench Memos blog:

It’s hard to describe how odd it is to hear a Department of Justice lawyer argue in court that a law passed by Congress should be struck down as unconstitutional. It is, after all, the DOJ’s job to defend laws passed by Congress. But as I sat at the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston on Wednesday listening to the appellate arguments for the Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) cases, that’s exactly what I heard for 20 minutes from the DOJ lawyer.

... Ultimately, it’s much better that Paul Clement is defending these cases rather than the DOJ, which only pretended to defend DOMA before deciding to jump ship and join the opposition. But still, you have to wonder how the DOJ’s unprecedented decision to attack the constitutionality of a law that it has a constitutional duty to defend will impact the Department in the long-term. Surely every administration has to defend laws that it would not have supported politically. For example, and speaking of Paul Clement, when he was solicitor general under the Bush administration he defended the infamous McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law, which is of course a darling of the Left. No doubt President Bush (and perhaps Clement himself), strongly disliked the law. But, by all accounts, Clement defended McCain-Feingold vigorously — and successfully — at the Supreme Court.

... Does DOMA deserve anything less? It was enacted by huge, bipartisan majorities in both houses (85–14 in the Senate, 342–67 in the House), its constitutionality was affirmed by the DOJ, and it was signed by President Clinton. When its constitutionality was later challenged in federal court three times under the Bush administration, the DOJ defended it successfully each time. So why the change? Has the legal precedent since then made defending DOMA a hopeless cause? Hardly. In fact, it’s just the opposite.

24 Hours for Victory!

Email Header Image

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Wow...what a week it has been!

In the midst of a vicious barrage of media attacks parroting the propaganda of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), HRC's publication of stolen NOM tax returns, illegal hacking of NOM's online accounts, and new legal action taken by NOM to defend ourselves and the rights of marriage supporters throughout the country, I don't want to forget the wonderful and important work taking place down in North Carolina.

Our theme this week has been "We Stand United!" And nowhere is that more true than in North Carolina where the African American church has provided stalwart leadership in speaking out for God's truth about marriage.

But if we are truly united, we must all stand with them, not just in word, but in deed as well. In just 24 days, North Carolina voters will go to the polls, making North Carolina the 32nd state to vote on same-sex marriage.

And that is why I am asking you to please make your most generous gift today to help secure victory for marriage in North Carolina!

Donate now

Our opponents in North Carolina have raised millions of dollars and amassed mountains of cash—and they are openly suggesting that they could defeat the North Carolina marriage amendment.

We've heard through numerous sources that the activists opposing the bill, backed by big money from gay billionaires and Hollywood elites, are planning on flooding the airwaves in the coming weeks—employing scare tactics and a powerful campaign of disinformation to sway public opinion.

While such a defeat would be a tragedy for North Carolina, the impact of such a defeat could be even more devastating nationally.

Our opponents are keenly aware that the American people have voted to reject same-sex marriage in 31 consecutive states—and that the Supreme Court isn't blind to what is happening in the states.

In these final weeks before North Carolina voters go to the polls on May 8, we all need to chip in and help support the North Carolina campaign. And so today, even in the midst of NOM's own critical fundraising drive, we are asking you to donate directly to VoteforMarriageNC, the group spearheading the North Carolina campaign.


* * * * *


My friend, even if you've already given to support NOM's efforts across the country this week, will you please help Vote for Marriage NC by making an emergency gift of $5,000, $1,000, $500, $100, $50 or whatever you can afford right away?

Donate now

Our generous donor has promised that the funds we raise for the campaign
will count toward fulfilling his matching grant.

Even better, I promise to match every dollar you give in response to this email in support of marriage in North Carolina.

Every single dollar you donate will go directly toward saving marriage in North Carolina.

Special thanks to all of you who have been part of the incredible outpouring of support we've had since yesterday's email.

But we still have a long ways to go to reach our goal of $200,000.

Will you make one URGENT gift right away to help Vote for Marriage North Carolina
defend marriage against an all-out assault by the left?

Thank you.

Australian Catholic Archdiocese Mobilizing to Protect Marriage

From the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia's Life, Marriage and Family Life Office:

Presently our Federal House of Representatives is considering proposals that would redefine marriage to include same-sex couples. As our bishops have reminded us, our society is now at a critical turning point where truth is at stake. Our views are being sought by the Australian Parliament. It is important that we take this opportunity to express support for marriage between a man and a woman.

The points below are offered to assist you in responding to the inquiry.

... While affection between a married couple is important, those feelings alone do not provide a sufficient reason for governments to be involved. Regulating matters of the heart is not the business of the state. Rather, it is precisely because of the natural link between the intimate relationship of man and woman with bearing and nurturing children – the future citizens on whom society depends - that legislators should continue to recognise and protect our current definition of marriage.

... Decades of social research bears witnesses to the fact that children are best served when raised in the home of their biological parents. While this may not always be possible, it is no reason to discard the ideal which has served societies for thousands of years.

... Attempting to call “equal” a form of relationship which by definition must deprive a child of his or her relationship with one or both of their natural parents, denies children their rights.

Tory MPs Think Cameron’s Gay Marriage Law Will Not Succeed

The UK Telegraph:

The majority of Conservative MPs believe David Cameron’s same-sex marriage plan is doomed to failure and is a source of deep concern for their constituents.

An all-party poll of MPs found only 56 per cent believed the proposal to legalise same-sex marriage would succeed, with 41 per cent of Conservatives believing it. Almost as many Tory MPs (37 per cent) believed the proposal will fail and 22 per cent said they were unsure, the survey carried out by ComRes found.

It means that three out of five Tory MPs have doubts that the plan will go ahead. By contrast, more than two thirds of Labour MPs and almost all Liberal ­Democrat members polled were confident that it would go ahead.

The poll also found that 60 per cent of MPs did not think that the policy was of “significant importance” to their constituents. Among Tory MPs the proportion rose to 69 per cent.

Human Rights Campaign Quietly Removes Illegally Obtained Tax Information from Website

Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

"We demand that federal authorities immediately launch an investigation into this crime...This is reminiscent of Watergate."—Brian Brown, NOM president—

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — Following the release yesterday of proof by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the source of leaked confidential donor information, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) removed from its website all reference to NOM's un-redacted 2008 1099 tax form, which it had previously posted. The action by the Human Rights Campaign comes within a day of NOM's attorneys contacting them and demanding they remove the material is a clear indication of the seriousness of the criminal activity that has occurred.

"They now realize that they have done something tremendously wrong here or they would not have removed the references," NOM President Brian Brown said today. "A felony has been committed and the Treasury Department must investigate who within the IRS has committed it, and whether people with the Obama Administration or the HRC are co-conspirators in the criminal release of our confidential tax return. We demand that federal authorities immediately launch an investigation into this crime. This is not a routine leak of some obscure document. We're talking about someone in the Obama Administration's IRS releasing to a group headed by President Obama's national co-chair the private tax return containing confidential donor information of their main opponent. This is reminiscent of Watergate, and the American people are entitled to know the truth of what has occurred."

On March 30 The Huffington Post ran NOM's 2008 1099 tax form without redacting confidential donor information. The outlet said it obtained the scanning of the document from the Human Rights Campaign. The president of that organization, Joe Solmonese, is a national co-chair of President Obama's reelection campaign. At press time, The Huffington Post had not removed its scanning of the 1099.

"As we stated in our letter to The Huffington Post, we demand they immediately take down all references to our illegally released tax documents," Brown said.

To view NOM's demand letters to the IRS, HRC and The Huffington Post click here.


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Anath Hartmann, [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

AP: NOM Goes After New Hampshire GOPs Who Betrayed Marriage

The Associated Press:

The National Organization For Marriage is criticizing Republican lawmakers who voted against repealing New Hampshire's gay marriage law in a newspaper ad and looking for people to run against them.

The full page ad New Hampshire newspapers on Friday says the Republicans betrayed the cause of marriage. The ad urges the public to contact the lawmakers and let them know they intend to hold them accountable for their vote. The ad also says the organization is looking for people faithful to traditional marriage willing to run against the lawmakers.

The organization has said it will spend $250,000 in New Hampshire to win repeal of the 2010 law.

Daily Caller Exclusive on Illegal IRS Activity Makes Drudge Report

Matt Lewis of The Daily Caller was given access in advance to our allegations against the IRS, HRC and the HuffingtonPost.

His coverage made the front page of the Daily Caller and the front page of the Drudge Report yesterday:

"It is likely that someone at the Internal Revenue Service illegally leaked confidential donor information showing a contribution from Mitt Romney’s political action committee to the National Organization for Marriage, says the group.

In a letter exclusively obtained by The Daily Caller, the organization has asked the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to “investigate and learn the source of the breach and prosecute those responsible to the fullest extent of the law.” It also provided evidence suggesting the leak might have been the result of “IRS employee misconduct.”

The dispute stems from a March 30 post on the pro-gay Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) website, which boasted that it had obtained documents revealing that Mitt Romney “donated $10,000 to the National Organization for Marriage [NOM] in 2008 …”

NOM argues that such an unauthorized public release of confidential taxpayer information was a clear violation of federal law."

Is There Really A Conservative Case for Gay Marriage? England Expresses Doubts...

Conservatives are expressing increasing doubts about the wisdom electorally of David Cameron's plan to make pushing gay marriage a priority:

Ann Widdecombe has said that she did not campaign for David Cameron “all day, every day in the last general election” so that he could destroy traditional marriage.

The former Cabinet Minister warned that the Government is “determined to press ahead with the removal of the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ in its wholly superfluous introduction of gay marriage”.

And she accused the Government of shrugging off a pro-marriage petition, the largest this Parliament, which has already gathered more than 420,000 signatures.

She also urged more people to make their views known to the Government, saying: “It will listen only when it approves of the response and if it doesn’t then its citizens can shut up and stop pestering.

“Well don’t shut up, go to and sign up.” -- The Christian Institute

NPR: NOM Launches Dump Starbucks Campaign Abroad

A National Public Radio affiliate based out of Seattle (and mirrored at OPB News):

A group that opposes same-sex marriage is taking its boycott of Starbucks to the other side of the world.

The National Organization For Marriage is upset that the Seattle-based coffee chain has come out in favor of legalizing gay marriage in Washington state as well as nationally.

The "Dump Starbucks" campaign got under way last month in the U.S. Now, the group behind the boycott attempt is running an online ad campaign in local languages in the Middle East, Indonesia and China.

Thomas Peters with the National Organization For Marriage says the overseas campaign is meant to make coffee drinkers abroad aware of Starbucks' stance on gay marriage.

"Obviously these are countries that Starbucks is in, but they're also countries that have very traditional views on marriage. So we think that people in these countries should be aware that Starbucks isn't just coffee, it's coffee with an agenda," Peters said.

Amy Rolph, a SeattlePI blogger, also picks up on the report.

Video: The Unique Roles of Mothers and Fathers

Kalley Yanta of the Minnesota Marriage Minute debunks the myth that men and women are no different when it comes to raising children.

"Equality does not mean sameness. Kyle Pruett, M.D. says 'Fathers do not mother' and 'fatherhood [is] a complex and unique phenomenon with huge consequences for the emotional and intellectual growth for children.'"

They're Coming After You Next...Unless We Stop Them!

United for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Over the past several days, you've seen the attacks leveled against marriage supporters—and particularly at the National Organization for Marriage, precisely because the work we are doing has been so effective, and our coalition so vibrant, diverse and dynamic.

Last week, I launched an aggressive fundraising campaign, spurred on by a generous (and angry!) donor who offered to match each and every dollar we could raise before next Tuesday at midnight, up to $200,000.

We are standing up to these attacks, and going on the offensive. If you can help us today, please make your most generous donation right now!

Donate now

I know this donor wanted to send a message to gay marriage activists that their attacks cannot work, and that powerful message has already been reinforced by men like the Reverend Senator Ruben Diaz of New York and Bishop George McKinney, a member of the governing board of the Church of God in Christ, the nation's 5th largest religious denomination. We are standing united!

But this fundraising drive serves another important purpose as well.

These attacks are designed to distract us from our mission, and to waste resources during this critical year. With marriage on the ballot in five states, a presidential campaign that will shape the future of the Supreme Court, and legislative control up for grabs in Congress and in statehouses across the nation, our only limitation will be the number of people standing with us and the funds we have available.

A few wealthy activists spend tens of millions of dollars every year to force same-sex marriage on the American people. Few of us could afford that type of money to save marriage.

But fortunately we don't have to...In just the next few hours, hundreds of thousands of Americans just like you will receive this same message.

If each of us would sacrifice to give just $20, we would reach our goal in no time!

AND REMEMBER—your gift will have DOUBLE the impact due to our matching grant!

Donate now

Right now we're under relentless attacks—that are draining us of critical resources that could be deployed in states and at the federal level to directly affect the future of marriage...

. . . and these bullies think they can get away with it!


* * * * *


My friend, I know in my heart that they are wrong. They can't get away with it, because you and those like you all across the country have stepped up time and time again.

But I urgently need you to stand with us today.

So far, we have raised just $29,672 in this campaign. In order to respond to these latest attacks and continue to be effective throughout 2012, we NEED to reach our goal of $200,000 over the next several days.

I know that a few of you reading this message can afford a gift of $5,000 or even $10,000 or more. If that is you, please consider what you can do to help at this pivotal moment.

But we're all on the hook, responsible for how we use whatever resources we have.

If we stand united, we cannot be stopped. But if we don't, our opponents will silence us one at a time until there is no one left to speak for marriage. So whether it's $20 or $20,000, it's important that we stand together in this battle.

And I promise you this: NOM is one of the nation's leanest and most effective advocacy organizations. Every dime that we raise will be put to use in the most effective way possible. There are few things I value more than the trust you have placed in me to be your spokesman for marriage, and the responsibility to use your gifts wisely is a sacred trust.

I need to ask you again: Please stand with us today by making a generous and sacrificial gift to support NOM's work.

Donate now

Every dollar you give will instantly have twice the impact...

$30 will become $60
$50 will become $100
$100 will become $200
and $500 will become an incredible $1,000!

You and I simply cannot stand on the sidelines and let these radicals forcibly subdue us and suspend our fundamental rights and freedoms. You and I must hold them accountable.

Two Challengers For Flip-Flopper Sen. Grisanti – So Far

Capital Tonight on YNN:

Tonawanda attorney Kevin Stocker created a campaign committee today for a run in the 60th Senatorial District, which is currently represented by Republican Sen. Mark Grisanti.

According to the filing, Stocker, a Republican who ran a close race against Democratic Assemblyman Robin Schimminger in 2010, is serving as his own treasurer.

Stocker is a private practice attorney who served as deputy attorney for the Town of Tonawanda from 1993 to 2006. He’s something of a perennial candidate, having run unsuccessfully for various state and local offices on several occasions.

...Stocker has been talking about a challenge to Grisanti since at least early last month, when he told the Tonawanda News that Grisanti, a former Democrat, had failed to keep his word to voters when he crossed the aisle last summer to vote “yes” on same-sex marriage.

Grisanti is already facing one challenger: Former Democratic Erie County Legislature Chairman Chuck Swanick, who has been endorsed by the Erie County Conservative Party and also has the backing of the National Organization for Marriage.